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Peonle who use arsenical preparaiooa do 80 at the risk of their lives. Ayir's 8arsaparilla sguaranteed free from any injurious drug, and is, therefore, the safest as well as the most powerful blood medicine in tlie world. It makes the skin clear. Notiee. There wil] be a meeting of the stockloldere of the Ann Arbor Butter and Cheese Co. February 14th, at 10 o'clock, a. m., at Judge Harriman's office, for the parpóse of perfecting its organization and to transact such other business as ma,y come before it. W. B. Smitji. Ann Arbor, Feb. 10, '91. A Miraele of the Nineteenth Century. Owing to a bad state of the blood, I have been afliicted with rheumatisin tor tor twenty j'ears, and have used crutches ten years. I have expended large sums 0 f money for remedies recommended to me, and from using powerful liniments get a little sleep, my hip and knee lost nearly all strength. When I commeneed tb take Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup 1 could not take one step without the aid oi a cañe, or turn myself in bed -without assistance. I can now move with perfect easp, and walk without my cane from my house to my office, every 'day. I am relieved from a terrible afHiction, and wisii I might herald to all aftlicted with rheumatism and other blood disease3, the merits of this wonderful medicine. S. S. Coxover, Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Manistee, Mich. Prepared only by the Charles Wright Medicine Co., Detroit, Mich. For sale by all druggisits. RIÖHT NOW. Miar Mii FEBRUARY 2, '91. WE BEGIN A TW0 WEEKS SALE Of White Goods, Sheetings, Etnbroideries, Laces and Ginghams, that will tower head and shoulders above any sale of the kind ever attempted in Ann Arbor. Yard wide 6c Unbleached Cotton, 4 l-2c a yard. LawrenceLL. Fine Bro. Cotton, 5c a yard. Argyle Unbleached 8c Cotton, 6 1-2C a yard. Continental C. Bro Cotton, 7 c a yard. Fruit of the Loom Bleached Cotton, 8c a yard. Lonsdale Bleached Cotton, 8c a yard. i case soft finish Bleached Cotton, 7c a yard. i case Lonsdale Cambric, 10c a yard. i lot Plaid Dress Ginghams, Spring styles, 8c a yard. l,ooo yards fine Apron Check Ginghams, 5c a yard. 5o pieces Wool Finish, Sc Indigo Blue Prints, 5c a yard. White Shaker Flannel worth I2c, to go at ÖC a yard. 2,000 yards Gray Shaker Flannel, 10c a yard. 25 pieces Plaid and Check Nainsooks, 6c a yard. $1,000 Worih Embraideries. 200 pieces wide Embroidery, worth 35C, 40c, and 50c, now 25c a yard. 300 pieces Embroidery, worth 25c and 55c, now 15c a yard. 150 pieces Embroidery, worth 20c and 25c, now 10c a yard. 200 pieces Embroidery at 3c and ' JC a yard. Point De Jene Laces., worth 50c, now 25c a yard. All Ladies' Pure Wool Vests and Pants in Gray and Scarlet, worth #1.00 and $1.25, now 75c each. In Our Cloak Department. % off any Garment in Stock, Pushes, Cloth Jackets, and Newmariets, Misses' and Children's Coats. A general clean up of the entire stock. The abovo prices good for this sale only. SCHIER & MILLE, LLL


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