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m I THE CREAT g Germán RemedyJ TRUTHS FOBTHESICK.n llTnnïïisirTïïthiy $1,000 will lo p:ilrl lllBiliousSpellsdepenil foracasewheresii. III lllonSllLPllUKBlTIEBS I'IIIIB BlTTEBS Willll Uit willciire you. not assist or cure. ItU Q ■ :.v.,. ,...,U """ ft"tl ■Hthattimlandallgone cioanse the vitiatedljl ll(eelin)t; lf 60, so hiood when you 6ei IISüLi-iiiTR Bittebs ; its Impuritles bnret-HI itwill cure yon. inLtlirough the skinl II III not procure sufficient ' III lexerctse,anilallwho SULPHUB ])ittebs Illareconflnedindoors, will cure Llver Com-lll l8houl(l use Siilphüb lalnt, 1)on.t he dls-l 'lhevwll ;.ouraged;ltwiUcureUI Snaottliciibeweakauci vnu ot I latism, use a liottlc of !n:ll;f,l 6tr0DSaudl I ISULPHUR 1"tt ■ hpnltny. III III lt wvor falla to cure. grjLPHCB I!ittkhsII m Don't be without a will makeyourbloodpj fgbottle. Try lt; you pwre.rirhamlstrong.U fl will not ï-QCTCt it. and yimr liesh hard. Ijl III Ladifs in di'liratc Try Si i.i'iitn BlT- Illhealth, who are all riCRS to-night, and II llrundown,6houldusc you will eleep well lUsil IHI U Uil IKK", ml fi-i I I.III.T f.-rU.lU Do you want the best Medical Work published? Rend 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ordwaï & Co, Boston. Mass.. and recelve a copy, free. GOLD UEDAL, PASIS, 1878. Ï.Iaker&Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa from which the excesa oí oil has ben removed, is Ahsolntely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchester, Mass. _■%■ pil enbeernedtourXI!Wlhieofwork, ■ II llllV rupidly nü buiu.rablv, b)r tbow of M I n r Y :ïï.sxS:S III W I 1 k I one n do loé work. E.iy lo lrn. We fiimiih vtrything. Wt tart ou. No rik. You cn devol vour tpare raonienti. or all your time to the work. Thn !■ n ViilireW new lrid.and bríngí w onderful luceMi toerery wotker. Afinnen r. ruing from tt to 50 perwcfk nd opvr.rdi, tnd more fter lidie experionc. We cn fumiíh you the eraplovment nd teeh you FKKI!. No ipoce to nplin hre. Fu.l THIS PAPER i niu rnibii bowwa a eos Tewspaper Advcrtislng Bureau (10 Spruca Street) .where adrer. ip lf flfll# USE DR.GRAIG'S OKTGrlNAL KIDNEY MD L1VER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. They are only 8af6 Remedies to use for thO8E iffllcted with Bright's Disease, Liver Complaint and Urinary Affections. Only those prelared in the dry foem are the original and the imly Kidney and Liver Cure thut will restore 'OU to perfect health. ALL LADIES USE O -ir "R % . -fc. Jrt. Ai. SOLD BT ALL DBU3BISTS. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. : Li;.,.rtf;JRE FOR AU. a - e rhe iv:mCANl'uoT!.riivF.TAinFFl.t...GUI i;. publitsoing a most valuable series of 'J'aiïff ó... imicnts. Theso ure prepared with a view tn stato tlie faets and arguments for Protection, whetlicr in the interest of farmers, hiliurera, inerchants or professional men. Each issue of the series appeala to those enjatred inseparate industrieland presentsindisputable tacts- comparisons of waues, oost of living, and other arguments sbowing the beneüts of Protcction. Any single one will be sent on receipt of 2 cents in stampsexeept " Wages, Living and Tariff," whioh will be sent for 4 cents. The whole list will be sent for 30 oents or any twelve lor 2U cents, or any flve for 10 cents, postut'i; I "d. Order by number. o, Pages. 