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I"or J07 and bliss beyond compare And delight without kinks, Just try an hour with that game so rare, The jumping tiddleydeywiuks. It cost the city $143.23 to take care o the poor laat month. A dog was run over and killed on the street railway Monday. The A. A. & Ypsi road opened a wait ing room at Ypailanti Monday. Moses Seabolt is the administrator o the estáte of W. R. Henderson. The drifting of the snow made trouble for the electric cars last evening. J. T. Jacobs Camp S. of V. give a hop to-morrow evening, in the armory. Wheat has advanced in the rnaret, anc is now quoted at 95 cents per bushel. Tea social at the M. E. church to morrow evening. Supper at (5% o'clock The University authorities take the city bonds for the new hospital, $21,000 at par. " To spit on the floor is strictly for bidden," is one of the signs in the cour house corridors. If the charter can not be amendei without doing away with the good proprovisions therein, don't amend it at all The postoffice was closed f rom 11 a. m.j uirtil 2 o'clock p. m., Monday, on account of the death of Secretary Windom. The flre department was called out last Friday forenoon by a small blaze caused by a detective. chiinney at No. 26 E. Jefferson st. Quite a number of the members of Welch Post, G. A. R. expect to go to Ypsilanti Friday eveniug to meet with the G. A. R. Post of that city. A number of our citizens have been Lnvited to attend the Detroit Light Guards' reception to Gov. Winans, on Feb. lOth, at the Armory in Detroit. George Jones, John Clifford and Robert Cornell, vags, sentenced to 8, 2 and 1 day in jail by Justice Pond, last Monday. They should pound stone for their board. H. P. Glover, H. T. Morton, Chas. E. Hiscock, Clias. D. Haines and II. R. Scovill, are the new directors of the Ann Arbor Street R'y. H. P. Glover is president, H. T. Morton, Secretary, and Chas. E. Hiscock, treasurer. A typo on the Hausfreund, named Cari Schaffer, liad the misfortune to break his leg by a fall Saturday, and it will be some timebefore he can set type again. Dr. Kapp set tho lirnb. A road cart with horse attached, belonen; to E. I?. Gidley, was run into umi sinashed while standing in front of Seyler'n store a day or two since. A farrner's team becoming scared at the electric cars was the cause of the trouble. The Linie Kiln Club have rented the third story over Watt's jewelry story, and ehristened the place "Buzzard's Hoost." W. .T. Clark and Eli Manly are to address the next regular meeting, having for their subject, "The Truth aboul the HÍL'mst Fish Caught in Zukey Lake." Tlio republican clubs of Waahtenaw county are respectfully requested to tako notice of the State League Convention to bc held in Jackson 011 Tuesday, February 24th. Kuch club is entitled to three delegates, and important business for the party is to come up. Every club in the county should be represented. John F. Lawrence having bought the property on the southeast corner of E. Ann St. and Fourth ave. will erect thereon a handsome three story brick block early this spring. That will be an improvement which has long been needed here. That entire block would pay well if it was huilt up with both stores and offices. There's a gfrl out in Ann Arbor, Mich. To meet whom I never could wich, Though I'd buy her ice cream Till with colic she'd acream, She'd still cry, "you muat flll up my dich I" - Judge. It takes two electric cars to carry the Ypsilanti passengers. Saturday evening the IJ. of M. Glee Club will sing at Ypsilanti. The third floor of Schuh & Muehlig's will be fitted up for display rooms. Aid. Wm. Ilerz has the calcimining contract for the court house, and is doing a handsome job. Paul Mehlin, the famous piano man was in the city Monday, the guest of Lew H. Clement. Kev. Dr. Bronson, of Detroit, lectures before the Tappan Guild, at the Presbyterian church, Sunday evening. Stepniak, the Russian exile nihilist has been secured by the Student's Lecture Association for Friday evening, Feb. 27th. Tlie ground hog could have seen his shadow Monday, had he looked for it. But it is currently reported that he didn't look for it. The marble business owned by the lato Sed. James, has passed into the hands of the New England Co-operative Granite and Marble Co. A lecture will be delivered this evening at the Congregational church by Prof. Corbin, of the Agricultural College, upon "Christian Science." The Courier office flag was put at half-mast Monday in memory of Secretary Windom, whose funeral was held at Washington, D. C, on that day. Now that the Ross corner has been bought, and the old store will be moved off, what will President Brown do for a meeting place for the checker club ? The Ann Arbor Courier and Register are having a petty quarrel. Like two children saying, You did, I didn't. - Manchester Enterprise. Don't stick your lingera in it, bubby. The sneaks who go around peeking into windows as people are retiring are in business again. L. T. Limpert shot three times at one he caught peering into his bed-room window last Sunday night, but no one was wounded so far as bas been heard from. A very tasty and neat program of the dedicatory exercises for the new Masonic Temple, at Alpena, Mich., which occurred on Jan. 30th, has been received. Arthur G. Hopper, W. M. of Alpena lodge, No. 199, one of the chief participants, has many relatives and friends in this city. The old establislied insurance agency of the late Chauncey H. Millen, has been transferred to Beal & Pond. The agency includes amongother companies the Home, the London, Liverpool and Globe, the Continental, the Niágara, Oriënt, etc, some of the oldest and largest companies in the country. J. T. Jacobs now owns one of the flnest farms on the middle Ypsilanti road, having recently purchased the buildings nul grounds of the Yost farm, consisting of 40 acres. This in connection with the 82 acres known as the Fred Hopper farm, adjoining on the north,whiehhealready owned, makes a very valuable property. The sixth anniversary banquet of the Michigan Club will be held on Monday evening, Feb. 23d, at the Detroit Rink. niong the committee men for the occasion we find the following names : vice residents - Hon. Thos. M. Cooley, Hon. D. P. Allen. General executive comnittee - Louis Blitz. General reception committee - A. J. Sawyer, Evart H. ■fcott. Committee on pross - Junius E. Beal. Articles of association have been filed vith the Secretary of State, for the Vadhams, Kennedy & Ruele Company, with a capital stock of $1G,000. This ompany propose going into the elothng business, and will occupy the corner tore of the Hangsterfer block. These centiemen, having had long experience n the elothing business liere, and being opular and energetic young men, will 10 doubt build up an excellent trade in his growing city. They are all worthy f success. Saturday the sale and transfer of the Aun Arbor Electric St. E. R. was competed and the road and all its property urned over to the new owners. Mr. Glover of Ypsilanti now owne a conrolling interest in the road, and assoiated with him is a number of our Ann Arbor capitalists. The event was celerated by a banquet at Hangsterfer's on aturdav evening, which some thirty or orty intsrested parties attended, and vhich, we learn was a very happy afl'air - sort of a love-feast in fact. The new wners propose to push improvements nd extensions as soon as the weather will permit. The work being done at the court ouse is putting the structure in better bape tluiu it lias been before since its rection. Supervisor Kearney, who is ie resident rnember of the building ommittee, bring a thorough business ïan, beliovea that it is good economy or a county as well as a private individal, to keep property in thoroughly good 'pair, and in this he is earnestly suported by Supervisors Gilbert and S weetand. All the rooms in the basement re being calciniined in handsome tints, nd tliey look light and airy. In County Dlerk Brown's office a new floor is being aid of sugar maple, making a fine imrovement. The tile floor in the corriors is being scoured and made to look s good as new. The committee is to )e commended for its good work.


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Ann Arbor Courier