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Epitome Of The Week

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The Senate adopted a resolution on the 9th calling upon the President for correspondence relative to the importalion of producís of the United States of Brazil. A bilí to authorize the construction of a bridge across the St. Louis river between Wisconsin and Minnesota was reponed In the House a bilí was introduced to prohibit aliens from obtainin title to public lands. The sundry civil bilí was passed. A joint resolution was favorably reportad protiitjitinK the manufacture, importation, exportation, transportaron and sale of all alcoholic liquors as a bevurage in the United States. 3N the Senate a bilí to divide the judicial distriets of the United States into ten circuits was Teported on the lüth, and the naval appropriationbill (Kil. 564,000) was considered....In the House the bill apnropriating 1300,000 for the extensión of the public building at Dallas, Tex., was passed over the President's veto. Other tills wore passed increasingto $100 a month the pension of the widow of General Custer; for the transfer of army omcer.-s on the retired list from the limlted to the unlimited list when they atlain the age of 64 years, aad tomake Nashville, Tenn., a port of delivery. ON the llth bilis were passed in the Senate to construct a bv: i the St. Louis river between Wisconsin and Minnesota; eontinuing the laws of Nebraska in force in the Territory of Oklahoma tilljuly 1, 1891, and ihu Daval appropriation bill In the House bilis ivere passed to establísh a record and pension oftice fai the War Department, and providlng for the ïelection of a site for a military post at San Diego, Cal. ]N the Senate on the 12th bilis were passed establishing pier l.ghts at Ahnapee, Wis. ; for the relief oí on oertaln landsin Iowa; granting a pensi ■ n df Í100 a month to General N. P. Banks: establishing a pon of flelivery :it DesMoines, Ia., nnci the District of Columbia appropriation bill ...In the House the time ■was occupied in discussiug the legislative appropriation bill. A Bii.i. w;is introdtic "d in the Seuate on the 13lh to lacwporate the N'ational Quarantee Loan & üavelópment Company of the I States, which has for its object the amelioration of confiition of the poor. The bopyright bill was iliscn-scd in the House the e Islatfvè appropriation liill was further conidered and ünally p;tSM-l. DOMESTIC. Two marked mm enti'fed the house of James Ijindrem, near Manclu-htor. Ia., chloroforined his wife and stole a large amount of school funds kept in the house. Tuk old mansion at Appomattox, Va., in which Lee svirrendered to Grant, has been purehused by a Niágara Falls ( X. Y. ) company and will be made a museum for war relies. Two Boys aged 10 and 12 years, who had frozen to death in the late blizzard, were found near l'tiea, Minn. Rev. Edward Evküett IIai.e, Mrs. Mary A. Li vermore, Rev. Minot J. Savage and others have signed an agreement to form a society at Boston for the investigation of spiritualism. Bitkgi,ars rpbbed the notion store of ;:i A. Bigel & Co. at (incinnati of 00 worth of silks and velvets. :. ArursTA Hiena, a famous Swe. committcd suicide at Kew with morphine. The San Miguel Consolidated Gold Mining Company was formed at St. pifa a capital ol êlü, 000, 900. (ener is at the head, and the ■ ■■■■■X is to bny tip and control all the prold claims of the San Miguel minir.c district. .FuHTiifcK adrices from the recent cyclone n .hiiiania say that in Tuscaloosa, Shelby and Talladego counties es and dwellhigs were unroofed, stablea blown down, and a great many horses arid cattle were killed. An engjncer and Breraan were killed in a colusión near Dansville., X. Y. ature of New Jersey ied a bil! exempting foreign insurance compüiiie.s from taxation and imQg ;ir. additional rate on domestic comparr Foüb railway employés u-ore killed in a collision at Elmini, . '. UpVEBSiOB BlBD, of the Indian Terry, vbs organizing the militia to eject Intruders from the Chickasaw nation. The Government would assist. It was estámated there were