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SThe Best and Purest MedicineS jljSL EVER MADE. 9 -Itwlll drive the irumorfromyour 18 1 i, x.ylt'in, and nmkc your skin ■ I 1 'o. ;■, Kj!li':m ana smooÜJ. Tlioso ij I 'q 'VWl'il!1''1 1""1 Hl'tl'HJJ m'ïi "' '' VWwiiichniiir your beautym taJ vo tt r4 yVnri1 cunscil liy tmijuretg Ijl 2 ' ,fr, vJK"1'1"'1"'1'1.1 inasllortl I Il ii l small-oiúyateítejíj, (0 VMl 8 81 nful. Itistho%f o %■ . I 3 bestand l.-ui-Hl%k o 'y. ""V'! 1 medicino. JYy ft, maV, s,X, II gjJ Getltofyour Druggtat J Vra ö dosTWait. Getitatonck vm If you are BUlferiDg from Ki'lk II I ney Dleense, and wili u live tik II oíd age, ase 8ULPHUB BlTTElisTV l I ïliey oever iail to oure. Ljj 8end 8 2-oent stnuips to A. 1'. Onlw.-iy & Co.. Boston. Mass.. for ber.t medical work imlilibhed? QOLD ME3AL, PARIS, 1S78. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are uscd in its preparation. It has more than three times íhe strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more cconomical, costing Ies3 than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. En I I mi I l#tH,i(ny oud Imnurabljr, by thoi of Rn I I iU W V ei'hir ". youiii er ulJ, and in tlinr IVI B I I I ow?locIÍtír,wherewíbeyli.Any III Villa I one cm do the wi.rk. Kaïv to learn. We Turninh everythinp. We tart you. No risk. You can devola your piirr mi.minli, or all your time to the worlt. Thi n pntlrety ntwlead.anj brinca wonderful uccch (oever wmkrr. Uefcinnera are eaniing from #-i to f 0 icr week md upwnrda, and more nlti-r a HtUe experíence. W can furníih you (h emplovment and teach you h'llVK. No apn to exnlain bere. Futl iufurmaiioD FKKL. '' It I V. cl::O., Al ULbl, MAlMU TUIS PAPER arsws ■ III V I fll lall howell Cos Kcwspapei AdvertiBlng Bureau (10 Spruca 8troet),whoroalver. ■■■■■■ iif iï''rz NEW YDRK. USE DRCEAIG'S OHIÜINAL KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Thcy only Safe Remedies to use íor those affllcted wiili Brlght'a Disease, Livei Complaintand Urinary Ifféctions. Only those prepared In the dbt foem are the ofiglnal and the only Kldney and Uver Cure tlmtwiil rostore you to pérfe.ct health. ALL LADIE8 rsi: C?. El. H. A, COLS BY ALL EÍÜ30ICT3. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. FOR ALI. e -. ' ; nruTAVirrlib ..utü I UK UllIubJe series of ittlilï 1 . Thüpc jireparod wltta view oma I ' and aitfument for FrotéoLiti.i, w het her in the interest i farmers, -, i;i' rcfaani or professional men. Eucb iasue of tho sorlcs ppeala to those enffHgod in seuarattï industricp, and presente ]naii putable facts - oompaiisons oí' wages, cost oí livinr, and other argumenta showing Iho bcuehtHof Protcction. Any Pinole one will be sent on recoipt of 2 cents In stampa except 'v Wages, Living and 'luriir," whicn will besent for 4 cents. The whole list v iil 1)0 pont for 30 (ents or any twclve lor SO cents, or any live l'orlü cl. iis, o ta . i . 1. Order by number. So. Paoes. 1- "Weger, t id Tarlfl." E. A. Hautui ■. 101 S- "1 . . . . mi. .-Uve Tuiiiï to the I tlui.trUB of the United &UI es." j Uai lizü i,ftb.iy, iöH7. CkawFOODD. tlEN.SlNÜ. 32 8- "Humv Erchiuctiou Indispensable to a -upply, at Low erices, oí the Uamifactored ConinioOlUOfl r'(julrelfur thu People of 11i; Unltfd States, urn! Adequate momd Produotton of these Commoditíéfl Impoasible without a l'rutective Tariiï." First Prlze Kssay, L888. C. D. Todd 82 4- "Vt'hatareKuw UateiialB? W"oiüd lreeRaw llaterialB be Adv&ataseoas t" the Labor and IudustrlfS of the United Stat " First Prlze Essay, lKí. Homkhií. Diiïell 32 6 "Fallióles oí Free-Trade." E. i' Hiller... ' ö- Yiowsun tho 'i'arllT by au OM Btulnes9 Man." ÜSQ. DZLAPKB 32 7- "The Pruteetive TarliT : lts Adviiutui-s for thelSOUtll," CL. I'DWARDS 32 8- "TheWool [nterast." JndgeWicLAWBSNCB %. 'j- "ï'rotectlou vs. Free-Trade.M- A liiBtoiicai Review. 1. u. Hahkiman 20 10-" The Farmer and the I'arltï" Col. Thomas H. DUDLEY 16 11- " ProteCtloD asa l'uUllc i'ollcy." ÜeokoeS. ÜOUTWfiU, 16 12- "Rcply to the l'resldent'a Free-Trade Mes" K. f. Iobteh 8 l"- "Workingmen anil tüe Turlff " 8 i- "'Íhe Vítulyuestlon: ShallAmerli-;,:i Industries be Ahantloned and Amerlcuu Markets üurrenderetl ? 8 15- Saint in (ermau, wlth Addltlon 8 iu- "Xhe ProgreBS of uno Hundreu Years." HOBERT P. POUTKH 8 17- 'Trott-ction for Aini-rican Nhipplnff." 8 ■ -''TheTarirt NotaTax." HomeuU. Dibell.. 8 !- " Why irlHhmeu Mliould l:e 1'roteetluuUts." 8 ü- ' Prolecüon," K. H. amhidown il- 'What Is a Tariff ?" Answerstoa Workinj{mau's QuesUon i 23- "The AinprU-an Wool Industry." E.H. AmHIÜOWN 8 ' noes and Costof LItIiik." D. Weeks. 4 outhern Fannlug Industries." 1 hort Talk U) WorklnKmtïu." 2 ■ ! i'ctlon and the Farmer." Benator S. M. LOM 18 RtCAM v,c nomist, weeklv, devoted to Uu: " Iihm'S of the Tarïff question. $'Z ii In '.is Amnrican Pro' . ' BI .. Sew York. The Couuier and the American Economist one year fox $2.00. ik Farmers' & Máti Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SURPLUS $10,000. Adflitional Liabilitles of Stockholflers $5O,OOO. Reporl of the coudltion oi tl)'' PARMER8 i MECHANICS1 BANK aiAnn Arbor, Michl ut the close of business, Dec. 19, 1890. in,l discounta $280(401 80 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc ! i OverdraitB 4,159 89 Due from banke in reserve oltles 8,695 77 Due from other banks umi bankers.. 5,969 M Due trom Washtenaw County 28,385 60 Kii ruit ii i-e and flxturea ::m ihi Curren and tazes pald 1,807 59 [nterest paid.. 8,110 4a Checks and cash items '.. 999 89 Nickel and pennies : Gold e,., l.r U.S. and National Bank Notes 5,600 00 ïotul ,t;:i7ó,517 70 LI Wül.l Cl Capital stock paid in $ 5O,ooo oo Surplus fund. 10,000 00 Undivided proflts 8,917 21 deposita 265305 14 r.i.vj.'i 7! Due to banks and bankers 469 84 Total $875,517 70 STATE OF MICHIGA I. !'. II. BELSBK, Cashier, of the e nanied Bank, do somenly swear thai statement la true, to the beat of mj knov I and belief. r. II. BBL8ER, Cashier. Subscribcd and Bworn to before me, this yuth day of December, 1890. M. W. U BEDON, 7 ruitlif. sct- Attest: Chas. E. Greene, Reuben Kempf, l. F. Schairer, Dlrectors. Tlie Farmers' & MecliaÊs' Baat having dled thelï certifícate with the State Banking Departnent are nou authorized to do business as a Savlnga Bank, mul i pursuance thereof have opened a Savings Department! [nterest allowed in the savtnge departnent on all deposit8 of $1 and upwards, Interest puul June Ist and Dec. Lst, oi' each year. The savlius departmerrt is open Saturday nk'hts 1 nm 7 until 8 o'eloek. Miniry to loan in sums Of $'JS to $.r,(XX) sivured by unencumbered real estáte or approved hu curltles. DIRECTORS- Renben Kempf, Chas. E. Greene, E. Duffy, Ambrose Kearney, Win. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakef, J. E. Beal. John Burg, D. F. Schairer. It. KEMl'F, Pre. E. UUFFY, Vice-Pres. F. H. BELSER, C'ashier. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron 81, 2 doors W, of Harris Gulld. Tho oldest agency in the city. Establlshed overaquarter oí a century ago. Representlog' thefollowlng flrst-class companiea, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Homk Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. -NiAiiAitA Inh. Co., of New York. tiiitAitu Ins. Co., oí PJbiladelpnia. Oriknt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. Liverpool, London aud Cílobe. Kaïcs Low as the Luwest, Losses Liber ully Ailjiistcd and proiuptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN" Shoes _n farco's iSI "Box Tip" School Shoes ?nVV for Boys and Girls. A PjÍ?o " Heeled or Wedge Heel. V SAL SiZüS-8tolO"2 1.35 ? "M& Ito3 1.75 S.P ■üées- %ViXO 6ii 8.0 liV $2.50 Calf Shoe Ol3r%v fr Gentlemen, í rJa i?JS Cnialed by any shoe , t?F CLÍAr7J'n Ainarioa ai tho kuh HMN.pHU Liivirv. In ..iiUt. --, lïut ■ "isü toiiiind Luue. Müu'aaiul BoyV c-fl FARGO'S l ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT o? X Congola or Goat, Button, Atlc Opera, or Common Sense. f AcnHêjX Tackle and Flexible. l.t'ílrLAÍvS. Wnmmted the most OUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTON! OF EVERY SHOE, tífí01"" deal,crfor Farco'a SIioc If ho does not recehjt of pnj'o. Sriul jostal for J.-Ti,(l list. O. H. FABGO & CO., Chicago, I1L DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR Insurance, hú Estáte iú Loan Agencj OF HAMILT01T& GREEN. OFFICES : N0. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK . FIRST FLOOR. I'nrties (lesirlng to liuy or sell Real Eatate wil] iind it to tfieir advantage to cali on o e represent the followlng Orst-olasa Wre InBurance Conxpanies havlng u rul uggregutt capital of over $8,000,000 : TlIK (HAND RaPIDS FlRE INS. CO. The OHIO Kakmeks In.s. C:o., (usures only dwelllngs). THB (ÍERMAN FlRE INS. CO. Tino l'tiii'l.t'a Kun: Isrt. Co. TlIK ClTIZBN'i PIBÏ Ins. Co. Tuk Westchestek Fire Ins. Co. The Mii.waukke MBCHANIOS' H'niE Ins.,Co. The New Hami'siuke t'niE Ins. Co. The Nohthwestekn Fire Ins. Co. Ratea low. Losses llberally adjuated and paid promptly. We also Issue Life and Investment Pollcies in the Conn. Mututil Ufe Insurunce Compauy. Assets $fiO,ooo,üOO. l'ersons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Polieien written for them or Traveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lssued at low rules in the Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich. Money to loan at current raten, üflicc houra from u. ui. to V2 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. HAMILTON & GREEN.


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Ann Arbor Courier