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Ia The Greatest Blood Purifieri KNOWN. ff I Tliis Great Germán Medicine Is the#. II oheapest and best 128dosesof SIT,- I PHUltBlTTKIiSforil.OO.lesslhan 'L II one cent a ilose. Jt will cure tlieij U1 J Q worst cases of skin disease, (i-om rn a common pimple on the tiwcm f "■ T1 to that awful disenso Sorofula.# Ó1 I I.Sfl.l'in II BITTERS is tívM 2 llbcst medicino to use iu ntf Ijl cases of such stubborn aiidyour Kid III ll'l.rp foatecl diseases. Do#nevsareout II Uuüt over tako #ofo"rder.Uselll BLUE PILLS sui'iiURQ Iormercury.they ave 1( T V l'l-lco vour trust in#yo" " li'k.nolll SjLP HüWb "iTTERs'y"" Hat uUal I the pureat and bestyu us0 medicine ever made .. ƒ gjU, JÜUerg M U with a yellov6tickyj#Don't walt until yOTi M Hl Bnbatance? Isyour#are unablutowiilk,or lbreath foul andMarc flat on your back, Illoffeneivc? YcHirJrbiitgct some at once, ít III I II stomnoh i=! out#will euro you. Sulpliurl 19 Mofortler. Use#Bitters U 3 SLiIuiin:KsTie Inralid's Frïend. g Ilmmc-iliutclyTho yomif:, tlie nged ami fS Is your JTtering are smh madewell by III ine thicllifus use. lii'membcr wliat you II ropy, clo-rrrad here, it may eave your II udy, orJfUfe, it lias savcd &■ 4rl)oii't wait uutil to-morrow. f ïry a Bottle To-day! Q IS' ff Are you low-spiritcd and woak.ljl 3 Jwov Biififorloff from the cxi-t'sst's oflll #voutli? If so, SULPHUH BlTXEHsll Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordway t Co., Boston. Mass., tor best medical wort puunshedr GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1S78. Ï. Baker & Cos tBreakfast Gocoa from which the excess oí oil has been removed, is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore f ar more economical, costing Ies3 than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in Lealth. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. ■ HARS B"7l#ran WnrnediitourïïEWlineofvrork, 5 ■ S_ I ownl.aliti-f.wh-r,verthcyliv.-.A„r III VlVhl I onerando tb orfc. Easy to letra. We furnish everylhinp. We stort yon. No risk. You ca devoto jour ipI mitneniB, or al! your linie to the work. Thii in an i.'iitiri-iy n pw Icuil.rmd britifïs w ondri tul succeen tu every wurker. lirtriiiiicrs are eariiing from #"Jö to (0 perwwk ami upwnrdt, and more after& ] i ti le experirncc. We can furnith you the emplovmentand trach y nu HiKK. No apnceto czplain here. Full infortnutiun KlttK. 'Tltl'F A ., AlÜLülA, JU1KK. THIS PAPER ssyK?. ■ IIIW I ffll kil Kowell A Cos Kewspapet Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce Street) ,where ad ■■■■■■■ %##%nt# tisiiiRcfmtractsmay MiiU VIIUh 1)8 made tor lt llClf IUIlla usïTdrraig's ORIGINAL KIDNEY ND L1VER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are cmly Safe Remedies to use íor those afflicted with Bright's Disease, Liver Coinplaint and Urinary Affections. Only tliose prepared in the dry korm are the original and the only Kidney and Liver Cure tliat will restore you to perfect hualth. AI.L LADIES USE JfcS. -ET.. UTA.. SOLD BY ALL DBÜÍ3ISTS. THE CRA1G MEDICINE CO., PASSAIO, N. J. 150 DOSES 01TE DOLLAR. T!FF LITERATURE FOR ALL The A MrRiCAN Ptioteotive Tariff Leagub 1p imbiishing1 a most vuluable series of Tariff documenta. These are prepared with a view to state the facts and argumente for Protection, whether in the interest of farmers, laborers, merchante or professional men. Each issue of the series appeals to those enL'ajred in separate industries, and presents indisputable facts - comparisons of wages, cost of living, and other argumente showing the benetita of Protection. Any single one will be sent on reoeipt of 2 cents in stampa except " Wages, Living and TarittV1 which will besent for 4 cents. The whole list will be sent for 30 oentsor any twelve tor 20 cents, or any flve for 10 cents, postume pfïid. Order by number. 