at .c asi 10,000 iatruders. Jacob Weöjk, living near Sidney, O., was shot dead by William Cisso, a neighbor, while stealingoorn from the latter's barn. Weber leaves a widow and ten children. The Indiana Legislature passed alaw making it a felony to conduct a bucketshop, deal in inarg-ins or rent a building for the purpose. In a hotel at Columbas, Kan., Louis P. Holsey, of Arizona, shot liis wife, who had instituted proceedings for divorce, and then committed suicide. A PA8SENGEE train was thrown down an embankment near Maynard, la., and txteen persons were injured, some seriously. James Oaffxev, of St. Louis, placed S2,800, tho savings of years, in a stove for safe kedping. Some time after he started a fire in the stove and the money was eonsumed. NathaNIKL (kkk.nk, book-keeper for Farmswortli & Rug-gles at San Francisco, was said to be íí;'.0,000 short inhis accounts. Thk First National Bank and the North Middlesex Saving-s Bank at Ayer, Mass., closed their doors. In a quarrel over a girl at a dance at Palmyra, Kan., John lienton and Hale Cooper were fatally injured. The shortag-e of J. Eldridge Pierce, the absconding secretary of the City Loan Association of Wilmington, Del., was placed at Y90,000. The iron ship Bruce and two tugs were sunk in the bay at New York and eig-hteen lives were reported lost. Daisy I'.kkze, sent to the Illinois penitentiary for life for murdering a woman, was pardoned. Shc had served sixteen years. George C. Gibson, of Peoría, 111., secretary of the great whisky trust, was arrested in Chicago on the charge of to destroy the Shufeldt distillery (which would not join the trust) ■with dynamlte. A nu.i, to resubmit to the people the question of a prohibition amendment to the constitution was passed by the North Dakota Legislature. ALLAH M. MuiSPHT, a Iiarao-a (Mich.) farmer, was ileeced out of $3,800 by New York "green-gooda" men. Tbk British steamer Thanemore, which left Baltimore for London on November 36 last, glven up as lost. There were forty-six persons on board. The Missouri Legislature passed a o! prohibiting in the State on horse races and elections. EuwAiii) Jackson, ex-memberof the Indiana Legislature, committed suicida by hanging at lii.s home near Lawrenceburg Ind. Fifty oí the [ndiana snrvivors of tha Mexican w a reunión at indianapolis. Extessive prairie firesraged throughout Hale ;i"! Swislier cotinties in Texas and tho acres oí range were totally dest ri. At Kearncy, .V. .T., nón-union employes of [ark i thr :ad mil] were at'i and chilílri'ii. a . ovory window in the in ill was siu ■ stone4hrown by mob. JüDGE Wir.LIAM LEWIS, OÍ I'illfvillc, Ky.. ti suppresoingf blóody feuds in that pegion, was shot and killed ly hi.s own son, Sidney Lewis, whona the jude bad put ander bond as onc of tho uülawfu! gaug. Thi I -r Northwestern iad has changed its name to the Duluth !!!. By au explosi :is at Lafayette, [nd., four persons were injnred, tjvo Tii'. ■ m at Golumb'ss, '.)., 11 '..;i that ell miners rs in the United St igfht-honr wor!. fl cfc A Finís a1 Aurora. [IL, causea a loss of 8106,000. At Wie . Ti c, a Bre destroyed íive liotcJs i business llollsi S. Om: HUSDRl ■ ! for 100 slüir,' TriK , fcOüUjOOOj trefe oiRimcB ui Xew Vork to be counterfeit The rivor which ivs rapidly rising at ('iiirin: i;i drove out of their homes sixty familii'S. At Sumner. 111., John Grafaam was sentenced to thirty years in the peniti-ntiarv lor killing Diiune .lohnson, of Russellville. Aüthuk McAlmstEB, of Cleveland, O., was elected president of the National liuilders" Association at their annual session in New York. At the meeting in New York of the American Jïewspaper Publishers' Association James V. feott, oí' Chicago, was re-elected president. Thk mines reeently discovered at Florissant. Col., prove to be rich in copper instead of gold. The entire edition of the Rteamboat Sprints (Col.) ínter Mountain was excluded from the mails because it contained an item pertaining to an entertainment to be ifiven by school children in which a watch was to be given to the per.son holding the lueky number. A single man held up the assistant cashier and a clerk at the Citizens' Bank of Minneapolis. Minn.. and swept the cash into a bair. bnt he was eaptured as he was leaving the building. New counterfeit 85 Treasury notes have been found in circulation in Nnv York. The bil] is signed W. S. Etosecrans as Register. J. N. ilustonasTreasurer, and the work is poorly done. ATGuthrie. 