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jj7te Greaíest Blood Purifierj I Thls Great Gennan Medicine is II llchcanest and best. 128 doses of SUL-#i II I PHUKl!IÏTERSfor1.00,lee8t)mn# S II U one cent a dose. It wlll cure the# L: U pj worst cases of skin disease, tromW pn Iga common pimple on the tacem SP U ITIto that awful disease Scrofula.# fir IISÜLPHUK BITTEKS la the# ,? III beet medicina to use In all ƒ " III Hl cases of such stubbom nniwymr via III Hldeep scated Uleeases. Do#neys aré ontij BLUE PILLS VlpÍiuIrQ Iormercury,tJieyaredead#BITTEs1; IJI ly. Place your trust in#yourefick-po SULPHUKBITTEHS#matterwhatall8W meedlKevear 'SdZj&fa lfanM _IlyonrTongnOoted# H lgwHhaTellcivstlckj-#non'twaltiintll yotiQ III substance? Isyourare unaMe to walk'.or IQ III breath foul and#are flat on your back, III H offcnslve? YourTbut get sonie at 0Bc6f It Ifl U8tomach Is out#wlll cure jou. 8alphur Hl of order. UsejVBitte 11 g 8üb m-KRsThe inTaUd'f Friend. H H lmnieHate!)r#rhe young, the aged aDd tot. S ■Ulsyuur I r.lKrinfari' soon made well byfll II lne thlck, it use. liemeraber what you Hl in roiir, clo-road here, It roay eave your III ndy, orJQife lt has saved hundredg. Hl L■ Mlhm't wait u ntil to-morrow. g X Try a Bottle To-day ! Q I 5" Are you low-eplrlted and Treak.lH H Mot stilTering from the excesnes of III III youth? If so, SULPUUH ÜITTKItó III jrwlll cure you. Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. P. Ontway Co., Boston. Mass., for best muilical work publisbcU? GOLD MSDAL, PABIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Gocoa from -which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutély Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easiit digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. ■ ■ % ft I Pilffcin beearnedatonrlfBWlineofwork, BS I I KP I W lai.i.ily a nd honorabl?, by those of ■VI II nl 1 1 sAKsci&ï?; ■ ■ ■ 7# ■ ■ ■■ I onc cn do the work. Eiy to lean. We furnish eyerythinp. We art you. No rik. You cn devote your pure moment, or 1 your time to the work. Thii ia n mtirriv new lead,nd brinpi m onderful iuccm to eery worker. Befrínnert are earning front t ü to 50 .r weck and upward, and more arter a ïittle experience. We can furaiih you lh employment and teach you t-KKE. No epaceto explain htro. Fnll iuformatioo FKKK. TRI'K & CO., Lt.l blA, KáUíB. PROTECTION OR FREE-TRADE. WHICH? Do you want to keep thoroughly pcsted on the effects of the New Tariff Law, as shown from week to week ? Do you want to know all about the policy of Protection and have an answer to every ialse statement of the Free-Traders? Yes ? Then subscribe for your home paper and the American Economist, published weekly by the American Protective Tariff League, New York. (Sample copy f ree). The Economist is an acknowledged authority on Protection and should be widely read. The yearly subscription of the Economist is $2, but we have made a special arrangement with the publishers by which we can send you the Economist for one year and ' f Luán il I FOR AL'. O # Ttic'. .