1- "wage?, Líví ;:ii(i iarirr." je. a. hartsIWRft 104 2- "The Aüv.u-, . bui ;i Protective Tariff to the La. .ui uwJ Industries of the United States." Fiist l'ilze Essay, 1887. CrawFORD IJ. HeSNINU 32 g- ' Home Production Indispensable to a Supply, at Low Prices, of the Manufacturad Commodities required for the Feople of the United States, and Adequate Home Production of these Commodïties ImposBlble without a Protective Tariff." First Prize Essay, 1888. C. V. Todd 32 4- "V hut are Ra w Materials? Would FreeRaw Materials be Adantageous U the Labor and Industries of the United State." First Prize Essay, 18hH. Bomer B. Dibkli, 32 S- "Fallaciea of Free-Trade." E. P. MlLLKR... 3 6- "Sume Views on the Tariff by an Old BusluessMan." Geo. Dkai'ER 32 7- "The Protective Tariff : lts Advautages for the South." CL. hDWARus 32 8- "The Wool Interest." Judge Wh. Lawkknck '4-Í ü- " Protectlon vs. Free-Traile."- A llistorleal Review. I). u. Harribian 20 10-" The Farmer and the Tariff'1' Col. Thomas H . Dudlev 16 Protectlon as a Public Policy." (eorge S. líUL'TWKLL.í. 16 12- "Reply to the President 's Free-Trade iltssagc." K. P. POBTKB 8 lil- " Wui klugrneu and the Tariff." 8 U- "The Vital yuestion : ShallAmeriean Industries be Abandoned and Americau 31arkpts Surrendered ? 8 16- Saint, In Germán, withAdditíon 8 10 - " Tlie l'rogress of Oue Huudred Years." ROBERT P. PORTF.R 8 17- "Protection for American Shipplnir." 8 is- ''The Tariff NotaTax." HomerB. Dibell.. 8 IC " hy Iriflhmen Should He Proteetionlsta." 8 20- "protection." E. H. Ammidown é 21- ■' What ís a Tariff ?" Answers to a Workiut;nian's Question 4 22- "The American Wool Industry." E.H, AmaUDOWK 8 23- "Waffes and Cost of Living." J. D. Weeks. 4 'mtlu'rn Farming Inilustrfes." 4 OU Talk to workingnii-u." 2 o- " Protection and tho Farmer." Senator S. M. LOM 12 Tur NdsnsT, weeklsvderotdd 11 : b of the TíiníT queetlon, $3 an Pro1 St.. New York. The Courif.r and the American Economist onc year tbr f2.00. lú UnUBi w ïèBSÜiölfii fliÜM CAPITAL $50,000. SÏÏBPLUS $10,000,, Adflitional Liaïilltles of Stockholflers $5O,OOO. Report of the coudition 01' the FARMERS &. MECHANIC8' BANK ut Aun Arbor, Micbigau, at the close of business, Dec. 19, 1890. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $38041 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 74,421 rx; Overdrafu 4,159 S Due frora banks in reserve cities 8,095 77 Due f rom other banks and bunkers.. 5,959 04 line from Washtenaw Couuty 28,225 60 Furnlture and fixtures 3,500 00 Curren t expenses and taxes paid 1.807 59 Interestpafd 3.110 4 Checks and cash items 999 3 'ickels and pennies 2o3 9 (.oíd 6.762 50 Silvcr 1,73 U. 8. and National Bank Notes 5,000 ou Total $375,517 70 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 Surplus f und 10.000 00 Undlvlded proflts 9,917 21 Commercial deposito 25ri,:iOT 11 Savings deposits 49r T: Due to banks and baukers 4694 Total $87617 70 STATE OF MICHIGAN, j . . COUNTY OP W'ASHTKNAW. i ' " I, F. H. BELSER, Cashter, of the above named Bank, do somenly swear that the abov atatement is true, to the best of mj knowiedge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier. suhst'ribed and sworn to before me, this :ii)th day of December, 1890. Wït. W. WHEDOX. Notary Public. Ccrrect- Attest: Chas. E. Greeut, Reuben Kfiiipi. 