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The M. C. are still cuttiug ice on the Cornwell pond. Examinatioii3 occurred iu the ward schools last week, and are alsoinprogress this week. The tramp stone yard La now ready for husiness. All tramps coming this way will please make a note of this. Now is the hest time of the year to gather your magazines together, hring them to the Cou-rier office and get them bound cheap. As soon as the frost leaves us so that the earth can be handled, the M. C. R. R. will commence building its doublé track between this place and Dexter. The day of prayer for colleges, will come next Thursday. President Angel] will take charge of the prayer meeting next Thur.jday evening, in the University chapel. Pastors of churches are invited to assist. Mayor Manly has been appointed a member of the Board of Trustees of the Soldier's Home, at Grand liapids to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Brown. This was not the office Capt. Manly wanted. There is said to be a great strife between the M. C. R. E., the T. A A. A.. and the Ypsilanti South Shore line fora side track to Sheriff Dwyer's stoue yard. The highest bidder will get the stone whether they get the track or not. The biggest fish ever caught in auy lake in this county, was brought from Zukey lake last Friday by Will Lodholz and Michael Fritz. It was a pickerel as long as the boys are tall, and weighedso inuch that it brought down all the acales. TheWesleyan Guildwill give a public social Saturday night in the parlors of the M. E. church. Eafreshments will be served and an informal program will be given. Students are requested to bring their college song booka. Everybody invited. No admission. February meeting of the Washtenaw Pomologieal Society, 7th of Fob., 2 p. m., in the Court House. Topics: llowcan we increase the interest in our society? byPres. J. Austin Soott; G. Frank Allmendinger on adulteration of fruit products, Origin of the sickle pear, and resolutions on improvements of roads by E. Baur; Sale of fruit by J. Gan.horn; Curled leaf in peach trees, by C. C. Clark. Fruit exhibit. The Board of Public Works has resolved to" have a sufficient number of the bodies lying in the old cemetery removed to allow of the extensión of E. Huron st. The bodies will be re-interred iu the city cemetery in the 5th ward. When this is accomplished the authorities should take hold of the matter and have all the bodies removed or taken care of in some suitable manner. Then the land should be laid out with handsome walks and a breathing plac made ior the pablic. Ann Arbor's park facilitiea are very limited. She ought to have a dozen such parks, at least. Tue.-fdav afternoon about 2 : 30 o'clock fire broke out in the attic of the house of Hou. John J. Robison, on N. Main st. It seems that tho attic is a large roomy one, a stove had boen placed therein, and on that day a fire had been built to assist in drying clothes. In some way a spark caughtand before the family know ita right smart firo was raging thero. The hoso cart was there on time, but the horses for the hook and ladder truck were in the Fifth ward when the alarm was sounded, so they were late, and in this instance the ladders were very much needed. The flameswere eonfined to the attic, ow ever, though somo oí the turnitui the rooms below were wet down considera))] y . The ice houscs on the lower dam are nearly fllled. Michael Clark will hereafter receive $4 per month more pension. The ladies of St. Andrew's church will give a tea social at Harris hall Thursday eveniug. The ladies of the W. C. T. U. meet in Harria Hall Thursday at 3 p. in. January 29. All are invited to be present. Station agent Hayes says that the M. C. sells more tickets now between thia station and Ypsilanti than ever bef oro. Eev. S. M. Dick, president of the Weslejran Guild Society, occupied the pulpit of the M. E. church very acceptably last Sunday evenin. A gentleman named George Washington Bible was a recent visitor at Saline, says the Observer. He ought to be quite a study for himself, to say nothing about the Saline people. The Chelsea Standard seems to think that when Mr. J. L. Babcock gets his elegant new residence completed in this city that he will go to Chelsea to get a young lady to share it with hún. The ehingles for Hon. Chas. R. Whitman's new house, on E. Huron st., are cut from the famous redwood trees of California, and arrived here on the 21 st, after a very quick trip from the Golden Gate state. The Michigan Furniture Co. at its recent annual meeting elected as directors for the ensuing year : W. D. Harriman, Chas. E. Hiscock, Eugene E. Beal, A. W. Harnilton, L.Gruner, Moses Seabolt, and Paul Snauble. George F. Allraendinger, of this city, was re-elected president of the Michigan Association of the Manufacturera of Fruit Goods, at their meeting ia LansLng lust Thursday. He read a paper on the business wliich was greatly praised. The fire alarm last Saturday forenoon was caused by a blaze in the woodshed near Behr's saloon, on S. Main street. It was caused by the careless dumping of ashes (against the ordinance). The chemical extinguished the flames in short order, and saveij