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Michigan (Tentral "The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect Nov. 30, 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. STATl'S. Í jW != Rjjj SH Í a w j üí zw 3 A.M A. M. I". M. P. M. I'. M. P. M. A X Chicago. Lv. 7 05 9 00 12 20 3 10 9 25 10 10 Kala'oo. ... 114.5 2 17 8 68 7 00 ... 3 80 7 15 Jaoks'n 300 4251535 847 4 40 6 15 9 40 belsea. ... 869 530 7 13 1031 Dexter 4 14 545 7 2S 10 43 P. M. P. M. P. M. P. M. A.M. A.M. A.M. AnnA'r 4 42 5 29 6 30 945 6 05 750 1100 Ypsil'ti 503 543 956 6 23 808Í113 We Je 5 27 . . 6 47 8 35 1132 De't Ar, 615 645 7 30 10 45 7 30 9 20 12 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. stations. =3 = 'tr-, ' % -, A El ''-- " A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M P.M. P. M. Detroit. .Lv. S 30 7 50 120 7 45 9 25 9 15 445 WayneJ'n.. 908 gas 954 5 21 Ypsllailtl... 928 841 205 815 10 15 5 43 A.M ,.y, I'. l. p. M. A.M P.M. P.M. AnnArbor.. 943 ., 1019 10 30 555 10 00 '.1 15 Cbelsea 111 [3 . ... .1 I ' . 6 19 on .... 1100 1000 3 1710 301111511 451 655 ;izoo.. 2 a 12 12 ." OS 12 45 u 55 i 17 9 30 Chicago. Ar. 7 351 4 35 1 9 00 r. , G. W. RUGÓLES, II. W. KAYEs" G. P. 4 T. Agt., tdcago. Agt., Ann Arbor. rpOLEDÜ, A. A. & N. M. RAIL'V. TIME SCHEDULK. Taking efluet October I2tli. 1890. Traint Time Qoing X'trth. 3 si s sd í ' LÍ ■=- -S. STATIONS. 3S.33 - W H O A.M. P. K.l lp M p M 600 830LV Toledo Ar i 10 Ú 15 10 Dnndee 1216 1032 31 Milán i :,; 1002 7 -ti i í'i . . ['i ;:n a.. Plttsfield 1] 37 940 Lon Arbor. 1126 9 26 Leland 1112 9 10 139 .. Whitmoie Lake 1100 8 5.5 855 632 IIohl-11 10 25 8 20 0 40 7 :i Dnraiid. ... 910 7 20 II 05 _Sjl5 EastSagiimw..." " 10 5 50 10 20 S 10 OwOSSO S 55 6 30 12 Ithaca... 745 5 18 1251013 Mt. Pleasaut 645 335 Cadillac 520 Copemlsh 855 i :i" .. . Ar Frankfort Lv .... 6 5.5 1' ■■"■ r-M A.M. A.M. Going South. H. W. ASHLEY, General Manager. A. J. PAISLEY, GEO. H. HAZLKWOOD, Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt. Local Agt. If'É Jáfatart f ' 1 i" TTÉ! .LA.Kb ■ II 1 ■ ■ Mll lMl 1 M 1 1 1 The Forum The Foremost Periotlieal for Thoug'htfal Readers. IU range is fairly indicated bv the followlng Table of Comeuts of the DECEMBER NUMBEB : THE GOVERNMEXT OF AMERICN CITIES. By Andrew I). White.- Whereln Karopeau Cilies are better goverued than ours; the dnger place iu our politica! system, and the remedy. CITY GROVVTH AND PARTY POLITICS. By William E. Springer.- The inorease of urban over rural populntion as thown by the census; bow lins decrease is advautageous lo the Deraocrats. STABIL1TYOFTHE FRKNCH REPUBLIC. By Julias Simou, or the French Sen te. A review of doraestic aud foreiun iufluences favorable nt)d untavorable to the Rvpublie; a hopeful outlook. FAMILY S1OCKS IN A DEMOCRACY. By President (J. W. El lot, of Harvard.- Democratie Society favorable to the perpetuation of families; a study of Amerlcau condltions theretor. DOES CHINA MENACE THE WORLDT By PresldentW A. P. Martin, of the Imperial Tang Weng College, China, - Why the lendency of Chinese life lörbids fear of coinpetition. THE HUMANITIES. By Major J.W. Powell. The flrst ol a series of articles to show Ihat the theory of blologicai; evolutlou. falls when applied to sociolugy. FOHMATIVE INFLUENCES. By Arohdeacon F. W. Farrar.- An autoblographical essay, following similar ones by Prof. Juhu Tyudall, W. E. H. Lecky, Frederlo HHrrison and olher noted men. SPEED IN RAILWAY TKAVEL. By Prol. R. H. Thurslon. The posslbility of 2U0 miles an hour by steain; why electrioity tl llkely to supetsede steam. ARMOR FOR WAR SHIPS. By Commander F. M. Barber of Ihe U. S. Navy. NOTES ON GHOSTS. Andrew Lang. l'ITY, GENUINE AND SPURIOÜS. By Francés Power Cobbe. Amongthe rTITTT? PfiTJTTtT FOR 18fll teatures of i Xljli fUJttUJ.fl will bo B SULTS OF THE CENBUS. A series of jiriu'l.s bv Gen. FraxiolB A. Walker; Hesults t theLATEST RESEARCH and of the moet RECENT ACHIEVEMENTSinall IMPORTANT LINKS F WOKIi.ln SOIENCKand in INDUSTKY. by speolallsta; 1'OLITICAL DlsCUSSIONS, by the leaders of opinión In the rjnlted States, and by forelga slHtemneu; SH1BBOLETHS OF TtíÍE riME, a serles of critica) examlDuttnns of popalar opinions. by W.s Lilly, the liritisli esitayUt; AUTOBIUQRAPHIUAL ESa to whlcll Borne oí the mti noted m n of the. time Americiii) and Brittsh. have aireada conl DSsIONS n LIG 00 i PROBLEMS STA1 ES; LI PJSB 'IULES. dlsoi v. ni alonti all ulrecti ny, i-J" tne foretnobt critlcs. ' TUÏÏ PflDIIM Vmr Vai.1t ï'5-00


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Ann Arbor Courier