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Epitome Of The Week

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In the Srnato a petition was presented on the 2Uth asking that General Banks be placed on the retired list of the army. A discussion of the elections bill occupied the remainder of the eession In the House a favorable report was made on the bill iiniiosing a special tax upon all teas imported from countries east of the Cape of Good Hope. During the session Mr. Mills (Tex.) charged the Speaker with intentionally practicing a fraud upon tho House, and fora few minutes the House was in great confusión. Throuhout the scène the Speaker was calm, but it took the services of the sergeant-at- arms to quell the tumult which at one time threatened to culminate in personal violenoe. In the Senato the time on the 31st was taken np in roll-calls, in obtaining the attendanee of absent Senators and in the delivery of speeches against the elections bill, and at midnight the Senate aajourned, leaving the subject of the approval of Tuesday's jou. nal to come up again....In the House no business was done, the time being occupied in a wrangle over the approval of the journul. The debate on the journal came to an end In the Senate on the Lid and the cloture rule was dtsoussed, but] no aetion was taken In tho House the jourmit was approved, the District oí Columbia approprlatloi bill was passed and the naval appropriation bill was considered. A bill was reportod favorably amending the interstate commerci; law so as to allow railroad companies to make reduced rates of trans portation and to pormit them to carry their own employés free. A bill was introduced appropriating ÍIOO.COO íor a public building at Ionia, Mich. Discdssion of the cloture resolution occupied the time of the Senate on the 23ii In the House the charges made against the Conimissioner of Pensions wero considered, and the naval appropriation bill was dtscussed A bill for the relief of the heirs of Richard W. Meade, of Pennsylvania, was favorably reported. The claim has been pending sincs the Sixteeuth Congress, and is for 1375,879. DOMESTIC. Wharton Siiakkkv, as the result of a quarrel over a delinquent board bill, shot Mrs. Carrie Austin, his landlady, and cominitted suicide at, Findlay, O. Wii.i.iam DlLiOn, of Rawlins, Wyo., a charaeter in t!:e West, .shot a barkeeper dead at Ogden ior refusing to drink with hi] The Dayton, Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad was sold to representatives of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad ior $1,454 ' ■■; ■ . lm Barnes, of Pecatur, 111.. has suce eded in grafting portions of t to the nose of a yon; tissue that had deei vea. A. C. 'ii ■ ;ed Palo Alto Belle, l years old Miller &. Sïbley, , - L5.000. ion of thi-ee Kansas portcd the State Bank of Cawker City, the Bank of Downs and the Glen uk of Glen Eider. The plant of tiio Standard Motor Company in ( , as burned, causOli.i;: Ti 'o, was lynched '■','.. . ■ an assault upon oung daughter of a . living in theïr four children I ■ in tlie house i ■ i house was a e children wure ■ '■■'■ laj ty-flve iirishmont btit I .■■! on the aoth. At IV. Va., the pipe of the Eureka Oil Fiel I I broke and cover,-.; the Monon ' da river for twenty miles. Alter dark some one fired the oil. : .11 Ure fortwent [3 of trees were killed and five bridges burned. Tuk Ne, '. irii Equitable Insurance Coni. ., small capital and tinpri s. will wind up its omi affairs and quit. ■ Coüst Nobli . the Camous English setter dog owned by 1!. i'. Wiison, of Pittsburg-h, Pa., and valued at i?lü,000, is d The Kawaka i; ,■ (Kan.) State Bank went Lnto the hands of a ceceiver, making' the fourtii bank íailure within a week in Mitchell County. At the convention of the Kational Brick Manufacturers" Association at Indianapolis Jnstus C. Adams, of Indianapolis, was elected president. Chables Caspentbb, employed in the rolling niiJls at Bristol, Pa., was