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Si QVThe Best and Purest MedicineS jX ever made. 1 K Itwlll drive the Humor fromymir II 3 n Xsystom, and make your skin II I 4S5Lolean and smooth. Thosel I I 'VVjeimples nd BlotcheslU SS,, y iLwliich mar your beauty m Q 4„ í', í AJWaro causea nv linpurcW 1. 'V "54 OèLblood, and can belTl % ,% " n%Ttimo. if yop arel I 6.cj, %j f 'J iSLwiso and uscl I mm spoonful. %e V ■ ■ .11 I medicine. Try ft, nliVV'i'. A I U Get it of your Drugglst. "v vq. c _ E3 don'tWait. Getit atokce). a m fll Ií ron are BufferlDK from ''.'W I Xbey nevor íail to cure. H Bend 3 !-oent stmniis to A. i'. Ordway & Co., Bon.Mam.. tor beL medical vrorit putJllahed? GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. Ï.ÜKER&CO.'S Breakfast Gocoa irom which the excoss of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore fax more economical, costing Zet.? than one cent a ciqi. It is delicious, nourishing, strcugthcning, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as wcll as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. mm plu TU1Ö DADER KSOL Kewspapei Advertlsing Bureau (10 Spruca Street) ,whero ad vor. HB{P1BB Un(r WffiS KEW ï UKIL USËDRCEAIG'S OKIÜLNAL K1DMET iO UB CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only Safe Remedies to use for those afllicted with Bright's Disease, Liver Complaint and Urinary Affectiona. Only tliose prenared in the dry pobm are the originnl and the only Kidney and Liver Cure Hiatwlll restore you to perfect health. ALL LADIES USE ] O. Iö. 1=8-. A.. SOLD BT ALL D2ÏÏQ3IST3. ( THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. . .. FOR AU . % 9 liRICAK f'i:-'rrrr! íYT.l avtffLi. .jtte na vaJuuble series of 'lariff lovuiuents. " líese are prepared witb a view au ilie facts and argumente tor ProtccUuu, whether in the intei-est of farmers, laborers, moi-rhttnts or professional men. i ;uii Issue of the series appeals to those enB-aiietl in separate industries, nnd presentí indisputable facts- comparisons of jrages.cost of livinr, and other argumenta sUowiug tbe teaelits of lJrotection. ._, . . Any einsle one will be sent on receipt of 2 cents in stamps except " Wages, Living and ïartff," whlofi will be sent for 4 cents. Tbewhole lit will bc sent for 30 oentsor any twelve for 20 cent", or any live tur 1U ceüts, iota: ■. .'.J Oiderby uumber. ;c, PlOES. 1_"Vhkc',:.! Tarift." E. A. Hakts1. , 104 .,: ; ITotoctive TarllT to in.' Li i ;l:;strks of thoUiiited Biau e Baaay, i87. CiiawFORD L. liliNM.NU 32 8 - " Home "rocuctiou ludiliensable to a aupply at Low Prices, of the Mauufaoturi'd Commodlties requlred for the People of the Unlttd StaU-s, and Ailequate Home productlou of tüeae Commoditlos IinposBlble without aProteetlveïarilt." ilrut Prlze Essay, 1K88. C. D. Todd.. ■■■32 é- " YVhat are Raw Materials ? Would ! ree Raw Materials be Advautageous t the Labac and Industries of the United States." First Prize Essay. lSt-'.l. Humek B. 1)ii:kll 33 6-"Fallacics of Kree-Trade." E. F millek... ai 6- " üome Views ou the Tarlft by an Old BuainessMan." Ueo. Drai'EK 32 7_" The Fruteetlve Tarilt : lts AdvautaKes tor theSOUth." C. L. f.DWARDS 32 8_"TneWool Interest." Judge Wm. Lawebkcb 24. '.,- "l'rotectiou rs. Frec-Traile."- A Hlstoriuul RevleW. V. . llAItKIMAS 20 10- "The Farmer aud the larltt" Col. Thomas II. Dipi.ey 10 ll-'-ProtectlonasaFubllcPollcy." GeokuüS. 1JOÜTWELI 1" 13- "Beply to tLel'resldent'aFree-Trade Me' ■." K. 1'. l'ORTEB 8 ia " Workingmen aad tbe Tarlit. o 14- ■■ The Vital Queatíon: ShallAmerlc trleB be A uandoucd and American !a.kets Sorrendered ? ■ ■ (ierman, withAdilit m 8 ij- " iiio Progresa of One iluiulred ïears." MOBEKT V. POBT' n 17- "Protectlonfor American Shlpplun." 8 .s- The rariit NotaTax." Homerö. DrBBLL.. 8 a Should l'e ProtectlonUts." 