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In effect February Uk, 1891. Leave Ypsilanti Rt 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, a. m., aud 13 :45, 2 :20, 4 :00, 6 :40. 7 :20, 9 :00, 10 aO, p. m. Leave Ana Arbor. f rom Oourt House, at 7 AT, 9:25, 10:55, a. m., and 1:10, 2:50, 4:30, 6:10, 7:50, 9 :20, 10 :55, p. m. SUNDAY TIME. Leave Ypsilanti. at 1:00, 2:40, 4:25, 6:05, 7-45 0 :'J0, p. m. Leave Ann Arbor. f rom Court House, at 1 '30, 3:10, 4:55, 6:35,8:10, il :50, p. m. Cars run on City Time. Coupon tickets, 10 cents, entitles passengcrs to a continous rkle. over both roads. For sale by conductors ou all street cars. St. Andrew's chtirch is soon to have a ÍSOOchancel window. The pork market appears not to be well greased this year. Fraternity lodge F. & A. M. will confer the third degree to-night. Sunday foreuoon trips have been cut off by the A. A. & Ypsi. St. R. R. To-day is the first day of Lent. The dancing season will rest for a time. The last hop before Leut was giveu last evening at Nïchel'a hall, by Ross 1 r.anger. The ladies givo a tea and social at 6 p. m. Thursday eveniug at the Presbyterian church. Notices intended for the Courier must be handed in by Tuesday p. m., as the paper goes to press now promptly at noon Wednesday. A fellow named Jas. Murray who desired to thrash all Chelsea the other day, is now spending ten days in jafl for failing in his ambition. The Times is after the foul air in the high school building, and thus brings i'orth anotlier strong argument for the necessity of sewers in the citv. The lectures of the Tappan trainiu course at the Presbyterian church ar being largely attended. Sunday evening Kev. Bronson gave au excellent discours to a full house. The Woman's Fofeigu Missionary So ciety of the M. E. cliurch holds its reg ular meeting on Friday afternoon of this week, at 4 o'clock p. m., at the residence of Mrs. E. A. Calkins ou S. State st. In the article published last week in regard tó the American church in Berlin where it should have read "An Amer can unsectarian Church" by au unaccountable and provoking error, the types were made to say "An American Unitarian Cliurch." Rev. Rusta B. Shippeh of Washington, D. C., will preach at the Unitarian chnrch in this city ïiext Sunday morning and eveuiug, in exchange with Mr. Sunderland. Mr. Shippen is one of the ablest and bestknown Unitarian clergymen in this country. Cannot justices of the peace iu this county in sentencing prisoners add to the commitnient these word.s : "and labor at pounding stone ten hours each day." If tliey have not the power, by all means let the present logislalature give them the power. Next Saturday will be a lively one for the postofflce force. Every youngster oonsiders it his bounden duty to seud a valentine to all of his or her intímate friends, and thus are the piles of Uncle Sam'a stamps diminished and the arms oi the letter camera Loaded down with tne delicate missives. Prof. Einil Baur is circulating a petition and securing a largo number of signatures, asking the legislatura to enact a law in reference to our highways that ■vvill result in a eystematic and permanent iinprovemeut of the same. Ii s high time soniething should be done to make our roads better than they are at present. ïo-day they are simply disgraceful, and for a considerable portion ot the year, almost impaasable. By all means give the people good highway laws under which good roada may be constructed. A big newspaper deal is said to be on the tapis. A sparring exhibition will be given Friday cvening in Armory hall. Dr. W. W. Nichols now grinds his dentist tools with water motor power. The golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Morria Pack will be celebrated on the 25th inst. The Ypsilanti South Shore ought to put on another train. The present one is entirely inadequate to the demands upon it. Fred. Hutzel, of Pittsfield, receutly sold to Joe Staebler 100 lambs that averaged 97 pounds each. The price paid was 5)L cents per pound. The new Master Mechanic of the Toledo & Ann Arbor R. R. is W. F. Bradley, and H. H. Cushing is the emigrant agent, with offices at Toledo. Oswald, the young son Aid. Herz, of Second ward, was hppily surprised by a number of bis mates last Saturday, p. m., it being the anniversary of his birth. Last