a big blaze. Au invitatiou to atteml :i pilgrimage of Knights Templar to Europe the coming suiumcr, has been received by Eminent Comruander B. F. Watts, of this city. The Ocean palace, the City of Chicago, has been chartered to carry the party and bring thern home again. Mr. Watts will not accept. Wm. Helle, who died at the county house last Friday night, was a man of considerable note in his native place Herrenberg, Wurtemburg, Germany, having been a member of the couucil and a judgo in a court similar to our probate court. H.e left six children, two of whom live here. ïiic annual meeting of the LaJies' Society of iion's Lutherati church was held Thureday afternoon, at the parsonage of the church. Mrs. Frederick Retticli, Sr., w;is elected president, Mrs. Frederick Schmid vice president, Mrs. Christian Mack treasurer, and Mr.. John Walz trustee.- Daily Times. Soine of our exchanges advocate abol. ishiug'the bounty on sparrow heads as a useless and extravagant expenditure. If there is not some way to kill them off the posts will be something like the laak and hungry ollice seekers at Lansing and want the whole earth. Keep the bounty on and give the boys a chance. If the T. & A. A. K. R. mapageïnent wouldfit Ltself out witli a sifjini ni'it..iand a few cara lïke the A. A. & Ypsi. cara for use betweenAnnArborWh.itmore Lake during the summertime, and givo the two llares a train every two hours, it wouldhelp out a long suff public whether it made any money out of it or not. At the council meeting Monday eveníng, a resolution was Lntrodu awaywith the Board of Public Works. Such a step we believe would be a retrograde movement. The work of the city bas never been so systematically, so economically and so well done as ander the present system, and to go back to the old plan of having six heada to do what should be and now does come under oae management, would be a great error. O-oorge II. Hazle wood, wlio lias been the very efficiënt and well liked agent of the T. A. A. & N. M. R. R., at thia place for the past three years, lias resigned the position and Mr. R. S. Greenwood has been appointed in his place. No sooner do we get thoroughly acquainted with the T. A. A. agents here than a change is made, and we have to go through with the same ceremony over again. Mr. Hazlewood has been an excellent man here and is well liked by all of our business men. At the meeting of the Grand Lodge F. & A. M. at Grand Rapids, Wednesday, Chas. B. Davison, the Worshipful Master of Fraternity Lodge F. & A. M., of thia city, was selected aa Grand Junior Warden for the coming year. This honor is one that the members of the masonic Eraternity of the city will feel proud of. Mr. Davison is not only deBorving, but is undoubtedly one of the best posted masons in the state, and capableof flllin,c: any position withinthe gift of the order. Be will not be found wanting in this. Upon his arrival in the city Wednesday evening he was met at ipot by a delegation of the Eraternity, headed by Profs. W. II. Harrintr!. E. Cooley, Messrs. R. ]rw, J. B. Dowdigan and others to welcome' bome and tender their congratulationa to the new official. The next meeting of the grand lodge will be held in Detroit. The Legislative Journal is one of our new exchanges with an oíd familiar face. The M. C. R. R. paid out $1,200 to workmen ín this city for services in cutting ice. At the recent state meeting of retail lumber dealers, Thos. J. Keech of this city was elected president. The T. & A. A. R. R. management have placed atelegraphclieker at WMtmore Lake. A great convenience if an operator is stationed therê also. Ann Arbor already begins to feel an Ímpetus given it by the new motor line to Ypsilanti. Our streets are busier, and business is booming briskly. A. P. Ferguson has sold two car loads of road carts to parties in Montana, and one car load at Memphis, Tenn. lic is very much pleased over the outlook for business this seasmi. At the annual meeting of the Union grand lodge of Anoient York Masons of the state of Michigan, held at Battle Creek, Wm. E. Blaekborn, of tliis city, was chosen M. W. O. M. Chas. M. Norton, of Ypsilanti, a member of Ann Arbor Cominandery, K. T., was elected G. M. of the lst Veil, at the meeting of the Grand Chapter R. A. M., at Detroit last week. E. V. Hangsterfer will fit up the cozy little store of J. T. Jacobs on E. Washington street, formerly occupied by Schuh & Muehlig, and have therein one of the finest and neatest confectionery stores and ice creara parlors in the city. If :ill the gutters on Main street were laiti iike the one by the post office, sloping tharply down from the sidowalk to the bottom of the gutter, it would make more room for teams on the street, a thing greatly needed now that the cars run on this thoroughfare. The great question of the times : "Is high Ucease the remedy for the liquor eyil?" was ably discussed last Sunday afternoon and will be continued next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m., in Cropsey's hall. Dr. J. B. Steere will give the leading addrese, and others follow. Here is a cure that may be a trifle better than the disease : An exchange says that a pan of sliced raw ouions, placed