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The Press (NEW YORK) FOR 1891. DAILY. SUNDAY. WEEKLY. 6 pages, 1 cent. 20 page, i cents. 8 or 10 pages, 2c. The Aggressive Eepublican Journal Of the Metropolis A XEWSPAPER FOR THE MASSE8 FOUNDBD DECEMBER lat, 1887. GircüIatiQn over 100,000 copies 7-1 fi. TT.TT The Press is the organ of no faction; pulls no wires ; has no animosities to avenge. The Most remarkable Newspaper Success in New YorJc. The Press is a National Newspaper Cheap news, vulgar sensations and trash Eind no place in the columns of The Press. The Press has the brightest Editorial page in New York. It sparkles with points. The Press Sunday Edition is a splendid twenty page paper, covering every current topic of interest. The Press Weekly Edition contains all the good things of the Daily and Sunday editions. For those who cannot afford the Daily or are prevented by distance from early receiving it, The Weekly is a splendid substitute. AS AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM The Press has no superior in New York. THE PRESS. WUhta the reaehof all. The best and cheapest Newspaper published ín Amtrica. Daily and Sunday, one year, $5.OO " " 6 months. 2.5O ' " " one montta .45 Daily ouiy, one year, ■ 3.00 " fonr months, - 1.00 Snnday, one year, - - 2.00 Weekly Press, one year, - 1.00 Send for The Press Circular. Samples free. Agents wanted everywhere. Liberal commissions. Addres9, THE PRESS, Potter Bvileing, 3S Park Row, NEW YORK. CREAM PRUNES A very i leasant Laïative, mrule from the jnice of Freth Fixne. combinut viih ' armless veRetabl ingredients of ve l-'r.nov n and lnhlj medicinal qualíties, put up iu the for of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparaticn FOR INFANTS and CHILDR6N, Assltnilating the food and Regulating ihe Stomach and ow Is ttPron otes Digestión, Chcerfulness and Rot !T IS A VGrDERFüL REP.'.ECY for O NSTIPATION, 8 UR 8TOMACH, CO IVULSIONS, LOSS OF SLEEP, WORMS, FE ERISHNE"3, Etc P 'ce. 2G Certs. BKIOGS MEDICT": CO., l . nboth, N. A FOR SALE -i EBERBACH & SON. AUN ARB0R. ___jÉ Snnjr liltle forlnneihnrchíenniáíat jSb L work for ui, by Anna I'agc, Austio, i A, _ yRHRst l'(l". whertver y on ure. Even be7 V J PpttmÊF einnrr air rnily earning from f5 to i .]HC a"'l itrt yon. tin work in pre time 1 3 _jJBEbP'' or a11 iIh ïifP motie y for work en. Fnilurp unknnwn imong thrm. ll.llullctt JL: 1 4i.,llox. WHO INtilIuiul.Muiuo EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TVTTTCS TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PELjAJJIÜiÖ RIODICAL" PILLS from Paria. France. Established in Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregulanties and Monthly Derangements. A renaüle monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any drugjfist, Í2. American Pili Co., Propnetore, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Sephenson & Co., Wholesale agents, and ftll other druggists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to bring on the " change.1' men und women. We jurmsh the capital! If tou mean business, drop ns a card and pet some facts that will open your eyes ! A legitímate line of goods, and honest men wantod to introduce them in town and country. Don'! Waitl Address at once, P O Box 649, Cincinnati, O, THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS - - - READ IT! READ IT! READ IT! IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! The weekly issue of The Mail and Express is not a mere re-hash of the daily of the sama name, the matter thrown together without regard to the order or sequence of things ; it ia a live, independent, fearless, progressive journal,withan individuality and a being of it3 own. It is akillfully and carefully edited witU a viuw of making it just what it claims to be- THE MODEL HOME NEWSPAPER. CONSIDER THESE POINTS. The Weekly Mail and Express is the only newspaper in America which gives a careful review every week of all matters of interest In the Financial, Legal, Religious and College Worlds. These are among lts speeialties. lts page of Foreign News is one of lts most remarkable features. The Weekly Mail and Express is a Republican paper not a narrow, partisan sheet, bufc a strong and fearless exponent of true Eepublican principies. It stands amone the first as an advocate of Temperance and Ballot Reform. The Weekly Mail and Express gives all the news of the day. Foreign and domestic and presents it in the most attractive and readable shape. The Weekly Mail and Express has among lts regular contributors some of the ablest wrters of Europe and America. lts short stories for young and old, poems, sketches of travel and adventure are the best of their kind. In these and all features of aprogressive newspaper it is not surpassed. The tone of the Weekly Mail and Express is pure, elevated, wholesome and braeing. It is a paper which carefully avoids everything of the cheap and sensational order. It can al ways be trusted. SUBSCRIPTION RATES ONE COPY, ONE YEAR, - - $2.00 ONE COPY, SIX MONTHS, - - 1.00 ONE COPY, THREE MONTHS, - .50 TEN COPIES, ONE YEAR, - - 15.00 AND A FREE COPY TO THE PERSON SENDING THE CLUB. DAILY, PER YEAR, - - $7.00 REMITTANCES should be made by Express Money Order, Post-offiee Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Draft, payable to the order ot The Mail and Express. When thus mada they will be at our risk. AGENTS WANTED. We want an Agent at every Post-office in the United States where we have not one now engaged. LIBERAL CASH COMMISSIONS given ta Agents for making up Clubs. Special circulars to Agents stating commission sent on application. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all letters to The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS 23 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. TNIools's CcrtrfcoüS. Root üxÊa compound I lÈÉf Oomtosed of Cotton Ro i. Tansy and L 1 .J Pennyroyal - a receot uisecvery by an to'd physician. Ie mr um'iilly ued numtMj- Safe, Effectual. '. by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your dm ;■' t tnr Cook'i Cotton Eoot Compound anj taki: no ulstitut, or inolose 2 stamps for sealod p.-.. ■ J?.is Ad dres POND liLy comhan'i ,. J Fkher Blook, 131 Woodward to., IXwroi' iah. SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improved Tariable Friction Feed. Send for catalogue and special prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Vork, Pa. "Wood's TtLOsïla-OÜ33.e. THE GREAT EKGbISH REMEDY. Veei for 36 years. - .rik of Youthful folly by thomandssuc aod Ihe exmtata uesstully. (rtur-1 MaBar of Ia?er anteed to c-urt all V!.ZJm J IHves immtdiatc rormsof Nerrousi TliyiSJ' strtiuth and HaWeaknens, K J or. AskdruttirliU slons, iPP for Wood's Pnorhea. impotency. '" phodlne; takeno nd .U the irnt pb' f rom tubstltate. On package. 1; il, $6. by mail, Wrlte for pamphlet. Addrew The.Wood Chemical Co., 131Woodwr4 &t&, Detroit, Mich. JfSctÊN1 ÁMEGENcyfí,r tm A pamphlet of information and -IÊU Hstractuf the lawa.sbuwing How toSf ■Bfc Obtaiu Piitents, Caveats, TradeH V M;irks, Copyrights, sent frtL. -


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Ann Arbor Courier