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I)i effect Februnry UK ML Leave Ypsiluntl ut 7 ::).!) :(i, ni:;:n. a. m„ umi 12:46, Ï:'M, 4:1), .'. :40, 7 :'JU, :(i, 10:80, p. DO. l,t n r A ii ti rtmr, li om ( mul BOUS6, ut 7 :,5, ü-i1.. in .:., .i. in., uii.l 1:11), 140, 1:80, C:1U, 7:50, 9:a6, 1U:55, p. m. SUNBAY TIME. Yimllaiitl, ut 1:00, 'M). 1 :'-'.', 6:05, 7:45, 9:J0, p, in. l.i-uvr Aan Arlior, Iniin (duit 1 1 oiihc, al .; :10, i ' i, 9 BS, 8:10,9:40, p. m. ('urK run on City Tliiu-. CoupOD tlokata, 11) antltlei paawngcn to oontlnous rlde ovrr lioth Tomín, t', ir nule hy OOndOOtOff OS all Mret-l ciirn. Kdliins ere out in full fnicti tliis morning and full "t mig. I 'ge I lintiiit íh tu liuilil ii ncw liouse on ThtinipHuii Nt. thÍH leuon. There will a meeting oi the board uf regenta on the 24th, probably. Iliitzcl et Co. are baring a ncw drive wel! put down "" Jewetl ave. There are two Bowing clin there aiready. All bocdu belooging to the ladiea' library maal be pretented at thé Ifbrary on or bofore Mimh 14. lïy order of the Board. The ncw rc.sidcncc of David líinsey's at the corner of División and Lawrencc streets, will be oue of the Bneat In the city when coniphtcd. The Fiftli wnrd propOMI to como to the front Huh HUiiiincr a.s u dcHirable rosidence loculity and several uew building are in contcinplation. The Junior Ex. of the High School occnr on Friday evening at the chapcl. Hnall adniiMMion fee for the bonefit of the library fund will 1! oharged. The Rtitnd pipo next to Pollicinus' livfry Btable on Catharinu Itreet bonted yesterday, and the fountain that played there for a timewai a híKh oldfoontain. The eleotrioal apparatoi lortheeqnip mest of two ncw motor Btreet can han arriyed In the city. The ncw ean will lc the Name al tliosc now on the route The choirof 8t. Andrew's ohuroh ol Uiíh city will attond service ai Bt. Loke'i ohuroh, fpeilanti, tliin erenlng, and Rev. Dr. TaÜook ill preaohaaermon, Whv will Home people, who have a voice that loundalike a croai between the Hpiz. of a bnsi s:iw and the hum i ui elei-l BOtOr car [niiflt üpnii llnging In ohuroh? Howanl Dulli.-M, l. l., of the WeBtminater chorch, oí Detroit, will addreii the Tappan Pretbyteriaii Aisooiatlon ïu-xt Sablialh evening. Subject: "Daate'l Divina Comedia." Prof, Davi.s luis juHt had framed for bil room a "map of tbc villaje of Ann Arbor, by J. K. Stratlon, 1886." Mr. Stratton was afterward a wemlier of the Kreat bnainesa ooilege ürm of BryantA Stratton; To-iiuirrow Julm Robinson, oolored, will huvca hearing befare Juttice Batts, m a ohuffC "f MMVlt witli intont U do graat bodily harm, apon Renben Mills, the dental itndent, whowas hu serlously injurcii Batorday. ('ui vcisiiy hal) whm mll filltül lust Thanday evening to tiiten (o the entertainment glven for hrurlil .[ t lic gym. iiinci, ;mii that fond v;s augmented severa! bundred dollars. Thosewho attended were generally wel! pleased, Hun. Ciin.,11 i). WiiKht, r. B. Oommiuioner ol Labor; wil] ipeat al the Unltarian church oext Sunday evening on Religión ím Politics." In the a i Ing Mr. Sunderland in glve the do ling sermón In lis course an "( H.i Testament Prophecy." If the Aun Arl.i.r Water Worki Co succeod lo au abundani i upply ui u:ii,T ii the uclls they are sinkinj,', tb people ol os A.i bor in rejoioe witfa Bxceeding great joy, for thé i ii approachetb when river water bai abi i ite. The aexi itate encampmeni erf the O. A. R., ill !■ IkI.I ;it Ann ihoi. The streef railway oompan; oon wlli 84 ticket lor 1, ortix ter 95 oesti take w.ur choice, The Ladieeoi the Oongregational m oiety terve tea to morrón evening in the cliurch purli)rrt. Prefident Regen iii retwn to com bii aooxH "f ïi'cturcM in the hw department oext week Zeao Oarpenter, (atherof I'. W. Carjx'nttT, died kt nis home i" CpeUantl yesterday, awl 88 years. A family reunioD w:im mr of the enjoyable PVfintH at the home of VVilliam Beyer, on '. WiUiam Ht. Booday. Ten and social by the ladiea next Thurwday evening ut O o'cloclc at I'renbyterian ehureh. A cordial invitation toall. WadlmuiH, Kiiincly A Kcule will open their now 'lotliin(? and gent' (nraishing gooda itore, in Um Hangsterfer blook on Baturday. Rev. Dr. v. B, Kelly, of