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The Platform

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The Republicana if Michigan Ín convciitiiiii assembled, In the city of .lackson, wheie, 36 years BgO, under tlir ■ ;iks, tin' grsl party "f human Uberty ■ad eqnal rights was lxrn, looking back, wani overa periodo! onparalieTed Na tional iuul itate prosperity as the rosal) of the supremacy of Republican princi□lei, '1" bereby adopl the (ollowing plat lorm : 1. Rttolvtd, Thai we believe In tnalntaining the Integrity of the currency, and Ihal zilver and .'i'lil shotild be 11860 as ■ iii.incv liasis liv the EJnited States; and tu accompli&b t i i i m end all the American silver prodact ahonld bereceived al its mai-kci ralne by the government, and t ■ 1 1 . 1 1 - silver certiflcates 01 silver coln sJmuld be Issued therefor. 2. We beUeve In the purity of the ballot box, and that any abridgemeni of the righi ei inffrage íh perilous to the salety of the aation and we demand the enaci ment of mch National lawi as shall protret every American citisen In the exerrisc f this tacred riht. :. The Republicana of Michigan, believinf in the rule of the majority , dêïiinnd that the United States tenate shall adopl surii ralee ai ihall enahle tliiit. body tO rencli u vote on uiiy qiiestion after reatooable debato. 4. We hereby endone the late revisión of onr nntionai tariff laws, protectuk producen, laboren and [armera against the rafnoos competitions of forefgn prodoctions and cheaper labor, and especially commend thoee (eatorea "i the law wliich provide for the pr 1 ution of farm producto M '"ll at nniiiufactnreil aradeSi and we conliallv approve of the reciprocity provliiona therein contained, onder whfch important trealies, Opening ni'W markets, have already lieen eiitereil mtO DV the administration ander the tnagnifleent leadenhip oi James G. Blaine. "). We endorse and einiimeiiil the acti'in 'if the Repnblican party in csarryIng out its pledgei in relatioo to pension lenislatlon. 6. We reatlirm the potitlon of tlie republican party 1 1 j 1 1 the iubjects of timperance legislatioii and taxation as exprossod In it.s laai state platform, and demand SUCh a state tax law as .shall make taxes apon uon-resident lands oolleota ble with promptness and eertainty, that there may be no discrünination against the resident on m-r. 7. With sincere sorrow the repuliliean party of Micbigaii mourns the recent ileath of Wm. T. Sherman and Admiral David l. Porter. Oor héroes of the civil war fast passing away, bul their memory will remain with uh a an inHpiration to üdeiiiy to our foiiiMion country. Let it be on to hand down to poMterity a bos and untaroished Kepubiic whlch their patriotimn helped to BStablish and inaintain. Senator Wileox of Shiawasse, elected as a democrat and P. of_ I., and until the recent great steal acting with the democraU, comes out squarely against that party and in favor of justiee and rijfht. The Bteal was not far-reaching enough. H'b object will not be accomplished. President John Patton jr., of tho State League of Kepublican clubs has appointed tho (ollowing advisory board: Junius E. Bern] of Ann Arbor, J. W. GiddingS of Cadillac, W. 1). Davenny Detroit, II. A. Forestof Bfginaw, !■:. I. Bpohrof DowagiM, f. H. Lattaot Battle Creek. With tliin issue the Commercial beKins its tweaty-eighth volunM, and the lifth ander its present management. We hope 'all onr .exiliantes will pay uh a few coinpliments at tlnn time, tlien we, with the usual editorial modeRty, will collect and reprint them, ander the head of "Unsolicited Testimoniáis." - Ypsilanti Ootnmercial. AVell, here goesl The Commercial is a live newspaper, of not any particular politica] principies, bul with a leming toward the democrat, prohibition, )atron and Industria] partiss, t tirm believer in Coe-ediication, and at heart a true repablican. It gives the newn la ■ ('oinmercial way, and prints "Reminiscences" by its former editor that are of intense interest - to the man who writes them. It runs a Temperanco column, a Snnday Sermona column, severa! county columns, occa.sionally a column of editorial, with DO lack of advertising columns. The man wbo cannot be satisBed in the columns of the Commercial Is B migbty particular man, and OUght never to be classed with the elite, Miss Hessie II. üedlue, of Burlington, Vt., had a disoase of the scalp which caused her bair to be veryhanh and dry and to (al] so freelyshe scarcely dared comb it. Ayer's llair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp, and inaile the hair beautifully thick and glossy. .lerry Siinpsun and a lot, of other nonentitiea will dow commence drawing $.",(K)o a year, through the grace of a Dumber oi respectable republicana, who ent dalt on politics last (all,


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