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The total receipts at the county treasurer's office for December were $14,263.17; disbursements $13,773.04. Those in the back seats at University hall did not have to look over the tops or dodge their visión around the sides of many ladies' hats or bonuets. The Ladies' Library Association will bring out on the evenings of Jan. löth and löth, at the opera house, the wonderfully pleasing entertainment of Ben Hur. There will be uuion services at the M. E. clmrch next Sunday evening, led by the varions young people's sooieties of the city. It will be an interesting affiiir. Services for the week of prayer villl)e held this evening at tlie M. E. church, Thursday evening at the Baptist church and Friday evening at the Presbyterian church. Harry M. Hawley fornierly of this city, and at one time on the Register, has purchased the Kocky Mountain News, at Denver, Col., paying $175,000 for the same. Chas. Dunn, of the Fifth Ward, an old soldier and member of Welch Post, G. A. R., has been appointed to a clerkahip in the post office, commenciug with Januarv lst. Unless you attend conventions, meetings, etc, in groups of ten and npwardfl, you cannot secure any reduced rates from Michigan railroads. They have shut down on reduced rates. If you do not need the little slip enclosed in your paper this week please hand it to your neighboi and ask hiin or her to invest a $1 that will come back to the investor a hundred Fold. Last Friday night the residence of Mrs. Curtis, on W. Huron street, was broken into and the house ransacked, hut how mucli was taken is not known, as she is absent from home in Louis ville. Some miscreantcut down a handsome evergreen tree on Will Geretner'a place onMiller ave. It ia supposed that it was used for a Christmas tree. If Will could flnd out who did it, he would make him a Christmas present. Pat Eooney has a doublé traveliug with him, and Saturday eVening the audience iu the opera house was completoly fooled by hitu. They all thought the fellow who wasn't Pat was Pat. It was a pretty pat joke. The society of the Methodist church Monday eveuing elected as trustees John Ferdon, Dr. McLachlan, A. J. Kitson and J. E. Beal. The flnancial report shows that over $4,100 was raised and expended last year. The commercial eourse of the High School is attainlng considerable importance because of the thorough and complete eourse it gives in practical studies. It ñts a student to go into business, to figuro out transactiona and to keep books. It is one-half cheaper than a course in a regular commercial college which in run to make money, and far more thorough. There is given what the poople are crying for - asolid, practical, business edu catión. Ice cutting is going on at a rapid rate just now. The M. C. R. K. is cutting and Bhipping about sixty car loads a day from the Cornwell pond; E. V. Hangsterfer is fllling his immense ice houses from the Swift pond, and besides these are the Andrés ice houses, the severa! breweries, the inent markets, and many private houses being lillod. The ice is from six to eight inches thick, aud is said to be of excellent quality. The vvork gives employment to many hands. The CouRiER and the American Econsmist one year for $2. Jeff Davis is a strong candidato for anitor at the State capítol and is quito ïure of getting there. The Temperance Union will hold a gospel meeting in Cropsey's hall next 3unday at 3 o'clock p. m. Clarence W., the infant son of John W. and Edna Turner, of Webster, died on Monday, of lung troublc. The electric light at the corner of E. Aun and División streeta shono out for the flrst time last night, and it met grateful eyes. Tho handsome rooms over the Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank have been rented by Chas. II. Kline, who will occupy them for a law oflico. Ransom Townsend, of Superior, who has taken the Courier since its start, was in the city Saturday to encourage the paper on another year of prosperity. If railroads hold to their detennination not to give reduced rates to conventions, etc, will it not injure the prospect for the national encampment at Detroit next August .' On Sunday morning Last Mrs. C. Fritz of W. Huron st., died of neuralgia of the heart, aged 61 years. Funeral services wero held Monday afternoon from the farnily resideuce. John F. Lawrence, Esq., of this city had an invitation to aecompauy Judge Brown and party to Washington D. C, last