1. F. Schairer, Director-. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Baai having died their certifícate with the State Bankinp Departnent are now aithorizod to do lmsiiH'-:s as a Savings Bauk, and in pursuance thereof have opened a Savings Department! Intt-rest allowed in the savings department on all deposita of $1 and upwards, Interest paid June lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The Bavings department is open Saturdaj nights from 7 nntil 8 o'clock. Money to loan in snms of 25 to $.'i,000 secured by uneñenrabered real estáte or approved ie curities. DIRECrORS- Renben Kempf, Chaa. E. (reene, E. Dnffy, Ambrose Kearney, Vm. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakey, J. E. Beal, John Borg, D. F. Schairer. R. KEMPF, Pres. E. DÜFFY, Tlce-Pres. F. H. BEISER, Cashier. C. H. NULLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St„ 2 doors W. of Marris Guild. The oldest agency in the city. Estábil -:u"l over a quarter of a century ago. RepresentiDR the following first-class companies, with over 60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Gihabd Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. Liverpool, Londox and Globe. Rates Low as the Lowest, Losses Llberallj Adjasted and promptly Paid. O. EL MILLEIST Fárgtfs Shoes FtfiPïly _T FARCO'S Y5 í "Box Tip" School Shoes I d%VV tor Boys and Girls, B y%& eeled or Wedge Heel. # SVC8 Slzes-8tolOH l-ss 1. "OPqT Htol3HÍ 1-Ö L4 lirÁjp lto3 1.7 VI $2.50 Calf Shoa kvv for Gentlemen iWl íferrífc JVin America ai the samo ■BíííliiSíHO&JF'price. InCongreiMsBut ti.' -Si Ion and Lace. Men'aaad ■ Boy's sizes. c-1 FARCO'S II ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT %tei X Dongola or Goat, Button, WO . Opera, or Common Sima. flCftl Tackies and Flexible. Mit#lirc RnOTüsñoi: id at .5.t BWhPpiaiMadeinLadleeaiidMJaaBif DDR NAME IS 0N THE BOTTOM 0F EVERY SK Q I Aík jrour dealer for Farro' 8hoea. lf he doea no kep them Bend to ua aiid o ■ UI f urnish you a pair ja recclpt of prioe. Snd postal for dcscrlptlve liít. O. H. FABCK) & CO., Chicagro. DL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANX ARBOE lEsuraase, Real Sítate ana Loan Agencf OF HAMILT0N& GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST FI.OOR. Porties deslrlng to boy or scli Roa] Estáte will íiiid it to their adyantage to cal] mi na We represent the following first-class Fire Insurance Companies, naving and aggregate capital of over $8,000,000 : The Gkand Rapids Pibe Ins. Co. The Obio Fabmers Ins. Co., (insures only dwel Lings . The Gebmah Pibe Ins. Co. The PeopIE's pibe Inb. Co. The Citizen'b Pibe Cns. i o. the we8tche8teb flbe i.ns. i". The Milwaukee Mechan íes' Fibb Ins. Co. The New Hampshibe Fibe Ins. ■. The Nobthwebtebn Fibe In.-í. Co. Iberally adjusted and [■roniptly. We siso Issue Life and Investment Policies In the Conn. Mutual Uíe [nsurance Comí -ris $50,(M)0,ooo. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policies written for them or ÍTaveler's Coupon [nsurance Tickets [Bsued at low rates In the Standard Accl . Uich. Money to !c;iti :it curreni rates. Oñice hours froni a a. m. to rj ni. and 2 to ■ i. ni. HAMILTON & CREEN.


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Ann Arbor Courier