■ikricanPrütectiveTabipfI.i. ub is publtahing a most valuuble series of Xarjff JCK-nmenta. Tbete are prepared with a view to state the facts and arguincnts for Protection, whether in the interest of farmers latiorers, merchants or professional raen Each issue of the series appeals to those entmre(l in separate industries, and presenta indisputable faets- comparisons of wagee cost of livinp, and other argumenta slíowmir the benents of Protection. Any single one will be sent on receipt of 2 cents m stamps except " Wages, Living and Tariff," whiefi will be eent for 4 cents. The whole list will be sent for 30 oents or any twelve ior 20 centü, or any five for 10 ceuts, postagc .aid. Order by number. 1-" Wagen, :.;: . 1 Tarlff." E. A. HAmt088" HUK.. ... .. IQ a-"Thc AiH ...... . .- of ft 'rotectivé TarifT tó the Lauui .,,... iuciuBtrle8 of the Uulted btatea." Hist i'rize Essay, 1S87. CeawFOBOD. ntisiHo 30 t- " Home JProduutlou Indispensable töa'süpply, at Low l'rlces, of the Manufacture Commodltits requlred for the People of the United States, and Adequate Hun, e Production of theee Commodltles Imposslble without a Protective Tarlff." ïirst . ..Prlze Essay, 1888. c. V. Todd a? 4-" V hatare Ruw Materials ? Would Pree Raw Materials be Adrantageou to the Labor and Industries of the Dnlted States " ..v KBt, Prlze Es8aX' Homer B. Dmiill 33 6-"FallaclesofFree-Trade." E. P. Mujjsh 3a fc- " Some Views on the Tarlff by an Old Buslnessilan." Qeo. Drai-er 32 7- "The Protectlve Tarlff : lts Advautairesfóp thesouth." C. L. Kdwards... ""LurS2 früV10?0?1 Interee'." Judge Wm. Lawhkkce 24 -"Proteotlon ts. Free-Trade."-A Hlstorlcul Review. D. O. Hahkiman 20 10-" The Farmer and the Tarlff ■" Col. THoöis H. DUDLEY IA 11-" Proteetlon as a Public Polley."' 'Ókëkai's'. 12-"Heply to 16 saKe." R. p. Portrb o 13- "Worklngmenand the TarinV'! g U- "The Vital Queatlon : Shall American Indüs'k.,sriur9relS!d4bedfOne1 ""1 Amer.cao Har?iiS.mfc '? Uemrnn, wlth AdditïonV."'."'.'. '".'. I 16- Ihe Progresa of One Hundred Years." KOBERT P. PORTER 8 li- Protectlon for American ShlDPlne " " ' }-; The Tanir Nota Tax. Homer'b Kbell'." 8 Jt ï by Iri8hmcn Should l)e Protectlonlsts." I 20-" Protectlon." E. H. ammidows 1 21- What Is a Tarlft ? " AnBwer to a Workínir". mon's Question " 4 'The American Wool IndU8try.""Ë.H'.AiiMTDOWN -.".D ?,f" 'aKes and Cost of Uving.'"' j'. ü'. Weeks, 1 J- ,. Southern Pannlng Industries.".. .. J 25-"A Short Talk to Worklngmen " 5 tectlon and the Jfarmer." Senator' s'ïi ' L CULLOM ■ j2 Tne American Economist, weeklv devoted to thH discussion of all phases of the Tarfff quêeMon U fï?r mpl coplei free. Addres American Pro? lectivo Tarín Leatue. 23 W. 23d St.. New TOTkT The Courier and the American Economist one year for $2.00. !iie Farmers' Si Mechamos' Buk CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLUS $10,000. Aflflitioiial Iiiatilitíes of Stociholflers $50,000. Report of the condition of the FARMERS A MECHANIC8' BANK at Aun Arhur, Mielngau, at the close of business, Dec. 19, 1890. RESOUKCES. Loaii8 and dfscounts $230,401 80 Stocks, bonds, mortgagcs, etc 74,421 &6 Overdrafts ...? ....... 4,15II 81) mie from banks in reserve cities 8,696 77 iue from other banks and hunke-rs.. 559 04 Due from Washtenaw County 28,2iö 6 f urnlture and fix tures 3,000 00 (urrent expenses and taxespaid 1,807 OH Interest paid .... 3,m) Cnecks and cash items 99 :;w Nickels and pennies 253 't: ?ld 6,762 50 Silver 1,720 18 U.S. and National Bank Notes... ... 5600 00 Total $375,517 70 UABILITIE8. Capital stock paid in % 50, OM 4)0 Surplus iuad. 104)00. 