killed by a red-hot iron being driven clean throng-h his body. As unruly horse threw ;i wagon containing Mrs. Jleury Smitli and Mrs. Nehslin over an embankment 100 feet high at Oro, Col., and both women were fatally hurt. 1'kesidext Habbison received from Minister Phelps at Berlin five vials of Koch's lymph. lie ordered one vial f ;h sent to the Marine hospital in Washington, to the Polieliuic hospital in Chicago, the Charity hospital at New Orleans and the Indianapolis city hospital. The body of Prof. Ewald Weiss, a prominent professor at the conservatory of music in Boston, was discovered by hunters on a peak of the Presidential range of the White mountaras in New Hampshire. He disappeared suddenly last December. Thieves robbed John Toms, of New Brunswick, N. J., of S57 and then hung him up by the wrists. He was found forty-eight hours afterwards in an almost dying condition. A FINELY-BBED cow owned by Dr. H. E. Denhett, of Boston, gave birth to three fully-developed calves. They were marked so muuh alike that it was difflcult to teil ono from another. This freak of nature was one seldorn heard of in cattle history. MüCHrain has fallen over New England and the Middle States, and from many points come tidings of freshets. Bridges were swept away in Dutchess County, N. Y., and at Wassaic two women and a team were drowned. Over one-third of Wilkesbarre, Pa., wasunder water and traffic was completely Buspem I At Holland, Mich., the oilice of De Grondwet, the largest Dutch paper in the 1 tes, was totally destroyed by an incendiary firo. Ik k Ihe match betweea Stein Cïunsberg for the chess I ie world, which had ■ since December 'J, was aitz. 'l'he score drawn, 0. Cardinal Gibbons, of Baltiniore, ha sent a letler U. ail pastors of the archdiocese asking that help be extended to lrish BTlfferers in lreland. Beinq told by a medium that hor husband was faithless Mrs. I-udwig Ander■OBpoisoned herself and three children at Brockton, .Mass. John K. A ydklottf., editor of tlie Daily Democral al Hanfilton, O., was caught in the fly-wheel in the enginerooin and instantly killed. At San Antonio, Tex., during a lovers' quarrel liertha Grossshotandfatally wounded James Hartley and then committed suiei Wöat has long been Unown as the oldest horse in the world died in Buffalo, N. v. od the 22d. He was owned by Mr. Bram . who bought him when he was 7 ycars old and had liim forty years. Miss Cío::., VIori [51 i:. B ed 25 years, a I ie 'Niglit Owl" Company, feil deid at Kansas City, Mo. James O" N' t:íí.. a Chicago & Northwostern conductor, was shot and instantly killed by a burglar concealed in p. boz-car. About seventy letters bclonging to the Northwestern National liank of Chicago, and supposed to contain over $100,000 in draíts, etc., were delivered to a stranger by a clerk in the Chicago post-office and were missing. Jkffkrson Bailey, a .stock buyer and farmer livinp near Washington, Ind.. was rolfbed of 81,400. The Pension Office ut Washington from January 1 to 15, inclusive, issued 1O,:77 pension certiflcates, the greater portion of them being granted under the dependent pension law. This was the largest nuinber ever issued during a like period. Internal revemie collections for the first six möriths of the current fiscal year were 875,097,148, a eomparative increase of $6,019,062 over the previous six montlis. One ITUNBRED men went to the Chinese quarters at Wilton, Ore., and led the Cele : Lals out with ropes around their necks and drove them frora the town. Tuk funeral of Kalakaua, of the Hawaiian Islands, took place in Ban Francisco on the 22d, and the remains were a the steamer Charleston, which sailed immediatély for Honolulú. WILU M C.DüWCAN, a city salesman for the diamond house of Lewesohn & Co. in New ' ared with $:)0.000 worth of diamonus and pea Gewkbal Miles reviewed the troops in the Beid at Pine I I). There were 8,000 m n an i ;s in line. Bei . ■ ■ . '.'