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Scribner's Magazine

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A RELIABLE FAMILY NEWS PAPER. Thatis the Carácter AlniostUniversally aivento The Wbbkly Intbr Qcb&jí. So (jreat Is lts popularity that íor years it bes had the LAHQEST CIRCTJLATION of any Chicago weuAiy növspaper. It ís abiy and carefuHy edi;ed i': e-veiy department with a special view to lta lisef uiness in THjJ HOME, THE WORKSHOP, and THE BUüIUilSS OFFICE. It is a C;oí?5iste!jt Iepublieai) ffeuspaper, Butdlacussesall public questions candidly and ably. While It givas !airtreatmentto politícal opponems, i-.iü b:tter!y ÓPPOSED TO TRUSTS AND MONOPOLIES as antaaonistic tobothpubüc aud piivats intere3ts. THE LITERARY DEPARTMENT cl the paper is exceJlent, and has amona lts contrlbutors so:ne ot til MOST POP UI-AR AUTHORS cí the day. TheFOEEKN ANB DOMESTIC COHRBSPOKDENCE, SERIAL AND SHORT STORIES are tta equal oí tboss oí any similar publication in the country. TÏ6 Yoatü's Department, Cnriosity Slop, Woiaa's Kingdom, ♦ and # Toe Home ARE N THEMSELVES EQUAT. TO A MAGAZINE. In addition to all this the NEWS OF THE WORLD is given In lts columns eyery week. In all departments it ia caiefully editad by competent men employed lor that purpose. THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEÁR. THE SEMI-WEEKLT IKTEE OCEAN is published each Monday and Xiiursday morning, and is an excellent publication íor tüoee wiio can not BecirO a daily paper reaulaily and are not saüsCei vriti: a weekly. THE PRICE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $2.00 PER YEAR By Special Arrangement with the Publlsñers o That Magazine and The Weekly ínter Ocean are Both Sont to Subscribers One Yearfor Two Dollars andNinety Cents. TES CEST3 LESi TH AS THE PEICE OF THE MAGAZKE ALOKK. L1BESAL COMMISSIONS oiver. to active aaenta. SAMPLE COPIES sent henever aaked lor. Addxesa all orciers THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.


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