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The Press (NEW YORK, FOR 1891. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. 6 pages, 1 cent. 20 pages, 4 cents. 8 or lü pages, 2c. The Aggressive Republican Journal Of the Metropolis A NEWSPiPER FOR THE MASSES FOU3ÍDED DECEMBER lst, 1887. Gircülalien over 100,000 copies The Press is the organ of no faction; pulls no wires; has no animosities to avenge. The Most remarJcaiie Newspaper Success in New YotIc. The Press is a National Newspaper Cheap news, vulgar sensations and trash find no place in the columns of The Press. The Press has the brightest Editorial page in New York. It sparkles with poiuts. The Press Sünday Edition is a splendid twenty page paper, covering every current topic of Interest. The Press Weekly Edition eontains all the good thiugs of the Daily and Sunday editions. For those who cannot afford the Daily or are prevented by distanee from earlv receiving it, The Weekly is a splendid substitute. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Press has no superior iu New York. THE PRESS. Within the reach of all The best aml cheapest Newopaper mbltihed in America. Daily and Sundny, one year, $5.OO " " " 6months. 2.5O " " " one mouth .45 1 Daily oniy, one jear. - - 3 OO I " four inuutlis, - l.oo Sunday, one jear, - . 2.00 Weekly Press, one year, - 1.00 Send for The Press Circular. Samples free. Agenta wantod overyuliere. Liberal commisaions. Address, THE PREss. Potter Builcing,S8 Park lío-. NEW ÏORK. HEADACHES fk CURED ) ' Mes 'oLêctsijtS ( SOLü BY.DRUCaíSTá " 'I SAÏ,E BY EBERBACH & SON, - AXX ARBOR. )ft1k StSalB'" '"i"", lureicr vi.ii re. Even bè " V SHVinirrnraeiialyriinr from Ï5 10 EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T.ATYTTT'fi! TRY ladve-s "peJ-1-CÍ..L'.LillO UIODK'.W. " PILLS from Paris, Franco. Eatebltehed in Enroñe 1888 Canada in 1S78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, aucl Monthly Derangements. A rolinW, monthly medicine. Thej ahvays relieve. Any drupTRist, i'2. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co Wholesale agents, and all other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to bnug on the " chauge.' ' nUUChl W UfiV ! made by earaest men and romen. We furnith the capital! If you maan business, drop ua a card and get some fncts that will open your eyes I A legitímate line of goods, and honest nien wanted to introduce them in town and country. Don't tí OA ess at once' Box, 649, THE GREAT FAMILY XEWSPAPER The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS - -- - REAI) IT! READ IT ! READ IT! IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! The weekly issue of The Mail and Express is not a mere re-hash of the daily of the sanie name, the matter thrown togethér without regard to the order or sequenee of things it is n live, independent, fearless, Progressive iournal.with au individuality and a being of its owp. It is skillfully and earefullv edited with a view of making it just what it claims to be- THE MODEL HOME NETVSPAPER. CONSIDER THESE POINTS. The Weekly Mail ah Express ia the onlv newspaper In America which gives a carefiil review every week of all matters of interest in the Financial, Legal, Keligious and College Worlds. Ihese are amongits specialties. IU page of Foreign News is oue of its most remarkable features. The Weekly Mail and Express is a Republiean paper not a narrow, partisan sheet but a strong and fearless exponent of true Republican principies. It stands amoug the first as an advocate of Temperance and Ballot Reform. The Weekly Mail and Express gives all the news of the day. Foreign and domestic and presents it in the most attractive and readable 8 nape The Weekly Mail and Express has among its regular eontributors some of the ablest wrters of i-urope and America. lts short Btones for young and old, poems, sketches oL travel and adventure are the best of theirklnd In these and all features of a progressive newspaper ït is not surpassed. The tone of the WBKKLT Mail and Express is pure, elevated, wholesome and bracing. Ït ís a paper which enrefully avoids evervthing of the cheap and sensatioual order. It can al SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE COPY. ONE YEAR, - . .00 O.NE COPY, SIX M0NTH8, - - ï'oo ONE COPY, THBEE M0NTH8, - S0 TEN COPIES, ONE YEAK, . . ij'qo AND A FH1CK COPY TO THE PEESON SENDINGTHK tl. II!. DAILY, PER YEAR, . . ;7 EEMITTANCES shonld be madeby Express Money Qrder Postfflea Order! Keg istered mm or Bank Draft, payable to the order of AGENTS Wam i:h. ,,,,„(■ „„ „o„t „, every Post-office in the United States v)7ere we nave not one novi engaged LIBERAL CASH CÖMMI88ION8 given to Agenta fórmaklng npClubs. Special circulara to Agents stating commisslon sent ou applicat.iii'o 1MEN C0PIES Address all letThe Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS 23 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. gSCoolc'S CottO::. 3=ÏOO f ? C O M P O ! r Vrmwsi'1 of ('"t'on i.. T"ny and X7 iI,l'nyruval- a receui uiuuvery by ma v-folJ physlclan. h s.: ■ . ,.. , usecj "onw'iiz-afe. 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