. Benet, Chief of Ordmtnce of tin. is on the 22d pla cl on the retired list, having reached the age oí' 62 years. Stephen 1'. Shebman, a prominent membor of the Buffalo (N. Y.) board of trade who of grand larceny, was irs in prison , At Gra; Eph Moore killed . 'out to be trii d for killiagtwo men without cause. AÑ organization to be known as the Confedi trial Organizations ; ut Washington, and JlcnT president. : cali for abolition' of National b tent loans to tl i t; the prohibition of alien ip of land: a graduated tncome tax; Government ownership of 1 li and railroads, and the ele ident, Viee-I'r.' Senators I i rote of the people. NeAB Newport, Tenn., Captain E. C. Bunn was shot and killed bj W, A. Moore. .ir. Peyton Dunn, son of the murdered raau, then shot and killed M oore. Tuk village of Seaville, Ey., was almost totailv destroyed by an incendiary in-e. The lOOth anniversary of the admission of Vennont into the Union was celebrated by the Verraont Association at I '.oston. Aix Chinese laundrymen and laborera had been driven from the towns of Western Alheñe and Adams, in üregon, by mobs. A si'eadv incrèase in the volume of trade throughout the country was reported by a New York commercial ageney. James A. Wood, an attendant at the Richmond (Ind.) hospital for the insane, was found frmlty of the rnurder of Jay lilount. an inmate, and senteneed to twenty-one years in the penitent iary. Mus. Chablss Rkistkreb, wife of a prominent resident of' Dpper Sandusky, O., eloped with a colored farm hand named James l'ond. The new building owned by Warner Bros. at liuiïalo, X. Y., was burned, causing a loss of SS03.000. Three firemen were killed by a falling wall. James E. Oweüts, aged 79 years, and his wife, aged 7+ years. were killed on the Baltimore & Ohio railway near Washington. The flood in the Housatonic river in Connecticut had subsided. The break in the dam at Ansonia caused a loss of $300,000. In the United States the business failures during the seven days endedon the 23d numbered :W0, against 411 the preceding week and 338 the corresponding week last year. Colored lan-yers for the first time in the South's history argued bof ore the Maryland Court of Appeals. K. A. Street, a telegraph operator at llelena. Mout., sold to ex-Senator Tabor for S100.00Ü a placer claim which was said to be worth 315,000,000. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. At Austin, Tex.. Governor Sogg and Lieutenant-Governor Pendleton vera Inaugurated on the 20th. Tuk Missouri Prohibition eonferenoe at Sedalia d i pul :i corps of orf anizers in the Beid in ;. ai oí the campaign of Frr. vlees over the remains of theh: Hancroft, the historian, were held on the 20th at St. John's Protestant Episcopal Clmrch at Washington. The interment would take place al Worcester, Mass. Tir itionof Robcrt E. I'attison as Governor of Pennsylvania took place on the 20tb, Davih LAAMEA KalAKAUA, ICing of the Hawaiian ls!ands, died at the ace Hotel in San Francisco on the 20tb, aged 55 years. Mus. Jank Mrldbum, probably the oldest person in Shelby County, Ind., diedon the '21st at the age of 96 years. Her father lived to the age of 107 years. On the 21st United States Senators were elected as follows: New York, David IJ. Hill (Dem.); Connecticut, Orville B. Platt (Rep.): Ne w Hampshire, Jacob II. Gallinger (Rep.); Pennsylvania, J. D. Caraeron (Eep.); Indiana, D. W. Voorhees (Dem.); Missouri, George G. Vest (Dem.): Arkansas, J. K. Jones (Dem.); Colorado. H. M. Teller (Rep.); Washington, W. 0. Squire (Rep.); Oregon, J. II. Mitchell (Rep.); North Carolina, Z. i. Vanee (Dein.). Rosa Barton (colored) died at GpJesbnrgf, 111., on the 21st, aged 118 years. Natiian Wiiitnkv, of Rockford, believed to be the oldest Mason in Illinois, celebrated his lOOth birthday on the 21st. Mr. and Mum. Vestal Iïeklei:, of Brooklyn, Ind., have succeeded in rearing twelve sons and Beven daughters. Thomas Melbs died on the 22d near Akron, O., aged 100 years mul j months. Mrs. Mary