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A Great Hill

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Crimínala cu now ply their ufuioni bosiness in Connecticut and by ttepping ovt-r in Nrw York lie icrícctly freí through the partiaanahip of (íov-SenatorHill. Tbii wonderful democratie statoKman, who nuuukgM to liulil two important oí flcei at one and the lame time, rather lft thievea and manieren and criminali nf all kinds run ut liherty n New York, tlian to thn.w aside bil ]art ísiiumIií ji, and BO rcfnsfs tO honor i riiis t ion {rom Gkv. Btükley of Conneetíont, bcanM he thiaki Bnlkley bu not the ri;li t soit ..i a tltle to liis office. Wiiiit Im.sincss is that to Gov. Ilill? What right has be to qaection the acts of thepeopleol another state? Be is s i 1 1 1 . l y showing off the csarlam that is in him, and letting the people ■' what a iiMirpcr and tyrant lic woiild ba if he oonld. if the people ol ( onnectient have beei wronged iy the Mlecüon of Bolkley as güvernor there are proper chnnncls throngh which to ri'ht that wrong. Therc are coarta of jastioe inaagarated for that vcry porpose,and ('ov.Hill hitH Dothlng whatever to do in the cas.' bu perform Ium dnty as governor of New York. By takinu the action he luis he not only diaplayi a laok of wimlom, but proveí hinisdf a medler and mim-hief maker. The papers that have been pursuing Siipt. Xowkirk, of the State School at Coldwater, witli such relentlefts fury and mercile.sH vindictivcneus, are boilng over with wrath bocmw tho Btltl Henate refused to accede to their de111:111. !s and uncoremoniouHly kick that gentleman out 11 the eold. Supt. Newkirk certainly made a nriooi niintake, but how iibout Iiíh peueootort? Did they ever make a mistake? Híh error was of a nature that any inaii occupy ing liis position might easily nmko. II uuulil ncvcr rapeat t; while a new man mibt not liave it bo thoroaghlj impreMed apon hii miad. Tlie vindictivencHH of lus panaen troald Indícate some other motivo than the public good in their letions. lYrhaps greed nul gelfishneM actúate them more Qua nythiii' clse. !■'. II. Hoaford, aecntaiy of Uiedemo cratir itate central oommittee, in 1 oati didate for door-keepet in tlio noxt nu tinnal Imhisi' of repreHcntiitivcN. II oogbt t bave the potiüon by all meani Anv man who coold wiggle aronnd ii the state HOiuite aw he did on the diiy o Senator rirk'n great and dishonorabli thcft, and tben try to cheat the thk out of the notorii-ly the tlicft bronh him, in a iit man oextainly for door-keep er in the houu of ooagre- a demo iratic congress. It íh a (act that the people of thi country took very little interest in th recent Canadian clections that were s excitinf? tliere. Onr people are indiffer ent as to ulio govenu Canada as long R that geoftraphical malden behavea her Belf. Reciprocity with Canada is Di deeired without annexation, and annex ation is ■ ]iretty lii; (juestion. Canad Ui tOO in deht ÍOT l'ni-le Saín t fall in love witli her to any serious ex tent Some ome onjílit to throw B I10111I1 int the Olinois legislatura and stir them aj The repnblicani In that body wil! shoü their good aense by elinging to o Ogletby or aome other nood repablican The partyhal neverye reoeived anj thing bat hamiliation by tnniing in an electing nondeecripti just to beat tb demócrata! for the neodeecripta aearl alwayi turn out to be nngratefa] em mieh. oator Dnboii wil] hold bU ieat a senator at tbe ö. 8, trom [daho, an i commenced drawing pay.


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