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Ay_ejs Sarsaparilla The Best Bjood Medicine So ñuj Lcailing Physicians mul Druggists, and their opinión is indorsed by tliovsands cnred by it of Scrofula, lïczema, Erysijelas, and other diseases of the blood. "Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias won its rrputatlou iiy years of valuable service t tlie conimunity. It U the best." - H. S. Lang, Driiggist. 212 Merrlmsck st., Lowell, Maas. Dr. V. F. Wriglit, Favv l'aw Ford, Tenn., says: "In my practice, I Invariably prescrilie Ayer's Sarsaparilla for clirunic üiseases (f the blood." Ur. lí. 1Í. Boyle, Tliird and Oxford sta., Flilladelphta, I'a.. writes: "For two year3 I have prescrlbed Ayer's Sarsaparilla in uumerouB lnstaiices, and I lind it hlglily effleacious In the treatment oí all disorder of the blood " L. M. Kobinson, riiarmacist, Sabina, O., certifies : "Ayer's Sarsaparilla lias always been a ureat seller. My customers tliiuk thtíi'e is 110 blood-purifier equal to it." ■For many ycars I was afflicted wlth scrofulOUS running sores, vh:rh, at last became so bad tlic doctors advised amputating one of my legs to save my life. I began laking Ayer's Bftrsaparllla and soon saw an n.iproveinent. After using aliout two dozen bottles the sores were healed. I continue to a few bottles ol tbis medicine each year, for my blood, and am no longer troubled wlth sores. I have tried other reputed Llod-puT)flerg, but none does so much good h Ayer's haisaiarilla."- 1). A. Kobinson, Neal, Kansas. I)on't fail to get Ayer's Sarsaparilla prípaubii r.v ÜR. J. C. AYER & GO., Lowell, Mass. SuM by Druggists. $l,siiíJ. Worth $SaboUla. I LF.MILLS&CO-: INVENTORY SALE! DURING JANUARY SPECIAL BARGAINS FOR UIL! ujlüUaLiüK Abbllidllji] uJUhlull ! I-k F.s TES1KII FBEE. GMERT BLISS OPTICIAN, NO. 11 S. MAIN ST. W. F. LODHOLS IS OFFERING BARGAINS IS ii im F1RST-CLASS GÖODS A SPECIWJY, New Teas at 25c, 30c, 40c and 70c a. pound. Kettles, Porcelain lined, FREE svith 1 lb. Baking Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE with 1 lb. Coffee at 25c per lb. The best goods at the Lowest prices. Always full weight and measure. All Goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 1588 mËm, teOOO.OO a ym tl beinp mndc by John R. Jgm Va! Goodwin,Troy,N.Y.,ut work for u. Keader, í'Syoa niH_v not mekc as much, but we con Hf VjBtonch youquickly liow toearn frotn 86 to BL 'JH 9 10 a day at the start, and more at you go jOwWy KH Hon, Both sezes, all ages. In any ]irt oí ■ BAmericí, you can commence at bome, gi■S, JL.V'n? B" ï out time.or spare momenta onlj to m mmk WW ""' A11 '8 ''ft iay SUKK for m.BÜ evcrr worker. We stnrt you, furnlihinr JNêËF evetythinp. EA8II.Y, SPEEDILY InroM. yVMflvk J'Alillil LAVS FKEE. Addruss at once. LWK.I'ilN.V tl)., l'OÏilLAM), DA1NK. TO KEEP THINGS MOVING EVERYTHING MARKED TO ROCK BOÏÏOM PRICES j, j. iiiiirs Pure Drugs and Medicines, Prescriptions a Specialty ! We desire your patronage and will give you satisfaction.


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