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DOW Cl I CET Ihroagh my work to-day? I foei miserable, faead Rchy, tired, pain ia niy back, my food won't digwt, my wholo body aeems out of order. We answer that It is co vonder you are Ín sucb. a broken down Dondition, and youvill keep setting wors unleas roa can cure your LI VER. This important organ bout of order and you must cure it by promptly asing those oever íuIIidbhhbhíHIIBBHbs Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pilis. Hoy vlll restore you and gire Tlgor and bealth ta rour whole system, making you atrong and well. Dnly 25 cents a box, and they maysave your Ule. ájsk yourdruggút forthe genuino Xr. O. MoLiA.Kr3S'8 1 ÜELEBRA TED LIVER PILLS - KADI BY - FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgfi, Pa. IEÏ-look out for Cotrs-THRFF.iTs made In St Louü, ? 8?ivory"pcílísh: FTEREia.8 1 PERFUMES THE BBJ5ATU. CARfÊfö] tra ■ 1 ■wni'wa '■B CURE Bick Headache and raliovo all tho troublea lncJdent to a bilioua stato of the syetem, such as Di7.zmess, Nausea, Drowsiueso. Distresa after cating, Pamin the Sido, ka. Whila theirmost romarkable succeaa bas boen shown iu curlng SiGSC Iloaflaclie, yot Cnrtcr's Littlo Llver PUla ara equiilly valuablo in Constipation, curingandpreventiug thiaannoyinRcoLaplaintwhile they bIso corroctall(li9orJcraolthoBtomach,stira-.ilatethe livor and regúlate tlio bowols. Even if they only HEAO Acbeihey wouldbealmcstpricelepato ttioso who euffor f rom tbia distressiu;; conn)ln,int; brfl f ortuEately theirgoodnoss doos notend hero.and thoao who once try tbcmwill flncl these Iittlc pilla valuableln BOiaany ways thu.t thoy will not bo willing todo without theta. Bus after nllsick head ACHE Is the bano of ao many Uves that here ia whera ■we nake our grcat boast. Our pills cure it whila others do not. Cartor's Little Liver Pilla are very small and ver y easy to tako. Oue or two pille make a doso. ïhcy are strietly vegetable and do not gripe or purpe, but by their gentío action ploaae all who uaotheni. lnfialBat 25oents ; flvafor$l. Sold by druggiats everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PR1CE If You HiY8 C0N8UMPTI0N COUGHorGOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Af ectlon SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh Or any Dtsenge cher9 the Thro&t and Lungm aro Injlatned, Lach of Strength or ÍCervm Vowt-r, you can lx relieved and Cured by SOOTT'S EMULSIÓN OP PURE COD LIVER OIL Wlth Hypopbospbltes. PALATABLE A3 MILK. Alk for Bcott't Bmtürton. and let no f planation or tolieitatton induce you to accept a mabttíuf, Sold by all Drugglsta. 8C0TT & BOWNE.Chemlste. N.Y. . StVEM SCVENTrCN SEVCMTY To cure Biliousnees, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the saie and cevtuin remedy, UU r PCRUC Tse the SM AlrlL, Sizo (Í0 little Bu.ins to the bOttlC). TlIEV ARE TIÍK 3IOST CONVENIENT. Pricc of 'ith-r stee. ,-. per Bottïe. I.fí-K1KANS,-ST. lOUIS MO. :-ïtNo more ÍM of this! Rubber Shooe nnlees worn uncomfortably tight, generaliy slip off the roet. THE "COLCHESTEE" RUBBER CO. make all tholr Rhoes wlth Innide of heel llne1 wlth rubber. This cIIurb to the sboe and preveuU üio rubber frum gllpplng off. Cali for the Colcbester n "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOR SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A, D.SEYLER & SON AZVIT ARBOR.


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