0. I'.. Mrs. Krank Alcorn killed her three children by accidentally giving them au overdoseof medicine. Hy tbc explosión oï a boiler inaflouring mili at Windsor, Mo., II. L. Smith, Thomas Thillberrv, Walter Beaman md Charles Sturtevant were instantly ■■lied. . banb vault at Shepardsville, Ky., was blown up by burglars, who got $100, bui ov -looked I'kksiuknt Uarbisos has sigrned the act for the eonstruetion of a tunnel under the water-, of the bay of New York be.twean Staten tsland and Long Island. Mbs. Kehoe, 60 years of age, and Mary Ann Reardon, ten years her junior, were suffocated by stnoke divring a fire in their home 'm Chicago. David Fox, the only survivor oí the Nottingham mire zplosion at Wilkesbarrc. Pa., ;i year ago, was killed by a premature explosión of a blast. At the Passavant hospital in Milwaukee Mrs. Bedwig Wesdland died from the effects of the Ko"h lymph treatment. The Census Burean announced the population of Arkansas by races as follows: White, 816.517; colored, 311,227; lndians, 804; Chinese, 131; total, 1,128,170. Eleven persons in St. Louis were poisoned by head-cheese purchased of a farmer. One would die. Ja.mks Stobey, of Parsons, Kan., has been granted a patent on an artificial egg. The eost of manufacture, it was said, would not exceed three cents per dozen. Ose man was killed and three fatally injured in a boiler explosión in a board mili at Elkhart. ÏDd. Commin.sioxek Rai-m issued a circiilar informing all pension attorneys and agents that circulare proposed to be issued by them to solicit pension business must be approved by the pension office before distribution. At Austin, Tex., Ham Alexander was flned 8260 for mailing lottery tickets. In the United 8tates the business fallares during the seven days ended on the löth numbered 297. against 300 the preeeding week and 30 the corresponding week last year. Chabi,ks Rittek, teller of the First National Kank of Evansville, Ind., was jeported short S?50,000. Jesse H. Pboctor and Frederick were hanged at Dover, Del., for murder. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Jamks KF.iii'ATir. the lrish Kationalist, journalist and leoturer, died at New York frora the elïects oí injuries received by run down by a horse car. He was 58 years of age. Ti; Idaho Legislatura met in joint convention and elected V. H. Claggett United States Senator. He will contest the .seat of Senator-elect Dubois. Daniel tiÓOPER, m ex-soldier aged 101 years, died at hi.s residenee near Carvollton. 111. R. IIou.AXi) DtJELL died at Cortland, K. Y. He was a member of the Fortyecond and Forty-third Cong-resses. Samuel MoRKY,who carne into promInenee during the I'residential campaign of 1880, and whó was arrested in connection with the "Morey Chinese letter." died at Xashua. N. H., ayed 68 years. Mus. Theodobb Fükxh, aged 105 years, died at Syracuse, N. Y. ÖTBPHKN S. ilAimiM!, Governor of Utah imder President Lincoln, died at his home near Milan, Ind.. aged 83 vears. I admirai. David Pobteb, the hero of many a naval battle, died suddenly in Washington on the ISth of fatty degeneración of the heart. lie was 78 years of age. FOREIGN. On Barón Wodlauer's estáte in Hnngary twenty peasanta ere devoured by ravenous wolves. ]5ovi Bhothebs, dr.v-.'-oods dealers at Toronto, failed for $100,000. Cablegrams trom President Iiarillas, f Guatemala, and 1 'resident liegran, of Honduras, say that rumors of a revolution in Honduras and Central America are untrue. Durino .lanuary the poll taz on Chinese arriving at Victoria. Ii. C, was ;. an increase of íSUl over the same month last y car. Over 2,iQ0 unemployed men in Toronto, Ont., paraded the streets bearing1 a flag with the motto: üread or Work." It was said that K'ing Alexander, of Servia, who is now about 15 years of age, was fcuffering l'com a da;i 4'erous chronic roalady. At Sonth ('(■]■'] ■' r Ont.. M. Hrown. ajred 84. led to the ul1 ir Mrs. Margaret Clickert, aged 97. The gTOom had buried four wives and the bride mourned the loss of five husbands. lier last husband died two years ago, aged 1:H years. Tuk derolopment of smokeless coal mines in Tonquin, China, shows mueh larger deposits than were at first believed to bi A (íeüma.v expi..! r stated that the wholc of Soütn .!