RuAANB, 109 years old, died on the :22d at .1 essup, Pa. She retained all lier senses up to the century mark and then becainc blind. H. C. Hansbrougii (Rep.) was elected United States Senator from North Dakota to sueceed Gilbert A. l'ierce. Ilis term commenees March 4 next. FOREIGN. Tjtehe were eurthquake shocks in Switzerland, and simultaneously three skaters were drowned at (ienoa harbor. The ice was broken by the shock. The destitution in London was said to be appalling and the newspapera were filled with appeals f or qharitable aid. Thousands of respeétable men and Tromen were ab.solutely without food :n their homes. Thk Tagiis and Eoro rivers, which flow through Saragossa, Spain, were covered with ie for the first time since 1829. The estimated loss of waes, stoppage of trade and blight of crops by the stor:ns andcold ia France was S:i,500,000. s:vi;x Germán Sshermen crossed the Zuyder Zee on tli;: ioe - not done before since 1740. It was said that Sir John Macdonald would dissolve the Dominion Parliainent next month and appeal to the country on the question of reeiprocity. OvElt 1 00 pi "e killed in a mine explosión at Jasinoawata, in Southern Russia. Advices froi;i ay that the revolt there is sp es oí Government troops hai sedoverto the rebels. A risk of 25 ín temperatura is general in Europe. !n Spain and Al■ weather have co:jt many lives. i r at Frankfort-on-1 : America leavicg debts to ;iie amount of ;;00,000 marks. The British l it reassembled on the 22d. l'om'Y Russian workmenwere killed by ::i explosión in a mine near Cl 1'::inc;o Baud IN, nephew of King Leopold and heir to the throne of l!elg-ium, is dead. trs of age. LATER NEWS. J ; ates Senate on the 24th the cloture resolution and the elections bill were considered. In the House, after the reading of the Journal, the n.iral appropriation bül wasfurther discu.ssed, but no action was taken. A bill was favorably reported to appropriate $10,000,000 to repair and buüd th Levees on the Mississippi from the head of the passes to Cairo. A. Habris, a Jewish rabbi, feil dead in his pulpit at EUchmond, Va., just ;i sermón. Dükinq a flre in Jei - y City. X. J., Chiei En nry K. Farrier and Daniel Diñan, a toreman, and a Mr. Gooseman were burned to dcath. l'iiiv minere were killed and thirty others severely injured by an explosión in a mine ::i fiels nkirchen, Germany. Afteb twenty-two ballots the Senatorial situation in the illinois Leg'islature remiined on the 34th as it was at the b ■. Lfll; Ogiesby, K)o; Streeter, 3. A skiff eontiiiniug1 four persons upset at Camey's tord aear Grayson, Kr., and John Metsalf and Mrs. Mary Waters were dn iwned. Tira 1,200 Indiaas on the Red Lake reservation in tlie viciniLv of Thief River Falls, Mimi., were eng'ag'ed in frhost dances and had ordered all .settlers to leave tb i 'nntr3r under penalty of death. '1'iiikiv disguised montook John l!arberand James Ballard from their homes in Wirt County, V. Va., tie.l them to trees and beat them immereifully. No cause was kn.nvn. A train on the Michigan Central road struck a carrlage containing Irvin Teal and Ezra Moore, two well-known eitizens of Fort Erie, Ont., and both were killed. L. I!. MlZNEB, ex-Minister to Guatemala, arrived in San Francisco from Mazattan on the Pacific Mail steamer San José. THE towns of Charleroi. Thuin. Marehiennes and Dinant, in Ilelgium, were all onder wat !P, cansing immense damage to iroperty and some loss of life. A man supposed to be C. E. Stanley, of Cleveland. O., dressed in a well-made black Buit and weai : ■'. f a silk hat, deliberately jumped over the falls irom the Goat island bridge :'. Miagara Falls. Tuk city of Nev Y ■■!- was visited by a terriflc wind and snow-storm on the 36th which tilled the stroel i svith fallen trees and telegraph poles and stopped all traffic. .n such work of devastation had been known in that city since the great blizzard of March, :


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