Thursday, H. J. Brown and J. Q. A. Sessions paid over to Mrs. Sed. James $3,000, the amount of insurance Mr. James carried in the Royal Arcanum. A lilac twig, with budswell developed was left at this office one day this week. Surely spring approacheth. - Saline Observer. A lilac that ought not to go unrewarded. It will be of interest to inany of our citizens to know that there is to be a meeting at Judge Harriman's office on Saturday, Feb. 14, to form a Butter and Cheese Co. Robert H. Cuthbert, the W. M. of Golden Rule lodge F. & A. M., had the satisfaction of having nineteen entered apprentices placed in his hands for advancement last Thursday evening. Dr. Frank K. Owen, of Ypsilanti, has gone to Washington, D. C, to take in the sights of the Capítol for a time. He will return via New York city, and attend a meeting of the committee of the National league. Major Harrison Soule, comrades W. K. Childs, Robert Campbell, J. Q. A. Sessions, W. W. Bliss, Nelson Garlinghouse, James Webb, and others of Welch Post G. A. R., had a good time at Ypsilanti last Friday evening, attending Carpenter Post. On Thursday evening last the members of Golden Rule Lodge F. & A. M., presented Past Master Nelson J. Kyer with a beautiful ring iu recognition of lus services aa master of the lodge for the past year. B. F. Watts made the presentation speech to which Mr. Kyer responded in a very pleasing manner. Bertha, the wife of Adam Goetz, of the Register office, died at their home on Chapin street, last Friday, of heart trouble. The deceased was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kirk, was bom in tliis city April 14, 1862, was educated and had always lived here. She was married to Mr. Goetz last October. Funeral services were held Sunday from Bethlehem Lutheran churoh. Stepniak, the Eussian Nihilist, who is to appear here at University hall on Feb. 27th, is said to be conversant with seven difl'erent languages which he speaks fluently. Curiosity to see the man will iill the hall whether he can master the English tongue very well or not. He is a rúan of great force of character, and Kennan recommends him in the highest terms. If his pictures as published look like him he is certainly not altogether handsome. The first insurance policy written by the late C. H. Millen was in the Home Company, dated Sept. l(i, 1863, and in favor of the late Win. W. Wines. The description readB i little queer for these days, being"onhis one-and-a-half story dwelling built of wood, outside walls filleil in with brick," onPackard street. The fourth policy he wrote was on Sopt. 24 th, lor C'hristian Eberbach, on tlie drajj store he now occupies. The fifth policy was for Calvin Bliss, and also on the store now occupied by him. Col. Henry S. Dean one of the Inspectora of the State Prison at Jackson, hands us the aunual report of 'the Inspectora and Officers of the Prison for the cnrrent year. Just one little item caught our eye that we have not seen before in a like report for sorne time, and that reads like this: "Excesfl of -ar,',''"r,s over current expenses, $1,161.72." That shows a business management at the Jackson Prison, and our ;ood democratie hienda will have a hard ime to tuake anything else out of it. On Tuesday eveuing, Fob. Srd, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs L. J. Taylor on Church st, MissMary Louise Taylor and Mr. ('liarles ürrin Townsend, o f Macon, Georgia, were united in marriage. Thew edding was a very quiet one, only the relativos of the immediate friends of the contracting parties beine present. They will be at home after Feb. 15th at Macoo, Georgia. Tbis young couple start in life with excellent prospecta, aa 1 have a host ui well-wishers here in Aun Arbor. An umisualopportunity to learn about the famous Lick Observatory will be afforded on Friday evening next at the First Baptist church. By special invitaüon Prof. W. W. Campbell of tlie University speut the last vacation thero and shared in the daily observations. He ill ÈTe a descriptive talk i'ully illusated by stereopticon views of the ob■rvutory and its instruments. together 'ith celestial objects as seen through ■he great telescope. He will also exibit some photograph8 of California nearMount Hamilton and San ose.


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Ann Arbor Courier