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The Weekly Inter Ocean

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A RELIADLE FAM1LY NEWS PAPER. That is the Ciiaraoter Almost Universally Qíven to So great is lts popularity that for years it Has had the LARGEST CIHCULATION of any Chicago weekiy newspaper. It is ably and careiuüy edited in every department with a special view to iis asefulness in THE HOME, THE ■WORKSHOP, and THE BUSINESS OFFICE. It is a QDpsisterjt Iepublieai) fJeuspaper, Butdiscusses all public questions candidly and ably. Wbile it gives fair treatmentto politica! opponents, itis bitterly OPFO&ED TO TRUSTS AND MONO11OLIES as antagomstic to both public and privato interests. THE LITEHAHY DEPAHTMENT et the paper is excellent, and has amono lts contrlbutors some oí the MOST POP ULAE AUTHORS of tho day . The FOHEI5N AND DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE, SERIAL AND SHORT STORIES are the equal of those of any similar publication in the country. Tne Youtti's Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Kingta, and Tne Home ARE N THEMSELVES EQUAI. TO A MAGAZINE. In addition to all this the NEWS OF THE WORLD is given in its columns every week. In all departments it is carelully edited by competent men employed lor that purpose. - THE PRICE OF THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $1.00 PER YEAR. THE SEMT-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is publlshed each Monday and Thurslay morning, and ís an excellent publication lor tnose ■wtio can. not secure a daily paper recrularly and are not satisfied vritia a weekly. THE PRICE OF THE SEMI-WEEKLY INTER OCEAN IS $2.00 PER ÏEAR By Special Arrangement with the Publisnerso That Magazine and The Weekly ínter Ocean are Both Sent to Subscribers One Yearïor Two Dollars a-ndNinety Cents. m CEÏTS LESS THAS THE PBICE OF THE MAGAZISE A1OXE. LIBERAL COMMISSIONS given to active agents. SAMPLE COPIES 98Qt fcanover asked lor. Address all orders THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago.


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Ann Arbor Courier