8 'ProteoUon." E. H. Ahmdow i _l- 'What 8nTarlf(?"AusweistoaTiTorkiu!;itmn's üustlon C3_" ■ .u Viool Industiy." E.H.An■. ' 8 "_■ ■ ■ . ; ' i - ES. i ■ . .. .'t Talk to workinKiiii-n." 2 uteetlonand theJfanner." Senator S. M. 12 M-.ittoAN ECCSOMBI, weekiv. iii voteil to ui. on. ?2 ■ lean Pro, ork. The Cottkieh and the American Econo mist ono yeitr lor $2.U0. O APITAL $50,000. SUEP 1 US J1C.CCO. Ad flitional LiaMlities of Stcctliolflers $50,000. Report of the oondition of the FARMERS lNICS' BANK at Am) Arbor, Michigan t the close 01' business, Deo. L9, 1890. 1 ItCES. Lonns and disoounta i2:'.o,lnl {. Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 74(431 ■'" (verdrafta 4,159 89 )ue from banka in reserve oitiea 8,696 77 lue trom other banks and bunker.. 6,959 04 )uc from Washtenaw County 28,225 60 rnrnlture and flitures 8,500 0 ; ur rent expenses and taxes pald W 59 nterest pald 3,no g Checka and oash Items 999 89 Nio kcls and pennlea 283 9S Gold . 6.7MM - I ver l,"20 16 1 . 8. and National Bank Notea 5,00000 Total $875,617 70 1.1 Ulll.l I i Capital stock pald in t 50,000 00 Burolualund 10,000 00 Undlvlded proflta O.un 21 Commercial deposité 255.305 14 Savings deposita -iy,8'Jo n Due to banks and bunkers -109 M Total $875,517 70 STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wabhtenaw, ) I, F. 11. BELSEE, OaShler, of the above nained Bank, clo BOmenly Bwear that the above statement is true, to the besl of my knowlodge and bellet F. H. BELSER, Cashier. Subscribed and Bworn to before me, this 30th day of December, 1890. J WJI. V. WHIDON, Notary Public. Ccekect- Attest: ('has. B. Groene, Reuben Kempf, D. F. Schalrer, Dlrectors. The Farmers' & UtataÉs' M havlng dicd tlioiv certiflcate with the Banking Departnent are now authorlaed to d ■ business as a Say Inga Bank, and in purauance thereof lmve opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings depart inent on all deposita of il and upwards, Interest pald June ut and Deo. lat, of eaen year. Tire savinga döpartment is open Sat urnay olchta ii'uin 7 nntil 8 o'olock. r to Loan In ums oí J25 to $5,000 sec ured I by unenenmbered real estáte or approvedsecurities. DIRECT ORS- Reulen Ecmpf, (la E.Gieenp, E. l)n!) . Anln ie ) Me Win. C. St-TPii.,W. F. Pilt J J Beal, Jolni Burg, 1. F. Schalrer. It. KEMPP, Pres. E. DUFFY, Tiofi-Prrs. F. H. BELSEK, taaier. Yoü Shoüld Read Beaiiix RandoiDh, Au Inte:isely Interesting Story by JULIAfJ PjAWTHOBNE ItVillSoonAppeariri this Paper. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W. of Harris Guild, 'j'iic oldest agenoy in the city. Established over i qnarter ot a century ago. RepresentlnR the following flrst-clas8 companles, witli over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. NlAOABA Ins. Co., of New York. Girard Ins. Co., of Phihulelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. Liverpool, London and Globe. Rates Low as the Luwest. Losses Liberally Adjusted and prom)tly Paid. C. EL MILLEN Fargtfs Shoes rekïifly _r FARCO'S t "Box Tip" School Shoes IIIaI i"" öys and Girlsh Heeled or Wedge Heel. m ttVr&V Slze9-8tolOV4 81.25 I W?=rm ntoisH Leo TfeáT' '!"á Ito3 1.75 1V $2.50 Calf Shoe ñrlav&v for Gentlemen, I C 10 - Unequaled by any shot %iÍVP"&TP7 - Mn America ai tho samo ■■■fcLiJ5H0ELU'priec. iiiConKreM,But"5LITa-ti-É j to añil I.acc. Hcu'aauJ Boy'ssizea. M l$2.50 LADIES' BOOT f %ï? . Dongola or Goat, Button, ffSS . Opera, or Common Sense. .yVd v Tacklcss and Flexible. 8 7ÖU I Jïl.a Wnrnmted tho most V"" - ■AlllK2:- ctyiih and Krvhwabla tr--Ii.-f "Ir1? nnftl - JKi'ioi'1. soKl at 2.50 Tjf PiSíDWii4Í'llL'uluiaLalIcsaiidMiss;í OUR ÑAMÉIS QN THE BOTTOM OP EVERY SHOE. Askyour doalerfor JTursro'ft Hhoof, If he does Dot keep them tjendto usaiid wo wíll furnislt you a pair oa receíptof iri-o. Sentí portal f or descriptivo Ust O. H. FAKGO & CO., Chicago, UL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR


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