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Miller's bindery on N. Main street, next to E. DufFy's store, has faded and gone. The roads are beauüful for bicyclers now, and rnany of the wheelmen improve the same. The lighting of the Court house tower is simply execrable. It is not lighted half of the time. The regular monthly social will be held in the parlors of the Presbyterian ohurch Thursday evening. The Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti Street Railway has had an average of 600 passengers aday since it was started. Chas. W. Wagner and D. F. Bchairer were elected trustees of the Cougregational church last Thursday evening. Otto Mogk had three flngers of his right hand tuken off by a buzz-saw at the Almendinger Piano and Organ Works yesterday. A judgment of $5,000 has been received by the estáte of Elmer Van Dusen, who was killed by being struck by a M. C. train Dec. 17, 1889. It is understood that the county agricultura! and county horticultural societies will hold their meetings hereafter in the supervisor's room in the court house. Now that the room in the Court house where the Third ward elections have always been held, has been rented by the supervisors, where will the "bloodythird" vote hereafter? The new hose wagon made by A. P. Ferguson & Co., was delivered to the fire department Saturday, and is a handsome vehicle. It is some heavier than the old wagon and will stand the wemand tear of years. The Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons is n session at Detroit. Messrs. B. F. Watts, L. C. Goodrich, R. H. Cuthbert, W. W. Watts, J. R. Miner and Will R. Price went down yesterday to attend the same. On Wedneaday night last, Lois Lodge I. O. O. F., Daughters of Rebekah, installed their newly elected officers as follows: IST. G., Mrs. N. B. Covert; V. G., Mrs. C. Elmer; recording secretary, Mrs. Herman Krapf ; financial secretary, Herman Krapf. The lodge is in a flourishing condition. The various loan associations of this city are doing a good business, the applications for loans being far in advance of the powers of the assooiations to supplv. These societies are doing a good work in supplying people with money to build homes for themselves who never could obtain one otherwise. In the notice of the K. O. T. M. banquet last week theBusiness Men's Quartette, which furnished some excellent vocal music, was left out in the cold and the instrumental music of Miss Davis was also left unmentioned. Both of which omissions were sad errors, for they added largely to the pleasure of the evening. The cali for the republican state convention will bo found in another column. Tli is couuty will be entitled to eighteen delegates and it is due the party that the very best men in the party should be sent. The convention will be an important one and calis for the best thought and the best energy of the organization. The Argus suggests to its neighbor, the Register, that there is something in qimlity as well as quantity in a newspaper. Editor Beakes had probably been gazing over the Eegister's serial story, running since last October or thereabouts, entitled "Proceedings of the Board of Supervisors," and its two column standing lottery announcement, etc. Dr. Gunsaulua at Universitj hall Thursday evening Jan. 22d. "Mannie" Spring, with Hutzel & Co., rejoices over tho advent of a son in hls ïousehold. The frames for advertising cards in he street cars have arrived and will be ready in a few days. The Grand Lodge F. & A. M., is to meet at Grand Ilapids on the new Masonic Home next Tuesday. The condition of live stock in this couuty is reported at, horses 99 per cent., cattle 99, sheep 99, swine 94. The Ypsilanti cars are crowded, and on Saturday and Sunday the capacity of he road was taxed to its full extent. The ladies give a tea and social at the Presbyterian church Thursday evening at six o'clock. All are cordially invited. Yesterday the alarm of fire was caused Dy the burning out of a chimney at Uhristy Carey's place corner of Detroit st. and the M. C. station st. Thos. J. Keech was elected a director in the Michigan Association of Retail Lumber Dealers at the meeting at Kalamazoo last week, whichhe attended. The sister of Mra. J. V. N. Gregory died at the home of Mr. Gregory in Lima yesterday, a. m., and he accompanies the remains to Auburn, N. Y., tomorrow. Dr. F. W. Gunsaulus who lectures at the University hall Thursday night is one of the most eloquent young orators on the American platform to-day, equal, many think to Wendell Phillips. Washtenaw county had to pay $61.08 for the support of its prisonera at the Detroit House of Correction from Oct. lst, 1890 to Dec. 31st, 1890. There were six prisoners, two ot whom were women. Ypsilanti is not greatly pleased with the quality of the crowd that comes down there Sundays on the motor line. Give them a lodging for a night or two in the lockup and it might iniprove their actions. The January erop report gives the average price per bushei for wheat in this county at 89 cents ; shelled corn 54 cents ; oats 32 cents ; hay $7.96 per ton ; fat cattle $2.82 per cwt. ; fat hogs $3.13 per cwt. ; dressed pork, $4.05. The supervisors have given up the idea of building a lodging house for tramps, on the lot opposite the jail, but will enclose the lot with a high board fence and give all the tramps who come along an opportunity to earn their board, if they have any. Supreme Treasurer Krause, of the P. of I., of Port Huron, who used $2,750 of the Patron's inoney in trying to build up a newspaper organ for the order, has returned $1,400 of the amount and the members are making a fuss about the balance. Krause was formerly a resident of this county, and f rienda a Dexter have come to his aid and made up the entire amount. The Ladiea' Aid Society of