'O. PAQttS. 1- " Wages, Liv ; , td Tariff." E. A. HabtsHou 104 %- "The Aü....(o.. ui n I'rotectlve TarlfT to the Laour uu.4 lmlustrles of the Uuited btates." Kirst Tizt; Kssuy, ih87. CrawfordD. Henninu 32 - " Home Productlou Iudispeusable to a Supply, at Low Prices, of the Manufacturad Commodities requlred for the People of tbe Unittd States, and Adequate llome Productton of these Commodities Imposible wltüout a l'rotectlve Tariff." First I'rize Essay, 1S88. C. D. Todd 32 4k-" Whatare Raw Materials ? Would Froe Ruw Materials be AdTantageous to the Labor and IuduotrlB of the United States." First Prlze Kssay, 18!. Homeh R. DÏbrll 32 6- "Fallacles of Free-Trade." E. 1'. Mnxi;it... 3 tJ- " öome Views on the Tariff by an Old HusluessMan." üeo. Dxupsb 32 7- "The Proteclive Tarïlï : lts AdvantaKCB tor the fouth." CL. t-DWAJiDS 82 8- "TheWool Interest." JudK Wm. Lawuknce 21 y- "Protection vs. Free-Truüc."- A Iiistoritjul Review. D. (i. IlAititiMAN 20 10- "The Farmer and the laritT" Col. Thomas H. DUDLKY 16 11- ■ Protection as a Public Poilcy ." Geoiuïe S. bOUTWELL 16 12- "Reply to the PrePldent's Free-Trade Message." R. 1'. PoRTEtt 8 IR- "Worklngmen and the 'larlff." 8 1- "The Vital yuestion : ShdliAnierlcan Industries be Aoanduned and American Markets Surrendered ? 8 15 - Samt in Germau, with Additlon 8 16-" The Progresa of une Hundred Years." ROBERT P. PORTKR 8 17 - "Protection for American Shlpplnp." 8 18- 'The Tariff Nota Tax." Homf.rU. Diheij... 8 19-" Why Irishmen Should l.e Protectionists." 8 20- ' Protection." E. H. Amhidown i 21-' What is a Tartff ? " Answers to a Worklngman's Questlon 1 22- "The American Wool Industry." E.H. AmMIDOWN 8 23- "Wiises and Coat of Living." J. D. Weeks, i -I- "Southern Farmlng Industries." i 26- "A Short Talle to worküigmeu." 2 ij- " Protection and the Farmer." Senator S. Jt. CULLOM 12 Tne Amf.rican Economist, weefely, devoted to tie dlBotiHfilon yf all phases of the Tariff question. 2 ayear Sample i-opls free. Addrcsa American Protectfve Tarín Leaie. 23 W. ü3d St.. New York. The Coüriku and the American Economist one year for $2.00. The Famon' l Manies' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SU2FLU3 $10,000. AËitioilLiaffifiesofStóliolta $5O,OOO. Report of tha condttlan ol the PAEMERS mm iiamcs' hank at Ann Arbor, Mie at llie close of business, Dec. L9, i il itCES. Loansand dlscounta $2:o,ioi 80 Stocks, bands, mortgages, etc 7i. Overdrafts 1459 89 Due (rom banks In reserve cltieS Due frotn other imnks and bankers.. 6,959 ot Due from Washtenaw County 28,226 60 Furniture and öxtures 8,500 u Current expenses and taxespald i.nit 59 Interest paid 3,110 48 Checks and cash Items 99939 Nickel mui pennles 253 93 Gold 6.702 50 Silver 1,720 15 U. S. und National Bank Notes 5,(100 00 Total $375,517 70 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus fuud. 10,000 00 proflta 9,917 21 Commercial deposits.. 