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The Press (NEW YORK) FOR 1891. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. 6 pages, 1 cent. 20 pages, 4 cents. 8 or 10 pages, 2c. The Aggressive EepuKican Journal Of the Metropolis A XEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSES FOUNDED DECEMBER lst, 18S7. Girculalian over 100,000 espíes The Press is the organ of no faction; pulls no wires; has no animosities to avengo. The Most remarcable Newspaper Success in New York. The Press is a National Xewspappr Cheap news, vulgar sensations and trash find no place in the columns of The Press. The Press has the brightest Editorial page in New York. It sparkles with points. The Press Susday Edition is a splendid twenty page paper, coveriug every current topic öf Interest. The Press Weekly Edition eontains all the I good things of the Daily and Sunday editions. For those who cannot aftord the Daily or are prevented by distance from early receiving it, The Weekly' is a splendid substituto. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Press has no superior in New York. THE PRESS. Within the reach of nll. Th bttt and cheapett _V' ptiblia hcd hl Amf.ricci. Daily and Sunday, one year, $5.OO ' " 6 niönths. 2.5O " " " one month .45 Daily oniy, one year, ' - ■ 3.OO " " Tour iiidiitli-, - 1.00 Snnday, one year, - - 2.00 Weekly Press, one year, - 1.00 Send for The Press Circular. Samples free. Agente wanted everywhere. Liberal commissions. Addrc", THE PRESS, Potter Buii.1 ing, 38 Pnrk Row, NEW YOP.K. CREAM oír PRUíNsES A ery í lcPcant I.axntive, p'nde f rom the juire of Freso 1 n ne i cQwbÍQtx1 v hh n armless vegetabl hiuredíents of veil-knwn and bighl) medicinal qualities, pul up in the of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuabie preparados FOR INFANT8 and CHiLDRN, Assimilating the íckk! aini Kegiiiati:- lí.e StúECAch End Is. tt Pron.otes Digestión, Cheerfu!ness and Pest !T IS A W3KDERFUL REMEDY fOrC NSTIPATION, 6 UR STOMACH, C& IVULSIONS, LOSS Cl? SlEEP V.ORMS, FE ERISHNE-S, Elc P ce 25 Certs. BBIGGS MEDICTV" CO., l'..:U,til, K. FOR SALE -.' EBERBACH & SON. - OH 1RB0R. Máhk PiP Httle f.riunfshfiTphepn tnndf tt ■■LiBk wiik lor na, by Anna Page, Austin tffuPSÜ'lexa' nt"' Jno' Toledo, Ohio. RfV3pnHISe cut. Othrrsnredoinptiswrll. W'liy T trUW IBMKflK"01 Sume enni overf5UO.OU a l ' ShIIH1110""1' ou '""" tiü th work and live t #S V ftk. %3KH7'U '"1(l1?. wlierever yon are. Even be7 7 xlV'"1"9 arc e("'i'' rnine from f ü to Ti + Rh. and 8tart Cím work in rnretini8 Jj JBKSÊS& or ftI1 lhe BiK money for workCi2JÍÍ28jL trB; Failure unknown amonp tbem. II. Ilitlletc.V: Co.tÍSox H01ortlaud,Maind EBERBACH &SON$,ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TTTTC! TRY 1R. LADVE'S "PEJLjAyXiliÖ RIODICAL" I": - Frasee. Bstabllshed in Kurojulanada Lu L878. Tur Buppresaions, Irregxilariíes, and Monthly Derañgements. A reUable iioutlily medicine. They alwaya relieve. Any lruggist, Ê2. American Püi Co., Propri er, lowa. Robért Saephenson & Co., pholesale agente, and all other drtiggista in iiii Arbor. These pilla are warrant cd to jriug on the " cha Honest Work! ;0 urn and womeB. i the capital.' li ■ou mean business, drop as a eard ai; onie facts that ill open yonr ovos! A lepitiaate Une oí goods, ana honest men wan ntroduce tltom in tol .itry. Don't Vait! Addres8 at once, P. O. Box, 649, Cincinnati.O. the c.üeat familt xewspaper The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS - . - READ IT ! EEAD IT ! READ IT ! IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF1 The weekly issue of The Mail and Express is not a mere re-hash of the daily oí the same name, the matter thrown together without regard to the order or seqnence of things; it is a live. independent, fearless, progresaive journal,wlth au Indivlduality and a being of its own. It is skillfully and carefuïly edited with 11 view of making it just what it claims to be - THE MODEL HOME NEWSPAPER. CONSIDER THESE POINTS. The Weekly Mail and Express is the only newspaper in America wbich gives a careful review every week of all inatters of interest in the Financial, Legal, Religious and College Worlds. These are among its specialties. lts page of Foreign News is one of its most reniarkable features. The Weekly Mail and Express is a Repulilican paper not a narrow, partisan sheet, but a strong and fearless exponent of true Republican principies. It stands among the first as nn advocate of Temperance and Ballot Reform. The Wetki.y Mail and Express gives all the news of the day. Foreign and domestic and presents it ín the most attraetive and 'readable shape. The Wf.ekly Mail and Express has among its regular contributors some of the ablest urteis of Europe and America. lts short stories for youug and old, poeuis, sketches of travel and adventure are the best of their kind. In these and all features of a progressive newspaper it is uot surpassed. The tone of the Weekly Mail and Express is pure. elevated, wholesome and bracing. It is a paper whieh carefnlly avoids everythins of the eheap and sensational order. It can al wayfl be trusted. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE COPY, ONE YEAR, - - $2.00 ONE COPY, S1X MONTHS, - - 1.00 ONE COPY, THREE MONTHS, - .50 TEN COPIES, ONE YEAR. - - 15.00 AND A FREE COPY TO THE PERSON SENDING THE CLUB. DAILY, PER YEAR, - - $7.00 REMITTANCES should be made by Express Money Order, Post-offiee Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Draft. payable to the order of Thk Mail and Kxi-kess. When thus mada they wlll be at our risk. AGENT8 WANTED. We want an Agent at every Post-offlce in the United States where we have not one now engaged. LIBERAL CASH ('OMMISSIONS given to Agents formaking up Clubs. Special circulars to Agents stating commission sent on application. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all letters to The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS 23 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. gtoo3g'a Cotton. !Roo ïvÈ$ COMPC'JK'C I p Compoged of Cottoi: l:.o . lansy and Ly J3 l'ennyroyal- a rec:n. ..(■■ vry by an JoM physician. As ttn ut tiij used monUUy- líafe, EBectual. i r.y mail, Bealed. Ladies, ask your du: ■ : Cook't Cotton Root Compound an-1 taa t ibstituto, or inolose 2 for sualecj , Addres POM i-ily OOM1-ANV. .■ . u Fïsher Block, 131 Woodward vo., Uet-.. - i-.u. SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improved Tarïabïe Friction Feed. .Send for catalos'ie and speciftl prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., York, Pa. "WoocL's Fía-osslioca-ixie. THE GKEAT F.;.IM RKMKDY. Cscd for 35 years - :ol Youthfal folly by TBtl tul the excesses fcssfully. MS-amk-sS !cf later yeara. anteed to curr all g.Llg J (-íivs immííiíoíe fornis of Nervous fTlSRsjr isírentrti andtíffWeakness. jft JJBt3 ' Ask drugKUta slons, ff""i! 'or Vood'a Phoarhea. Impotency, Í;' e _u A. ,' .phodlne; tokeno and 11 the Tirts Photo from Life. iS,hBtltn, One fiackage, 1; Blx, Í5, by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Address ThelXVood Chemical Co., m WoodwarU ïïe., Uijtrolt, llich. "ïffiftAparaphletof fnformatioa and SP" ■IXstraci of the iaws, sbuwing How toMK áÉiaObtaiD. Patenta,, Caveats, Tradevj ,-Mu;i c, 'v nyripjbtfl, sent free.dOtBw


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