Brooklyp, N. Y., is tO dflivcr tliP nrxt oddlCBI Itefore the Weileyan taitd, on the even in cf Miin-li L'lM. Rev. Kr. Dowllagi "f Detroit, ll lecture ba Dnivenitji Hall oexi sunday eveniiiK) at 8 ]. in. Subject : "In t lic pri'si'iil sl;i!i' nf Hocii'ty itn iiiiliiinicnl agalB t li' Ohriaüan religión? " Frcil Etoaaer, un Ai-gus employee, was ■et upiin in Umi1 rougha lust. Sunday evening and seijouaiy injmed. The (piest inn irises, can luoh tilines lic eontiiiuwd aere mucb toneer and o one be j.iinished I herefor ? .1. C. A W. V. Watts havo juut roinpleted foi Win. :. Hudaon, piwt grand blgh prleat of tlio grand chapter 1!. A. M. of Michigan, a beautltol Jewel, oostIng $150, and coiitiiinint; a '., kamt diamond yalued ut $ to. S I ]■ in ia ii lliiu-klcy, u wdll-known Ypdlanti faimei, who lia.s widid li that place niñee 1833., and who bonghl liis land trom tlie t;i)veriiinent, tlio pati'iit iiein' slgned by Lndrew Jackaon died Monday oight, aged 87 yeart. The lütli iinnual innouneenient of tlie Oallfomia College ol Pharmaoy, at San Francisco, 'u., oonUini the name of C 10. Worden u one of tho trustees. Mr Worden'i Doanyfrlenda will be glal t( note tiiis nrw evldence of hi.s oontinna! prosperity. Mr. and Mm. cIwih. Bullís have lei the employ of tl"1 Aan Arbor streel railway company and moved to Detroit Qeorge Stoll takea Mr. Ballli' place ai motor man, and ISi. John Bbadior taket charge ol theoffloe irork in place of Mrs. llallis. The program at the Dnitjrdub dos Monday evening, tfarch L6th, is as tol lowsi "A Detcenl loto the Cráter o Piohinoha, lllustrated," liy Mr. K. M. Brigbam, "Different [nterpretatione ol the üeoloKú'ul Phenomena at and near Niágara Ful In," by Prof. W. EL l'ottee. Hun. John ,1. Rohison wi-nt to Lansing last week toeeethat tbe democratie nuuhinery wan running all rijiht up thiii'. By a peculiar ezpreMkmon his face, whun talking it over, we ore ini-lincil tO think tlüil .lolm, in hin heurt, believeH tliat a little republican oil would facilítate the running of tbat machinery greatly. A recent issue of the N". Y. Mail and Kxprt'Bs huil a piotare parporting to be a likenpHS of Hon. JiiinaH S. Gorman, representativa trom the leoond district of Michigan. Mr. Goman would have a good hIiow for damagM n a uit for libel, ior hi' in mil 1 1 1 ■ : i f as hail looking ai tliat alleged picture makei out. ii (act, he li i pretty good Looking oon greuman, The Alpha Beta Gamma- A B C- dub werc pleusuntly enU'rtained Mmi ilnv eveningi by Mr, and tin, W. F. Stimson, :it their bandeóme new reei dence on E. Liberty t. The architeo ol thie column oame eonear Uüüngthi booby prise that ■ oertaln lm-k ii bl h;;ir on tin' rcar h i . I ■ nf his hcail stil iiiHist.s opon remaining in a perpendicu lar poeition. tin, l. w. Ban, of South Bend i ml., b sister of Mi's. l'. B. Rose, cami to thia city to attond the funeral ol be inothi'r, Mrs. KohiiiHon. ( n Tucstlay 0 lust treek, a fw hom beton thai vicc, the received ■ message that he hoeband had died to Mexloo, whcre he unit a UtUe time before for hii bealtb. Mrs. Kost' aOOOmpanied lier on her .sail journcy home. Whon the olectric Btreet railway completes lts Packard streel line, and the YpHüanti oars can be brougbt directly into the city, no paaeengers wili oot be obliged to cbangecan, and rido all over A nu Ai-hoi' beiore K'ettinK Into town, the trafflc will Increaae al least one third it is thoUght. If lUOfa Hhonld prove to he a bot another train would haetobe pul on for the capadty ol the present train is ulreaily taxe.l to ciny the crowds. The lecture "f Uajor HenryO. Dane at I 'niversity hall last, Kriday evenlng, wal i remarkable narrativo of wha1 tliat gentleman had teen along the rlvei Khine and in goug over the Alpe. His manner Is pleaaing and liis descriptions are superb. From the minute he i - menees to the oompletion of bielectuxe be hoi. is the atteution of bis audience i" every word be uttere, and he Is one of the tew lectoren who speak distinctlj and who can be underatood In any part oi the hall. The Association is entftled to the thaiiks of the Ann Arhui' public for their entei : ecuring bim for the course.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier