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The Detroit Tribune places "The Solid So...

The Detroit Tribune places "The Solid So... image
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The Detroit Tribune places "The Solid South" as ainong the "sapless issues of the republican party." If the man w ho wroto that article will go down south and express an opinión freely as a republican - if he can conscientiously do so- he will iiud that thero is more sap thcre than he ever dreamed of; and it will not be necessary for him to black lus face or kink his hair, either. Until the people of the South accept the issues of the war, and allow freedom of speech and airee ballot, the "solid south" will not be a sapless issue. "The Bloody Shirt" is another "aaplees issue of the republican party," according to the new dispensation of the Detroit Tribune. It is not the republican party that brings up the "bloody shirt" issue. Whenever an attempt is made by a white man or black man in any of the Southern states to vote as his conscience dictates, if it is against the democratie party, he i.s given a bloody shirt by the sume men or their descend:mts who endeavored to break up this uuion. If he escapes with his life it iï bv fleeing trom their wrath. There is scarcely a polling place in a Southern state that is not controlled by these butchers. And as it is republicans who wear the bloody shirt, stained with their own blood, have they not tho right to display that evidence of tyranny and murder to the world and cry aloud for justice? The man who wrote that"sapless" editorial oughtto investígate before he writes another. He need not go to the home of Print Matthews or of Print Matthews' son in Mississippi to make the attempt to cast a republican ballot. Let him go to any Southern state and then report if the bloody shirt is "sapless." To the Detroit Tribune: When the issues of the war are accepted by the South, and a man, white or black, is free there in fact instead of in form ; the "war of the rebellion" will be a "sapless issue." What the republicana of Michigan need is a daily paper in the metropolis of the state that shall be a strong advocate of republican principies. Nothing is made by pandering to the eneiny. Nothing is made by a niilk and water policy. Nothing is made by the free lance, or so-called "independent plan." A paper fearlessly advocating republican principies, and pushing its way to the front as a newspaper is badly needed. We hope to see the day here in Aun Arbor when republicans can take the Tribune to obtain the news of the day, instead of being torced to take the Free Press as they now have to. It is a humiliating fact that of the Free Press subscriben in Ann Arbor to-day more than one-half are republicans, and they give as their reaeon that they are obliged to tak! that paper to obtain the news. Is there any reason under the sun why Michigan cannot support in Detroit a republican daily paper that will ceme up to the people's ideal of a newspaper? The fact publiahed in the dailies last Fridsy, thut a man in West Virginia had presented a petitiou signed by 250 neighbors and friends, to the judge of the court, praying for the hanging of the petitioner, and tlie setting apart of a day tor the saine, provea how easy it is to get a petition sigued, and how valueless they are as an expression of opinión. "ot one of tlte 250 signers had stopped to read the document they appended their names to, and were horrified to learn what they had done when the joke beeame known. ïhis little incident is respectfully referred to the rneinbers of the legislature when they look over the petitions circulated by designiug p;ople and sent to them praying for the suppression of sectarian teaching in the University (meaning the Homceopathic departnient). It is siinply In entering wedge to hang the whole university. Henri W'atterson, the wtar-eyed goddess of the Louisville Courier-Jounuil, says that Mr. and Mre. Cleveland will be the next democratie president of the (Jnited States. Henri slinuld remember that lightning does not strike twice in the sanie place. His plethorie nuohness will never again write vetoes for poor widow's pensions from a seat iñthe white house. Have Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland hypnotized David B.Hill ? That is the cuestión which Mr. Dana is puzzling his intellect over just now.


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Ann Arbor Courier