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A Slander Refuted

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The Chicago Herald of February Ttli contains a screed written from Detroit and signed "Mc." - who in the worlc can it be? - attacking the medical de partineut of the University and rehashing the old and exploded charges that the "Doctor factory" here in Ann Arbor cannot supply sufflcient clinical ma terial, to edúcate medical students prop erly, and consequently should be removed to Detroit. The falsehood of the assertious made have been shown up time and time again, until it has got to be sort of a chestnut. So far this year there have been li obstetrical cases at the hospitals here while at the University hospital of Pa., at Philadelphia, the report of 1890 only shows 20 cases during the entire year o] 12 months. These are the cases over which the kickers of Mc's school raise such an outcry. In the same hospital in Philadelphia - and can Detroit hope to outdo Philadelphia in this line? - there were 1334 patients admitted during the 12 months of last year, while 1249 patients received treatment at the U. of M. hospitals in the little baokwoods city of Ann Arbor during nine months only last year. Dost thou like the comparison, Mc? That article also asserts that the ilents who have been educated at this University have gone away from here only half instrueted in their profession, and without proper knowledge thereof - the only way to secure which is by the removal of the department to Detroit. As a complete and handsome refutatioo of thfs impudent assertion, we give below i purtial list of graduates trom the medical department of the U. of M. who are at present holding prominent positions in other colleges, positious tliey could only hold except with a thorongh knowledge of their profession. If this list, whk-h is not complete by any means, forthere are graduates of this medical school oocupying prominent positions all over the world, is not a "corker" so to speak upon "Mc" and bis amoosin' kickers, then such a thing as a "corker" never was knowii : 1851- Robcrt Clark Kedzie, Professor oí Clu-mistry In the Michigan Agricultural College since ltkii. 1862- Morse Kont Taylor, Professor of General Pathology and Hygiëne In Chicago Medical College. 1853 - Abel Comlnga Koherts. Professor of Theory and Practlce In College of Phyaiclans and Surgsons, Keokuk, lowa. ist;2 to ÍWB. Js-"" - William Warren Greene. (See meniber of Facttltles page 8). 1866- Joseph Thatoher Woods, fonnerly Profeeser of Phyalology and Hlstology in the Cleveland Medical College; now Professor of Orthapae and Cllnical Surgery in the Toledo Medical College. 1855 - William Parmenter, Professor oí Mathematics In Western College, 1857-fil. '1857- John B. Rice, Professor of;jlilitary Surgery and Obstétrica and Lecturer on diseaaea of the Genito-Urloary System, in the Churity Hospital College, Cleveland, O. 1858 - Thomas Iatliroi). Proiefsor of Obstetrics in Niágara üniverslty Editor oí the bufíalo Medical and SurgicalJournal. 4859- Williarn Fleming Breakey, Leeturer on Dermatology in the üniversity of Miehigun, 1890-81. 1860- William T. Plant, Professor oí Pediátrica in [Tniverslty. 1859- Charles Rynd, Kegent of the Cniverslty oí Michigan froin 1S72-8D. 1861- Samuel Knox Crawford, Leoturer on Anatomy, Physiology mul Hygiëne in Monniuiith College; Professor oí Obstétrica In Medical department oí Wooeter Universltj ; later of Surgica] Anatomy ín the Chicago College of rhysiciiin aii'l Surgeoos. 1861 - Andrew Bliss (.']iiiin. Professor of the Principies oí Medicine in the Michigan College oí Medicine 1884-íH, Im',2- Kiuisoin Dexter. Professor of Zoology, (.'oin para tive and Humun Auatomy, and Phyai ology in the University of Chicago. 1871-8S. ISf.H- George Knicry Kanney, Seeretary of the Michigan State Medical society. 1860-80. 1804- tíeorge K. Frothlngham, Profeor of Materia Medica, Ophthulniic and Anral Surgery and Clinical Ophthalmology until lh89; now consulting Ocullst on the Staff of Harper Hospital, Detroit. 18M- Albert B. Prescott. Director of the Chemical Laboratory, Professor oí Orgaaic and Applied Chemistry and Pharmary, and Dean of the School of Pharniaey in the l'niversity of Michigan. 1865- Dexter Valverd Dean. Professor of Physiology, Normal and Pathological llistologv, Texicology and Structural Botany, in Hun'iboldt Medical College, 1866-70; of Physiology, Pathological Anatomy, and liacteriology in Beaumont Hospital Medical College, St. Louis, Mo., since 1884. 1865 - Hayes Clifton Frenen, for two years Professor of Physiology in Bcnnett Medical College; Professor of Öphthalmology in the Hahnemann Medical College, San Francisco, Cal., since 1884. 1867- Samuel Aquila Benesteel, Professor of Descriptlve and Surgical Anatomy in the University of Deuver 1883-84. Professor of Surgery in the University of Colorado 1888-89. 1868 - Alber Brown Lyons. Professor of Chemistry In the Detroit Medical Coljege 1808-81. Government Chemist for the Hawiian Inlands and Professor of Chemistry in Oahu College aince 1X88. Editor of tlie Pharmaceuitcal Era, Honolulú. 1869- John J. Mulheron. Professsor of Pathology and Practiee of Medicine and Clínica! Gynecology in the Michigan College of Medicine uml Bnrgery, Detroit, 1889- Charles J. Londy, Professor of Dlseases oí Kye Earand Throutiu the Detroit College oí Medicine. 1869- Richard Smith Dewey, Medirá] Superintendent oí the Illinois Eagtern Hospital for the Insane aluce lts79. lStiO - Charles Ambrook, Professor oí Theory and Practice üf Medicine In the (Jniverglty oí Colorado. 1870 - Darius F. Boughton, Medical Superintendent of the Wiscónsin statu Hospital for the Insune, 1876-87. 187- Laureston Alphonso Merriam. Professor of tlie Principios and Practice oí Medicine in the University of Nebraska. 1878- James Decker Mnnson, Medical Superintendent of the Northern Michigan Asylmn for the 1 nsunt1. 1s7:í - [saac K. llrow il. Professor oí Phisiolory mul Microscopy in the Detroit Medica College. 1873 - Hul. Clement Wyninu. Professor oí Snrgery Ín (he Michigan college of Medicine and burgery, Detroit. 1878 - William James Herdman. Professor oí Orthopaedic Slirgery in the Northwestern Medical College since 188.r, and Professor oí Üervona Diseases and Demoustrator of Anatony, ("niversity of Michigan. 1877- Cleorge Byron Ayres. Professor of Amitomy Ín Omaha Medical College four years and Professor of Surgery two years. 177 - Geofge Hdndricks, Professor of Anatony In the l'njversity oí Minuesota, Minneapois. 1878- Lucy Mábel Hall, Professor oí PhyBlology and Hyfíiene and Physician iu Yassar Colege, 1881-87. 1K78 - lames Harvey Lyon, Professor of GenTal and Dental l'athology in the Northwestern College oí Dental líurgery since 1887. 1' - Víctor Clarence Vaughan, Professor of [yglene and Phyalological Chemistry. and director oí ttie Hyglenlc Laboratory, Univcrsiy of Michigan. 1879 - Charles Freernont Dight, Professor of natomy and Physlology in Syrlán Protestant College, Beirut. Syrla is-Si-O; of Practice oí uedlclne, Physlology and Hygiëne 1886-9; now Professor of Physioiogy and Hygiëne in the Shattuek School, Minn. 1879- lliram H. Martin, Professor of Diseases }i Eye and Ear in the Chicago Ophthalmic College. 1879- Virginia C. Murdock. Medical Mlsalonary In China. 1879- Karl Von Ruck, Medical Director of the Asheville Sanltarlum. 1880 - Patrick Eugene Nagle. Professor of Nervoua Diseases In the Mfnneapolls College of Physlolans and Surgeons. 1880- José Celso Barbo-u. 1'rmVor of Natural History in the Superior Institution. St. Johus, Porto Rico. 1S80- Allen Sidney Whetstone, Professor of Throat and Operativo Burger; in the Minueneapolia College of Physicians and 8urgeons. 1881- Cy remis G. Durling. Asslstant Surgeon In Michigan Unlveralty Hospital. 1881- Charlea Philip Pengra, Professor of Materia Medica and Botany in the Mussachunetts College of Pharmacy since 1884, also of Histlology and Microscopyin the Uoston Dental College siuee 1885. 1881- Maly Kmanuel Renner, Adjunct Professor of Physioiogy in the Fort Wuyue Medical College. 1883 - Andrew J. Orosby Sannier, Professor of HistolOKy and l'iithological Auutomy in the Chicago Ophthalmlc College. 1881- Fred Douglas Shepard, l'rofessor of Surgery in the Central Turkey College, and Burgeon In charge of the Azariah Snuth Memorial Hospital, Aintalj, Turkey. since 1882. 18K2- Frank Trcston Smith, Asslstant Surgeon in the New Vork Ophthalmic and Aural lnstitutc, 1888-7 ; Professor of Dlseaaea of the Kye in the Chattunooga Medical College. 1883 - James N. Martin, Acting Professor of Obstetrics and Disensos of Women and Children in the Department of Medicino and .Surgery, Dnl vergit y of Michigan. 1883 - Katherine Aun Corey, for severa] years Medical Mlsslonary to the Methodist Hospital at Foo Chow,' China. 1884- Williniii Mllan Edwarda, Asslstant Physician in the Michigan Aaylum lor the Insane, Kuhunazoo. 1884- Herman Ostrander, Asslstant Physlclan in the Michigan Asylum for the Insuue, Kalamazoo. 1884- Williiim Addlson Stone, Asslstant Physiclan in tlie Michigan Asyluiu for the Insane, Traverse City. If llussia has a class of people that is objectionable, why should she aud all other nations of the earth atternpt to ship them over the Atlantic to the United States? And if they are shipped here why should Uncle Sam not inimediately send them back in the ships they came in and allow the owners thereof to stand the expense themselves ? The idea that the United States must become the pest house of the world is one that should bedispelled {rom the minds of all foreign countries.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier