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February 1 to 7 COTTON SALE ! Ladies now have the time to select and make them up. 2,000 yards unbleached cotton 4 3-4 ets. per yd. 10,000 yards good bleached cotton 5 3-4 ets. per yd. 5 cases London bleached cotton 8 1-2 ets peryd. 10 cases Argyle unbleached cotton 5 ets per yd. 100 pieces 9-4 and 10-4 unbleached sheeting 18c a yd50 pieces 9-4 and 10-4 bleached sheeting 23c per yd. Our entire Cotton stock will be marked down for this sale. HMKASHIIB BUSINESS CARDS. HVCISS H. E. BTJBLL MODISTE, Makes fine Costumes. Tailor Suits, also Miases' and Children's' Suits. Cloaks Made and Repaired. llJá KORTH P1FTH STREET, ANN' ARBOK. 82 OBCS. "W. VOG-EL Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. PtHiltry, I.ard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 E. Ank St., Ann Arbor. "W. "W. ITICHOLS DENTIST. Rooms over Aim Arbor Savlngs Banks, OppCourt House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Adminie tered. It is agreeable and easy to taktaiil no proatratlng effects follow, whlle teth are extractad itliout paiu. WILLIAM HBEZ House, sipn. Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER ! Papering, Glaülng, Gilding, and Calciinining, nnd work of ever; deacription doiif in the beet Btyle, and warranted to glve Batisfactlon, Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. _m l IIicx, who cnii rud ml wrile, and who. til il 1 II lrtor InatfUCtion.wlll work inüulrioulv r W W r Whow lu fnrn 'Miree Tliuunitnd Dollarn i Te.rm,helroWnl,olliie.,wh.rrvcrlI,.ynve.Ili.l,ofurni.h ■iliilioilorrm,l..yi„,.,it.tlncli}„m-1ino.m th.t.mount. NoroonBy forme unlesa auccnahilusbovc. EoBlIvnnd quicklr toanied. 1 bul ,me orker Hom cch dlatrlct .r cointy I lredrtau(!lit and provuk-d witl, mploymrata lr'fe rttM ííí: gsteSKüarSaíflS .. t', ALLEN, ilox 42, Aiituta, Muine. SCROFULA It is that impurity in the blood, which, accumulating in the glands of the neck, produces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or leet; which developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, oiten causint ïlindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, cancerous growths, or the many other manifestations usually ascribed to "humors;" which, f astening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it is the most general of all dlseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. TeT CU RED By taking llooil's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, oíten when otlier medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine íor this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderf ui. If you suffer from scroíula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " My daughterMary was afBicted with scrofulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely disappeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Caklile, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla Soldbyalldruggists. fl;sixfor$5. Preparedonly by C. I. BOOD & CO., Apothecarlej, Lowell, Mui, IOO Doses One Dollar


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Ann Arbor Courier