week, but was unable to accept because of business at home. The Dexter Leader appeared on Jan. 2nd in a new fortn, having discarded the folio for a (luarto. It is now a five-column paper and as of yore contains all the ne ws. Here's to its continued prosperityOn New Year's eve as Bishop Gillespie was attending a watch meeting in St. Mark's Church in Grand Rapids, he was seized with hajmorrhage, but it was stopped before becoming very dangerous. Willie Miley, a lad about 12 years old, had his leg so badly injured by the cars in the M. C. yards Saturday that amputation became necessary. Drs. Breakey and Nancrede performed the painful operation. It coat this county for the mouths of October, November and December, $583.26 to support its patieuts at the Eastern Michigan Insane asylum at Pontiac ; the sum of $48.20 was paid the Michigan Asylum for Insane crimináis at Ionia. J. J. Robisonleftlfor Hillsdale, Monday to examine, in behalfofthe AnnAror merubers, the books of the Hillsdale Mutual Benefit Association, it being the innoal meeting of that society. The Hillsdale has about 100 members here, md is paying its losses promptly. The Michigan Almanac for 1891, published by the Detroit Tribune, is one of the most complete, excellent and condeused handbooks given to the people of Michigan. Tlie information eontained within its leaves is necessary in every countiiiii room, yes, on every desk in the state. It is a wliole library for 25 cents. Two or three trips have been made by the motor and cars of the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Street R. R. Co., but the working of the motor has proven so unsatisfactory that it is thought it will be rejected eutirely unless the defects can be remedied. Everythini will be made aatisfactory before regular trips are made, and hen it is all completed it is certain that every one will be glad that the road has boeu built. New Years Day was indeed a gloomy one. It commenced raining the night previous and kept it up almost without interruption all the day through. Xo one was stirring and it was truly an indoor day. The fine roads that have been enjoyed for some weeks were thawed out and broken somewhat, but the freeze-up of the night following saved tlicin from getting into serious eondit ion . The lecture by Mr. Stanley last evening was listened to with marked attention. The usual restlessness of the average Ann Arbor audience was not very apparent, and Mr. Stanley can natter himself that he not only entertained his hearers better than the average lecturer, but that he drew the largest audience any lecturer ever drew who has come under the auapices of the Assoiation. The work on McMillan Hall, for the fappan Guild, continúes right along notwithstanding the manner in which Jack Frost pinches the workmen's hands and flngers. It is quite ünusual to see workmen laying hrick sueh weather as we have been having, hut it can he seen any day here, and the roof is gradually rising and assuming its gothic shape. Every day almost brings something ncw out iii the design. The usual services at the Presbyterian church Bunday eveniug were dispensed witli and the yoarly reports of all the depaitmenta of the society were read showing a very prosperous condition of affaire. Over $3,000 were raisei for the running expenses and $1,500 for benovolent purposes. The choren was eased by 105 new inetnbers. lts Young People'e Bocietj has a member ship of 150 members, and a regular at tendance of 200 at its Sunday evening meetings. This society deserves grea credit for its present success, and its con stunt development of true Christiai character. Jeff. Davis' mother who lives in Kcntucky celebrated her 107th birthday last Xow Ycar'a day. Thirteen persons entered the Presbyterian church last Sunday, one of whom was a Bulgarian. On Monday evening, January 12, the iinimal meeting of the Unitarian Society wil! be held at the church. At 8 : 30 there will be a supper, and at 7 : 30 a social gathering in the parlorg with reports from the pastor, trustees, studcnts Bible class, Sunday school, Unity Club, Ladies' Union, King'sDaughters, Library committee, etc. County Treasurer Brehm settled with the superintendents of the poor last S a t - urday, for the previous three nionths. Balance on hand October lst, 1890, $4,263.98; amount received since that date $152,30 ; amount of orders paid $1,307,27, leaving a balance on handJan. 