■■. . land "-as covered with a sheet of ice that was .".000 to 6,000 feet thick in the vallejs. Ui-ox landing al ;' ilkéstóne; Epg,, Messrs. Dillon ömd ürien were arrested, and thcy v.jiikI be taken to Ireland to serve a sentence of six fw alieged nnlawful agitartion of the home-rule qr.estion. The boiler in the Quebec Worsted Company's faetory near Quebec, Can., exploded, partly demolisliing the works, and at least thirty-two persons were killed and more than a seore wounded. Asoïiinr. woman was found murdered and horribly mutilated in the Whiteehapcl district of London. She was believed to have been a victim of "Jack the Kipper." Rksoi.utici.ns were passed by the Newfoundland Legislature protesting against the action of the British Government in not permitting negotiations for reciprocity with the United States to be carried on. Mr. Laurier, leader of the Liberal party in Canada, said in Toronto in answer to Sir John M aedonald's manifestó against reciprocity with the United States that the policy of the English Government was a faiïure and a fraud. which farmers and artisans alike should condemn. Sir Rich:ird Cartwright said that Canadians wev: bound to have unrestrieted reciprocty with the United States. Mks. La BrajíCk an?( two ehildren lost their lives in a bnrning dweiling near St. Albert. Ont.. and Mr. La Franee was fatally burned. LAT Er? NEWS ere mtrodueed in thj l'nited States on the 14th authorizing the construetioa of a bridge across the Red river at Alexandria, La., and across tlie Mississippi at South St. Paul. Minn. The resolution authorizing the select eornmittee on relations with Canada to continue its investigations during the recess was agreed to. A resolution was introduced requesting the President to appeal on the ground of humanity to the Emperor of Russia to inquire into the alleged wrongs and crueltics tq the Jewish subjoets of Russia and Biberia. In the House billü were introduced to repeal the McKinley tariiï bill and to re-enact all laws repealed by that act. and to prevent the sale of fire-anns and ammunition to the Indians and to disarm all Indians under the supervisión of an Indian agent. A boat eapsized on the Oconee river at Armor's Ferry, (a., and four colored men were drowned. In a railway accident near Columbus, O., Engineer Charles Bortwell and two brothers aataed Johnson were fatally injnred. The Government buildings at Yokohama. Japan, were burned, causing a loss of $250, Captain Fbancis L. Nokton's steam life-boat, the F. L. Norton, in which the captain with 'nis wife. niece and seven men left Xow Loudon, Mass., for Toulon, France, November -23, has been given np as lost. A pire at Rochester, X. Y., destroyed St. Mary's Hospital, the 350 inmates barely with their lives. Geobge Roüsk, aged 16 years, accidentally shot and killed his brother Edward, aged 19 years, at Leavenworth, Kan. The stallion Elector, valued at $-35,000 and owned by J, 1!. Barnes, died at Sprinsfield, 111. General Wiixiam Tscümskh Shkrman died at 1:50 o'clock on the afternoon of the 14th at his home in New York. He was onconscious when the end came. The members of his priefstricken family were around his bed at the time. The total production of pine lumber in Michig-an during' 1800 was 4, 085, 787,849 feet. A cyC'Loxe in the ITervev group of islands in Australia destroyed over seventy houses, nearly all the cocoanut and bread fruit trci-s. and wrecked a schooner. causing the loss of fourteen lives. In Condobolin great Imsh fires swept a district thirty by sixty miles in extent and destroyed áO,l)UO sheep.


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