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Honoring Gen. Sherman

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New Y) , l'eli. 20. - Early yesterday Gen. UowHrd e .tab.iobtd bis headquartersatlil. Co unibua a.enue, and for ieveral buur. vis b .sy i-siiing bis last instructiotis mlaiivo to tbe bonois to be paid iu iliis city to tbe remains of Gen. Skerman. The omimandeis of the various bri,adet umi divi toni received their final orden yesterday. The veteran organizationt not taking, part in the tiarade ere placed in doublé line at the strcet ferry to receive the oortege. A en. Boerman was a member of tbe oiiio rommandéry of the I.oyal Legión a numlier of niembeis of that body were in the parade. They asserable 1 in tbe room of ex-lresident Hayes at the Flfth avenue hotel and tbence proceeded in a to the point asigued to them in line. PollowinR is a list of the bodies in tb pageant aud ir nsnective positiuns: Ifounted mu! foot pohi-e. Oen. O. O. Howard and staflf. Escort ot' Honor, under eommand of Col. Loomis L. Langdon, composed of a battaíion of nited States .M ;iri: e-, fonr companies ol ' uited Otates Knpineers. siv companies (foot batteries) oí' Arüllery. a battalion of 1 igUt ArtUJery fiom the reu "lar arniy nu 1 National Üuard, tivu tróops of t'iivairy frcni National Guard. These surromided tbe ) all-bearers and the caniages of the relatitives. The Pall-Bearers in Can-inges. A Led Horse Bearing the Sadd e, Bridle, Sword and ide-Arms of Gen. Shernian. A Special Escort fiom Lafayette Post, Grand Army of tlie Kepublio, on the Kight and Family and Relatives ia Carriages. Escorted by Lieut. Kijlatn Van Renssalaer. President Hairion in a Carriage, i Escorted by Gen. Horai e Porter. Vice-President Morton in a Carriage, Escorted by Geu. öeorge D. Kuggles. Members of the Cabinet in Caniages. Escorted by Gen. M. D. Leggett. Ex-Presidents Ha}es and Cleveland in ; Carriaes, Accoiupauied y Joseph H. Choate and Cbauncey M. 1 epew. Committees of the tenate and House of Representa! ives and Mayor Grant in Caniages Military Or Ier of tl e J oval Legión of the i UDited Stati's and Uflicere of t e Arniy and Xavy. Col. Clarkson. G.A.fl.'. and Aids. Marshal George Chapeil and Ai'.s, manding the liist, Second. Third, Fourtb and Fiftu SubdiTisions of the Ö.A.R. Sixth, Leventh, and liighth Subdivisions of the G.A.K.. Under V'aiiuns Coninia nders. Here followed nun erous military and civic orguni utiom ï'rom different States, toether with cadets from many military academies, winding up with repi esentatives from the hamber of Commeree of I New York, and a committee representing the New York Histoi ieal sociew Tbere were m ly -0,000 men in line - 2,000 regular troops. f.000 national guard, and 13.000 ii and avmy men. 'J'be followïng gentlem. n u' ted as pa;l-be.;t;s -laj. den. J. M. Scho; e d, M; j. lien. O. O. Howard J ear Adiniral ü. L Bruine, Eear Adi iral .1. A. l.reer, Prof. H. L. Keudrick of Vet lJcint. en. Jo eph E. Johnston. Ma;. Gen. 1). E. tieklea, Jfai. Gen. U. M Dodge, Mag Gen. J. N. Coise, Maj. Geu. Wager Hnayne, Maj. ben. Stewart L. Woodford, Maj. (en. Wright, and Ma! tien. Moore. The pali-tiea en aoio npauied the body only as far as the ersey City depot. One thousand and seven hundred policemen were detailed a on,j the route to preserve oi-der. The following partj1 left on the train with the body to accompany it to St. Louis: The Rev. T. E. Sherman, P. T. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Kit-h, Mr. and Mrs. Tuackara, Miss Bhermaa, Miss Kachel Sherman. Senator and Mrs. Sherinau. Hoyt Sherman, Mrs. Wilberg. Gen. Thomas Ewinsi, Miss Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ewing, Henry Sherman. Uen. and Mrs. S. A. Miles, Mr. nnd Mrs. l'roi asco. Mrs. Coléate Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. ï. E. Stee.o. Gen. S.hofield and aid. Uen. Howard and aid, Gen. Slocum aud ail. Secretary Froctor, ! Seo etary Moble, Secretary ltusk, Col. John M. Bacon. Col. L. M. Dayton, J. M. Barrett, and Col. C. T. Aiexauder, BI. D. The family services over the rmains of the general were held at 10 o'clo -k this i morniug and were conducted by the Rev. Father Tav lor of the Church of the Blessed Sacniinent. ione but membtrs of the family were present.


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