00 Undividsd proflt 917 21 Commercial deposita 2.r5103 U Sftvini?8 depoait 49.7! Due to banks and bankers 469 04 Total $375,517 70 STATE OF MICHIGAN, j Col'mty of Washtenaw, BBI, F. H. BKLSEK, Caehier, of the sTXrre named Bank, do some'nly swear that the abOTO statement is true, to the best of my knowle&e and belief. F. H. BEL8ER, CashiêK Bubseribed and sworn to before me, this 30ü day of December, 1890. WM. W. WHEDON, _ Notary Public. Ccrrect- Attest: Chas. E. Greene, ReuUfiD Kempf, D. P. Schairer, Directora. The Farmers' i MecMcs' M avine died thelr certifícate with the SfaUe Banking Departnent are now authorized todo business as a Savings Bank, and in pursuaucc 'hereof have openea a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savings department on all deposits of 1 and upwards, interest paúl Juue lst and Dec. lst, of each year. The savings departmeut is open Saturday nights from 7 until 8 o'clock. Money to loan in suma of $25 to 5,000 secured by unencnmbered real estáte or approved secunties. DIRECTORS-Renben Kempf, Chas. E. (ireene, K. Doffy, Ambrose Kearnej, Wm. C. Stevens, W. F. Breakej, J. E. Beal, John Bnrg, D. F. Schairer. R. KEMPF, Pres. E. DUFFT, Vico-Pres. F. H. BELSER, Cashior. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Courier Office, 4) and 43 North Main St , (Successors to C. H. Millen.) The oldest agency in the city. Eetabliehed over a quarter of a century ago. Representins the followiug first-class compunies, with over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Inb. Co., of New Vork. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Girard Ins. Co., of Philadelphia. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London. Liverpool, London and Globe. Rau's Low as the lowest, Losses Liberally Adjasted and promptly Paid. BEAL & PO1VTD Fargcte Shoes Famfly Ti FARCO'S TSs I "Box Tip" School Shoes !?%vv or Boys and Girls, Ê ?Ss Heeled or Wedge WiöÊS Slzes-8toJ0!4 1.85 fÜ FARCO'S i 1 V $2.50 Calf Shoe (t5wv for Gentlemen lÉT ' fiünr íJ."1 A menea at the samo RlT(nUwi0)pPtpricp. In Eorrea.Bu4 - 4" " H ton and Lace. Xen'suKt Boy's eizes. % ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT fd X Oon9ola op Gt. Button. if ' VSc X Opera, or Common Sense. í A Cfllr Tackles and Flexible. LE. y LtórSsgS_ Warranted the m JÊÊ ' NgggS&Ea-SLittiJ Ji. FAEOO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR iníMwce, Rea! Estáte aai Loan Ágese; OF HAMILT01T& GREEN. OFFICES : NO. 1 AND 2 HAMILTON BLOCK FIRST FLOOR. )Ií,aríieS tesiring to buy or sell Real Estáte wíl] find H to their advantage to cali on u We represent the following first-claee Fire ínOTovSwBmw! havlug and aggregatecaPThe Grand Rapids Firk Ins. Co The Ohio Farmers Ins. Co., (Insures only dwelllngs). ' The Germán Fire Ins. Co. The People's Fire Ins. Co. The Citizen's Fire Ins. Co. The Westchester Fire Ins. Co. The Milwaukee Mechanics' Fire Ins Co The New Hampshire Fire Ins. Co. The Northwestern Fire Ins. Co. Rates low. Loases liberally adjusted and pald promptly. We also Issue Life and Investment Policies in the Conn. Mutual Life Insurance Company Assets $50,000,000. Persons desiring Accident Insurance, can have yearly Policies written for them or Traveler'ü Coupon Insurance Ticket issued at low rates in fhe Standard Accident Insurance Company of Detroit, Mich. Money to loan at current rates. Office hours from 8 a ra. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p. m. HAMILTON & CREEN.


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Ann Arbor Courier