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Any reference to the killinj; oí republk-an postmastera in Mississippi or Alabama or elsewhere in the South is called "waving the bloody shirt." I appears to be a very bloody shirt indeed There are some republican senators who appear to be afraid of the dcmocrat ie minority. They ought to immediatelj resign and give place to men who an courageous enough to do wliat thej kuow to be right. One republican postmaster in Mississ ippi shot and killed, and another a day or two after in Alabama, " induced to resiga" is the proud ? southern ree ord of Laat week. The Memphia Appeal saya that f tli fair election lull ia passed by Congres the South will resort to arms. Let then do su. Most people can remeinber thei attempt at that little game just thirt years ago. It was not a success. -The editor of the North Adam New irrites enitorials in latin. The editor of the Ami Arlxir Courier does not writ# In a deud lan guage, but hu writee very dcad matter.- Adn an Press. That same dead matter has a ver enlivening effect apon the editor of th Press, and keeps him dancing a fre trade jig in the most approved style a l Mills. In the days of sturdy ( reneral Grai the demócrata called the appointment o a relative (no matter how distant) to a office, "nepotism." Now that the dem ocratic state oilicers are foistinj; thei entire line of relativos apon the state, is simply "providing for one'a family. Ah ! IIow changed ! Píate glass can now be bought fo aboutone-third lessthan it could in 186 wheu a tariff of 58 per reut. was place upon it. Wliv? Becauae we manufac ture what we consume now, and the we bought what we consumed froi European mannfacturers. If "the t;n iff is a tax " would not píate glasfl be 5 per opnt. higher than when the tariff wa levied? The death of Emtna Abbott, th plucky little American songstresa, o Monday moraing, at Balt Lake City, o pneumonía, will be read of witli regre bythousands of ourcitizens. Her suecess in life was the result of a persistent struggle with poverty, and a grand exatnple of what pluck will do. She rag about forty years of age, and hor home was at Peoria, 111. If the president of the United States has the power to appoint a postmaster in any state in this Union, he has the power to protect that appointee by the strong arm of the government, and the sooner he exercises that power the better for every citizen of the United States. Is it not a shame that this government, 80 strong to protect its own citizens abroad, is powerless to protect them at home ? By reading the cablegrama from London one would be lead to think that the United States would be obliged to give up all her rights in the seal flsheries of Behring sea, or fight from the word go. 8he will be obliged to do neither. The position taken by this government is right, and will not be receded from one iota. England will not flght either, brag and bluster all she may. The past experience with England, however, does not have a tendeney to make our people ghiwer very much over the outcome if we should have a fight. Dispatches from Montgomery, Ala., tato that "the postmaster at Catharine, la., has reaigned and there has been o trouble and nobody hurt there." But irther on it told of a shooting-scrape tween "men not known upon one sido ml Varón and Beverly Bruce, white remblieans, upon the other." The Bruces lave also left the place, to save their vos. The last election is indeed makxg the political butchers of the south ery liold. Uncle Sani's bayoneta imlcln't be a bad thing for the savages f that section of the country. Before the withering breath of demoratic freo trade can possibly destroy ,he business of this eouutry the tin plato ndustry will be firmly established. Tin hite is already being made here, and oou immense faetones will be in operaion at Pittsburg, New York, Cleveland, 'hicago and elsewhere, giving employment to thousands of workmen and keepng at home millions of dollars annually aid to foreign countries for tin plate. Vnd the farmer'a milk pan and the laorer's dinnerpail will be cheaper than ever before. All because of the McKiney bill. Silver or greenbacka are good enougb for lemocrats. - Adrián Prees. Indeed ! Glad to hear it ! It was uot i great ways back in history that greentacka were not good enough for BOme lemocrats. They were "Lincoln skins," "republican rags," "a promise to pay without anything to back it," and so on. The democratie party as a party fought the issue of greenbaCks by the government declaring the law that brought them into existence "unconstitutional," uul the republican congreas that authorzed their issue, and the republican offi■ials who issued them "usurpers" and 'tyrants." Gold, and only gold was wantod by demócrata then. Don't renember anything abont it, do you, Bro. 'rcss ? It is convenient to forget some tlrings. Those who attended the last banqueof the Republican Club at Detroit will remember the graphic description given by Senator Frye of the murder of Print Matthews in Mississippi because he voted a republican ticket. In another column Avill le found an account of the killing of Print Matthews' son, a young man about 21 years of age, for the simple, solé and only reasou that he held the postmastership of Carrollton, Miss., as a republican. The demócrata had held a meeting there and resolved that no one but a demoerat should hold that office. The sheriff of the couuty took all arms away from Matthews, and theu saw him shot down in cold blood by a cowardly doK who had been deputed to do the bloody deed. Such is the late of all who daré to be republicana in the Southern states of thia Union, and these are the men who seek to gain control of this goyernment again. Will the Farmers' Alliance be a tootstool for them?


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