the Congregational church are expecting to give some time during the next fortnight, a very fine entertainment eonsisting of stereoptican views of the Passiou Play. The interest in the Passion Play has been so great that every one will want to see theae views. Date will be announced iu next issue. Mrs. NelsonCole, formerly of this city, died at the resideuce of Dr. A. C. Roberts, at Fort Madison, Iowa, on Tuesday Jan. 13, aged 91 years 7 inonths. Her remains were brought here last Friday, and funeral services held at the residence of Ex-Gov. Felch, at 10 :30o'clock. Alauson B. and Benj. F. Cole, of this city are sons of the deceased. It is vith much pleasure that we announce that Mr. W. J. Colegrove has beeu promoted from class 2 to class 3, with a raise of salary from $900 to $1,000 per year, to take effect Feb. 1, '91. This is a deserved promotion, for Mr. Colegrove has been one of the most persistent workers in the service. His run is froèi Toledo to Copemish, Mich., on the T. A. A. & N. M. li. E. The four years oíd son of G. W. Almendinger, of this city, and two little sons of August Seabolt, who lives three miles west of Ann Arbor, wandered away from the house of the latter, last Saturday, and when found late in the afternoon, were a half mile east of Foster's station, having traveled a distance of about ten miles. The little fellows did not realizo that they were lost until they were found. Here is the Chicago Tribune's cure for diphthera. Cut it out and paste it in y ou r scrap-book. The editor experimented with it to his satisfaction and then gave it to the world : Give the patiënt half a teaspoonful of pure juice of the pineapple every fifteen minutes or half hour uutil relief is experienced. It usually requires only two or three doses to loosen the phlegm, wheu the patiënt feels like a new persou. Two years ago the firm of Harriman Manly & Doty started out in the law an abstract business. At the end of the year Mr. Win, G. Doty fouud it impossi ble to attend to the business of the firni and dropped out. At the end of the sec ond year the finn of Uarrinian & Man ly is dissolved, and Capt. Manly has moved his abstract books inlo the Agri cultural room of the court house, whicl he has rented, and will carry on the ab stract business alone as heretofore Judge Harriman luis formed a law partnership with Prof. B. M. Thompson, anc they will occupy the old oüice over H J. Brown's. The Eberbach Hardware Co. is fitting up a very cozy little office in the rear of ,li e store. A lot of grass burning on a lot near he saw mili on Packard st. called out ;he fire department Monday. The Baptist ehurch society will have a social at Mrs. Goodrich's on State st., Saturday evening. Bishop Garrett was called home to )allas, Texas, last Thursday, by a telegram announcing the death of a friend. The library eommittee will put in about $400 worth of new books before ong, at the high school pudlic library. Nelson S. Garlinghouse took a posiion as motor man in the Ann Arbor St. i. R. Monday. The 81st birthday of Conrad Krapf was celebrated last Thursday. He is still a hale and hearty man. Our "Jeff" Davis has received the appointment of janitor at Lansing, for which he was an applicant. Good for 'Jeff." Washtenaw county will be entitled to 6 delegates in the next democratie state convention, to be held February 26th, at Lansing. Mrs. David Stoll died very suddenly at her home on Brown street, Sunday evening. She leaves a husband and amily of children. Not one owner of property on the south Ypsilanti road but holds his property higher now than he did before the notor road was built. Mrs. (Jatheriue DoGraw, of Lake ÜJity, who is now almost ninety years old writes renewing her subscription, and says she caunot live without the 3ourier. Mr. Burnham, formerly of Ypsilanti, now of California, is visiting friends in this región. He states that a neighbor of his the past season sold his erop of raisin grapes from fifteen acres, for S6.000, on the vines. W. E. Boyden, of Webster, is one of ;he superintendents appointed for the State fair this year, to be held at Lansing during the second week of September. Hou. Win. Ball of Hamburg, s superintendent of the cattle department. The council meeting Monday evening only lasted a few minutes. A protest was received against locating the tramp odging house at the corner of Ann and Ashley streets, and the same was referred to the fire department committee. A number of heavy tax payers asked for a light on the corner of Packard st. and Fifth ave. City attorney Kearney rejorted against allowing the claim of Eliza Collar, for damases received by :alling on a detective sidewalk. The average price of farm animáis in this county as reported in the January erop report is : Horses under one year old $33.53, betwoen 1 and 2 years old f55.12, between 2 and three years old f74.44, three years old and over $108.24. Milch cows $20.41. Cattle other than milch cows, under one year old $8.56, between 1 and 2 years old $14.50, between 2 and 3 years old $23.28, three years old and over $30.18. Sheep under one year old $2.43, over one year old $3.10. Hogs under one year old $3.12 over one $6.53. On Friday evening last J. T. Jacobs camp Sons of Veterans installed the following officers, Col. H. S. Dean acting as installing officer. The boys have arms now, are paying much attention to drill, and expect to be in fine shape for the National G. A. R. Encampment at Detroit : Captain- A. C. Pack Ist Lieutenant- Wm. Fisher. üd Lieuteuant - Claude F. Gage. Ist Sergeant - Wm. T. Krapf. Quartermaster Sergeant- U'm. T. Gutoó. ('olor Seareeant- H. M. Perkius. Sergeant of Guard - G. H. Fisher. Corporal of Guard - George Coats. Camp Guard- E. Woodmansee. Pieket Guard- F. Coats.


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