1, of $3,109.01. The check sent out by the Farmers' and Mechanic's Bank on January lst signed by cashier Fred H. Belser, drawn on the "Bank of Prosperity," for 305 Happy Days, was a very pretty conceit, and very appropriate. Every recipiënt would be glad to have that check cashcd by Father Time. Mts. Lizzie Baldwin, widow of the late Chas. Baldwiu, formerly of this city, and a neice of Mrs. J. T. Swathel of this city, died at Leadville, Col., recently, and the remains were brought to this city for interment, last Monday. She was 36 years old, and heart failure was the disease. The Literary Adelphi will give the following musical program in room 24, main building, Friday evening, Jan. 9. Admission f ree. Piano Solo Miss Da vla Vocal Solo Mr. st. James Banjo ■ Mell lllllespie Delta Beta Delta Quartette. Guitar Duette Messrs. Butzel and Krolic Vocal Solo MissCramer Flute Mr. Lloyd Banjo Mell (jlllespie The banjo music was composed especially for tliis occasion by Mr. üillespie. The crush in the corridors at the TTniversity hall last evening was something very intense. Those who had never been squeezed before in their lives got a good squeezing then. It is wonderful how some of the ladies got through with the breath of lite in their body. One lady lost her bonnet, another her rubbers, another had her muflf carried away in tlie cruah, hut all were happy when they got inside and obtained good seats. Rev. .T. T. Sunderland will begiu ncxt Sunday morning, January 11, a course of flve serinons, on "The Doctrine of a Future Life." The eubjects of the sermons will be : 1. Proposed Substitutos fora Future Life, or "Iminortality In ttiis World." ". Supposi'il ScientificObjectionstoa Kuture Life. 8. Hints and Poregleams trom Science and Elsewhere of au order of existenee higher than the present order. 4 Probabtlitles and Evklences of a Future Life. 5. Nature and Condltionsof a Future Life, Retribution, Hcaven, Heil. The following from the Battle Creek Journal will be of interest to the friends of Clem. Thompson, a tonner resident here, now city recorder of BattleCreek : Married on ivew Years, at the home of the sister of the bride, the residence of Jay Everett, Esq., in Chelsea, Michigan, by the Rev. D. H. Conrad, Mr. Clement R. Thompson of Battle Creek city and Lottie Smith Watktna of Kedlands, S;iu Bernardino county, California. The Journal takes occasion to extend its most cordial felicitations to our genial and popular Recorder and lus aclished bride on the auspicious eveni which marked their celebration of the New Year. In these congraulations our eitizens yñl universally join and alo in wishing a long and happy life to lie wedded pair. Froin the Hampshire Gazette ani Northampton (Mass.) Courier of a recent iate, handed us by J. L. Babcock, Ksij. are several notices in regard to Lyman D. James and family, who are so well known here. The first tells of the death of Henry Field a brother of Mrs. James aud also of Marshall Field the greatChiago merchant prinee, which occarred on the 220 of December at Chicago. The next item tells of the burning of the louse of Senator Norton Chase, of Alany, X. Y., on the lOth of Deo. Senator Chase is a son-in-law of H. L. iames formerly of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman D. James spent the holiday aeason with their daughter Mrs. Gillett it Iludson, N. Y. On New Yeaxs night tliere was given at Granger's hall, on State street, a 'ancy dresa party that will be long reinemberel by those participating. It was giveu by Ethel Morris, Clarence Vaogfaan, Ray Brown, Roger Morris, Harry Brown, Donald dePont, AValter Vaughan, and Harry dePont, to their little friends, and was a ni' ist thoroughly enjoyable affair. There were costumes representing many of the familiar characters of song and story. There were cavaliers and sailors and gypsies and anti fairies - in f;ict the httle ones werc nearly all fairies - and Japanese maidens, and Mother Goose, and Little Bo Peep, and Uncle Sam in his traditional costume, Evening and Morning, and little girk and boya with beautiful costumes representing'so many and varied characters fchat pui pencilcould not note them all. And they danced the dances of the day; the waltzes, the polkas, the schottischo, and also gave the Virginia Reel and then the minuet of our grandmother'e days, and the older people were quite as delighted with the scène as were the little ones who were participating.


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Ann Arbor Courier