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At Fullerton, Neb., Fire Destroyed

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eight business houses. Thebe were 10,907 business failures in the United States during the yea 1890, against 9,882 in 1889. The tota liabilities wtjre $189,000,000, ugains $148,000,()00 in L889. Tin: losses bj fire in the United Statei for the year L890 were 8108,412,694 againsi $1 18,903,570 in L889. iMiMMi the year L890 there were 10legal executions in thi ! nü d !1 ttes against '.is n 1889. The number o Lynchings rere L86, against 179 the pre vious year. The thermomel r registered S0 de grees below zero at Fairfleld, .Me., on the 3)st uit. Tiiükk masked menrobbed the Amer ican Express Company at Albia, ia., oj $800. They bound and gagged the ag-ent, I'. I). Purdy. A BAii.v on R. M. Patrick's f arm near Marengo, 111.. was burned, and ninetynine head of cmvs perished in the flamea Crazkd by jealousy and excessive drinking Leo Klein, oí' Chicago, 04 years oíd, fatal ly shot his wife and then killec hiraself. The Wallaoe County Bank at Abilene Kan., closed its door-, u-ith liabilities of $45,000 and assets of ÍH0.000. The house of Seott Thompson (col ored) near Bayboro, N. C, was burnec during the abwtu.e of himself and wife, and thcir tive childrcn and two grandchildren perished in the flaines. STATI8TICS show that 871,593 steerage passenger were landed at New York during 1890, against S13,22 during the year 188SI. There were 9!),l89eabinpassengera landed, against 90,tiS6 ia 1889. Two Stkikk and his band of hostile Indians broke awuy from the Pine Ridge agency on the 31st uit. and started for the lïad Lands. Four men were instantly killed and three fatally hurt by the explosión of a blast near Leroy, N. Y. A at Keachi, La. , dcstroyed the Masonie hall, the post-otlice and several stores. The People's National Bank at Fayetteville, N. C, closed its doors with liabilities of $100,000; assets unknown. The numberof suicides in the United States the year 1890 was 2,640, against 2,:!i4 in the year 188. The number of murders was 4,200, against 3,567 during1 the pn-vious year. Peteb IÍRKZKD1NK, of Litchfield, Ky., explored the ('ave of One Hundred Domes, locatod noar Mammoth cave, in Kentucky, and claiind to have discovered the muminiSed bodies of 2,000 persons. The new portion of the Clinton (N. Y.) prison was burned, causing a loss of ftiOO.000. Fi.amks among business houses at Augusta, ia.. caused a loss oí $100,000. Dukin'O 1SD0 Colorado mines procluced 839,881,384, divided as follows: Silvor, $-30,259,906; gold, $4,512,136; lead, 84,749,852; eopper, 359,440. The supply of ívoí,l n the United States was Bgnred at 93,819,883 pounds, against 9S 28,(i9 pounds on January 1, 1890. I)rni(, the year 1890 the deaths were reported of -10 mombers and ex-members of Conirress, 76 journaliste and 96 centenaria ns. A. enginc on tlie lïaltimore & Ohio railroad col lid cd with a coal train at I'arkersbury. VV. Va., fatally injuring five men. lx the Dnited States the business failures dnring the 9 endedon the a rainal :;:;:! the preeeding corresponding week lasi year. Two SHOCK8 oí earthqrtöke were ex"i Francisc) on the !1 Tall buildings roeked a wire thrown from shelves. The shock was general all over ths ? 1 ivk men wcre instantly killed by the bursting of a eylrader head on the towboat Annie [loberts at Portsmonth. O. A FIBB on Broadway, New York. desti'oyed a black of buildings, ine.luding the l-'iith Avenue and Trof. llerrmann's theaters. Total loss., fcr.00,000. DuRJNG a wind-storm at Abilene, Kan., the rooi' of oAe of the Kpiscopa] churches was blown away, a niuuber ol houses were unroofed and othera were blown ofl foundations. CiirfCF Justice deeided at Atlanta, lia., tliat roiigious deniominations raust sell their eliurches, if necessarv, to pay tlieir pastors. It was reported on the 2d that in a skirmish with Fmlians at Graas creek, in Nebraska. fonrtecn soldiers and two Indiana were killed. It was said that Oeneral Miles had hemmed in the Indians near l'ine Ridge agoncy, in South Pakota, and tlicv wou ld have to fight or surrender. In Chicago 2,31913 cattle and 5.733,082 liogs were slauhtered during 1890, against, respectively. 1,76:,310 and 4,211,777 in the previous year. The report of the building department shows that $59,000,000 were invested in new buildings in Chicago in 1890. John Clark beeame insane at Lima, O., and wounded his vvife an axe and ent his throat. Both would die. Mks. Gkoroe BAIN, who lived near frwin, Pa., drowned herself in a well on the 2d. Her daughter recently became insane and her husband died in a nad-house. In their weekly review of trade a ísew York business agency reported that business in manv lines last year sui-passed that of any previous year. CHARLB8 Beale, anegi-o, was lynched at Chilton, Tex, l'or murdering a woinan, and a neyro and a white man were ynehed in Neshoba County, Miss., for robbery. Two MEN, a woman and a boy wer jurned to death by a fire in the Avenue Iotel at Corsieana, Tex. The statement of the public debt isBued on the 2d showed the total debt to be 81,1541,871,198; cash in the Treas117,1631,868,844; debt less cash in the rreasury, (863,430,541. Deerease durn December, (11,005,398. Deerease bincc.liine 30, 1890, 835,637,404. The nnmber of deattta reported in iciv York City daring the year 1S90 a,ggTegated 40 ;".i, aguinst 89,583 in 1SS9 trid 40,175 in 18S8. Thk larg-e ïnanufacturing establishment of tlie Oliio Kuggy Company at Columiii'.. ., was bumed. Loss, $175,000. Hen pecked - Corn. Good security - Pistóle. "Wou't work" - Tramps. Shows its teeth - The eaw. 'J'lie cut direct - Ampiitatlon. A long sentence - Twenty years. Matliematical reptiles- Adders. Speaks for ltself - The phODOgraph. "Jïothing in lt"- The vacant cliair. Have winning ways - Bookmakers. Not a professional Miller - Warren. '"Put up or shut up" - The umbrella. "A good latherlne 8 the iirst requisite of a good shave." It is also the best tbing for a bad shaver. - N. Y. Herald. A South Orante man calis hls dog Waterbury bccuuse he is a watch-dog and cost only $5. - Commercial Advertiser. A man who boughtTolstoi's latest book was greatly disappointed in it, because it wasn't Sonata a3 lie expected to flnd it. - Texas Siftings. One of the most eftVctive social restraints that were ever tlirovrn around a boy is the old-fashioned twisted cow-hide painted blue. - Dallas News. "19 there nothing capable of exciting your enthusitism?" "No I am sorry to say I once feit enthusiastic about something, and eight weeks afterwards that something became my wife!" - Jury. "I don't believe in allowing domestica to get the upper hand. I inake my servant keep her place." "You are lucky. Ouis never does for more thn thne weeks." - American Grocer. Wife - I'tn writing to Mrs Van Courtlandt Lake, dear; shall I put iu u word from you ? Husband - That woman makes me deadly tired. Give her my kindest regards, of course. - Puck.


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Ann Arbor Courier