in a room where there is diphtheria, will absorb the poison and prevent the disease from spreading. The onions should be buried every morning and fresh ones eut. A record that few can equal is that of Comstock F. Hill, of Saline. In the past 22years lip has administered upon 42 estates, and in not a single instance has there been any contest in the courts, though thousands of dollars have yearly passed through his hands. But few men in the entire nation can say as murh. The Grand Rapids Democrat, in noticing one of Gov. Winans' appointments of the Board of Managers of the Soldiers' Home, misquotes history as follows: "(.'has. H. Manley, who is narned to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Judge Brown, of Big Rapids, whose term would have expired March 1, 1893, is a resident of Ann Arbor. He was a soldier, and postmaster of Ann Arbor under Cleveland." For a number of yoars Dewitt C. Fall of this city, and Wm. Latson, of Web ster, have celebrated their birthdays together. This year the celebration took place at the residence of AVm. Latson last evening. Mr. Latson'a people gave liiin a surprise by inviting in several of his neighbors and friends, and Mr. Fall gave a surprise to all by taking from here with him the Business Men'.', Quartette, who enlivened the evening with severalof their beautiful selections. Those from this city who were present Mr. and Mis. 1). C. Fall, Mr, and Mrs. Eugene Mutschel, Mr. and Mrs Alvm Wilscy, and Mr. and Mrs. B. 8t. James. Several beautiful presente were given Mr. Latson by hi.s neighb As the Ilillsdale Mutual Benefit á d lias about 100 members in Ann Arbor, the following from the report of the committee appuintedto examine the afiairs of the company at Lts recent annual meeting, of wbich Hon. John J. Robison, of this city, was a member, will bc of interest: u e nave careltilly examinéd all the receipts and disbursementa Eoi the year and flnd every dollar received lias been bonesüy accounted for. We find the management economieal and efficiënt and we do ooi hesitóte in the least in stating that vo have been deeply and favorably impressed with thp interest manifestad by the officers oí thia association in its success, and we are irm in our belief that the said association is ou a permanent basis and worthy of the fullest conlidence of its members. There exists in our city an organization that is constantly going about doing good, and the extent of the good it ! does is not known to the general public, j and is oiily limited by the meana at its disposal. We refer to the Ladies' ] itable Union. There are humlreds of I poor people wlio have Iweu relieved frotíi distress by the workers in this society, and not a sim goes down but witnesses some act of charity for suffering humanity by them. Those who are miliar with their work are astonished that they accomplish so mach, having so little to do with. They have to beg for what they receiye, uaually, and are never Bupphed with an abundance. People who have moneyor clothing or provisions or any usefül articles they eau give for the comfort of '. others, will make no mistake by puttin" them in the hands of this society, lt will be used in a practical manner, and placed where some nnfortunate or sick l soul will 1k made glad by it. In your ! givinfsa don't forget the Ladies' ! able l'nion. "Why ia a baby crying in cburoh like a good resolve ? Because it should be carried out." The long waits made by the people at the junction for the Electric cars are very discouraging. The cars should start sooner from the Court House. Miss Ruth Hoppin of this city has been appointed a member of the Board oe Visitors to Olivet College. Hon. Chas. R. Whitman to Detroit College. The commercial department of our high school has upwards of 100 in daily attendauce, some 40 more thau last year. It is one of the growing departments and will in ashort time b e one of the famous schools of the place. "Can you teil me why that young fellow wears one eyeglass?" asked a lady of another upon passing one of that species of dudes yesterday. " Because it's English you know," was the reply. "No, that's not it. It is to prevent hiin from seeing more than he can comprehend." The story is told us in this way. As Mr. K., a prominent farmer living north of the city was returning home the other evening, he overtook a woman who asked to ride. She was permitted to do so, and in getting on the seat Mr. K. noticed that she wore boots, and was in other ways quite masculine appearing. This aroused his suspicions, and so he accidentally dropped his whip out of the wagon, and stopping explained to the "lady" that his horses were young colts and he dare not leave them and asked "her" to be kind enough to piek up the whip for hun. When she was out he gave a cluck to his horses and they sprang into a run and left the lady alone witli the whip. In a muff the stranger left in the seat was a buil dog revolver that was a rough looking customer and so our good natured farmer thinks he outwitted a woud-be highwayman. He had sold considerable farm produce in town that day and the stranger might have known it in sonie way.


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