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■ CAN I EET fhrough my ■worlc to-day? I feol miserable, hea. chy, tired, pain in my back, my food won't digest, my wbole body seems out of order. We answer that it is co vonder you are in such a broken down condition, and youwill leep gctüng wors unless jou can care your LIVER. Tnis Important orgaa Is ou t of order and you must cure it by promptly Dsing these ncver fáilinglBBBBBBMMamB Dr. C. McLane'sCelebrated Liver Pilis. fhey will restore you and give vigor and bealth to rour whole systom, making you strong and irell. Dnly 25 cents a box, and they may eavo your liie, tak your druggist for the genuino rr. o. xucoXjnrara " CELEBRA TEULIYER PILLS - SLADB BT - FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. ij-Look out for Coüntkrfeits made in St Louis. f OTORYMÖSH ftereTS.b 1 PERFUMES THE BREATH. CARTER'Sl CURE Bick Headache and relieve all the troiibles Inct dent to a bilious stato of the syetem, euch afl Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiiiess, Distresa af ter eating, Pain in tbe Sido, &c. Vhilo theirmost remarkable bucccss has boen shown ia curlng SICK Headache, yet Carter'a Little Liver Pllls ars cqually valuftble in Constipation, curing and preven ting thisannoyingcomplaint.whilo they also correct alltUsordors of tkestomach,sUmulatotha liver aud regúlate the bowols. Even if they only HEAD Ache they if ould be fclmost pricelesa to those who Buffer f rom thisdiBtresaingcomplaint; brflfortunatoly t heir goodnesa does notend here.and thoso who once try them will find these littlo pilla valueble in noinany ways that they will not bo willing to do without them. Bat af ter all uick howl ACHE Is the bsne of bo many livea that here is wher wemakeourgreatboast. OurpiUscureitwhile others do not. Carter'a Little Llver Pilis are very Bmall and very easy to take. One or two pills makea dose. They are strictly vegetable aud do not gripe or purgo, bnt by their gentle action ploase all who usethom. In vialsat 25 cents ; fivefor$l. Sold by druggists everywhere, or Reut by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALLPfilGE If You Have CONSUMPTION COUBHorCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Af ectlon SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh Or any Diaeaëe tchere the Throat and Lungë are Infla mcd, Lach of Btrength or y erve Poteer, yon can be relieved and Cured by SCOTTS EMULSIÓN OF PURE COD LIVER OIL Wlth Hypopüosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ath for Srott't Emultion, and let no s. planation or tolieitatUm induce you to acerpt a nihitltute. Sold by all Jrugglsts. 8COTT A BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. ïo cure BiUousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, I.iver Complaints, take the 6afe and certain remedy, BILE iEANS UsO the SM IL Size (401ittle r.eann to tho bottle). They ase the most convkkient. Suitable a.11 Ages. FHce of eithcr sis:, S5i'. per ISottle. K B X I Pb l5ftT '""'" panel size. lilVUl BB UI Maüeil for 1 HU. (coppers or stamp). J.F.SMITH&CO.Makorsof BII.KBEAXS, ST. LOUIS MO. Babber Shoee nnlem worn nncomfortably Ught, generalij lip off the (eet. THE 'COLCHESTEE" BUBBEK CO. make all thelr shoes wlth Inflide of heel Uned wltli rubber. This cUnn to the Bhoe oud prevenU the rubber trom allpplng ofL Cali for the " Colchester M "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A. D. SEYLER & SON Airn arbor.


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