255,305 14 Savings deposita 49,825 71 Due to banks und bankers 409 ü4 Total.. $876,517 70 STATE OF MICHIGAN, ) County of Washtenaw, ) s8I, F. H. BEL8ER, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do aomenly sweiir that the tibove statement is true, to the beBt of mv kiiowledge and belief. P. II. BEL8EB, Cashier. .Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 30th day of December, 1890. VM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Ocerect- Attest : Chas. K. Ureene, Keuben Kenipf, D. F. Schairer, Directory. lliu MlllclS öl lUöüildlliüo Ddill haring died their certifícate with the State Banking Departnent ere now anthorized to do business &s a Savings Bank, and in purauanoe therèof llave opencd a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the saylnffS department on all deposits of il and upwards, Interest paid June lt uiid Dec. lst, of cacti year. The savinsis dcpartiiicnt is open Saturday nlghta from 7 until 8 o'clock. Money to loan iu sums of $25 to $5,000 seoured by unenenmbered real estáte or approved securities. DIRECTORS- Reuben Kempf, Chas. E. Greene, E. DutTy, Ambrue Kearnei, Win. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakey, .1. E. lieal, John Burg, D. Y. Schairer. R. KEMPF, Pres. E. DUFFY, Yiee-Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUK MICHIGAN FURHITURE CO. OF ANN ARBOR, MICH., OJST J"A.]Sr"ü"JA-E.3 1, 1891. Made as Requlrad hy tiiu1. RESOUKCES. Merchandise, Lumber, flnished and unlinished work on hand as per Inventory $19,921 46 Real Estáte 1;,339 38 Mnchinery and Tools 4,475 15 I Kook Accounts 19,380 12 Cash on hand - 6,382 52 $ti3,498lÏ3 I.IAIÍII.ITIES. Capital Stock $40.000 00 Surplus Fund 16,333 52 Dividend due January 10 4,01)0 00 Bills Payable 3,185 11 "$63,498 63 We do hereby swear that the above is a correct statement of the eondition of this Company. Wm. D. Harriman, I.EONHARD OEUNKR, MOSES SKAItOLT, Directors. Subseribed and sworn to before rae this 9th day of January, 1891. Michael .1. Fritz. Notary Public. At the last regular meeting of the Directora of thisCompany an annual dividend of ten per cent. was declared, payable to stockholders of record on January lOth, 1891, at the office of the Ann Arbor Savings Bank. CHARLES E. HISCOCK, Secretary C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W. of Harris Gulld, The oldest agency in the city. Established over a quarter of a century ago. Representin g the following first-class companies, with over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Girabd Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. Liverpool, London and Ulobe. liares Low as the Lovrest, Losse Llberally Ailjusted and prompt ly Paid. C. H. MILLEIST Shoes oma for the ratnfly Yg ( "Box Tip" School Shoes ÏS% for Boys and Girls. M ?-%o ". Heeled ' We(ae HeelW SWiv 8ize8-8tol0'i 1.85 IL OyrtoFX tol3Mi LBO tÉm&ÍssJ? 'ISÍ lto3 1-75 T FARCO'S gV $2.50 Calf Shoe iVfvv for Gentlemen, tl#ATti' - ünequaled by any shoe èiZ.r eEi3%el T n America at the same ■fe-U'' ftmtfp lounndLace. Mcu'sand Boy's sizes. Ctfl FARCO'S 2.50 LADIES' BOOT OÉ? X Oon9ota O' Goa', Button, # tfr?o . Opera, or Common Sense. f CrtHS v Tackless and Flexible. ,C''"L T?&S& Worranted the moet ' I KsMulc in Ladjes and Misse? DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOIB Of EVERY SHOE. Askyour dealer for Furto' Slioc. If ho dfxs not Kivp thoin fond to lis and wo wil] funiish voil a pür ou celpt of piToe. Band poataf for tleacrlpUve ii-i. O. H. EAEGO & CO., CMcaeo. IU. DOTY & PEINER, AGENT8, - ANN ARBOR


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