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Miss Mary Bcbmid, of II South Kust t.., is dangerooaly UI. TitiiH !'. lintd retnnwd (toma burilen trip i" Buffalo, Monday. .lolm Lindeimehiuidt ia about OOM aore, for wliicli liis uumy friend.s art glad. Mr. (loorgo W. (lover, of New York 'ity, h vialtlng his eoiisiiiH, Mrs.. It. A. leal and sister. Mrs. Prof. H. N. Ohute lelt lorToronto, Junday, called there by tbc nerioim IIii'sm of her futher. Jas. L. Dufly has enterml the luw denirtinent and will prepare hiiuself for orensic couiuontn. Mrs. Fred A. Howlett il ut CheUiea, alled tlicre hy the NlioU illiiess of Mr. IIiiwIcII'm motliiT. Mrs. John J. Uobison leaves to-dny 01 Detroit, to visit lier datighter, Mrn. Oanian, who in qoftM ick. Mrs. John 0. Bchndd, ol 41 Booth ■rnt st., who DU heen sick foi the iast lliri'c weeks, is rom alesciiir .slow ly . Mayor Manly went to (rand Hapids nut eToslsg to atteml a meeting oi the ïoldier'a Home Board ol Manager. Kx-Supervisor Kraun iind Superisor Hut linéame ex peet to go to LatiHing to" lay tO flght the cliarter ainelidinenlN. 0. Eberbach ratantsd home (rom a meeting ol tht Btsta Board ol Phamw ■v, ai (.lamí Rápida, on Friday evening laat, Maj. Stevens, Dr, l'.rraLey, and J, Q. a. Beariou ii'H Ifionday tof tinikeon, to attend theQ. A. K. enoampment beid there. There is u genen] expriHsion of plejUH ure ovor the bnprored eondition of Mr. 8. S. Hlilz. It is huw thOUght he will urely recover. Mr. N. K. Keers, who 1 attendiiiti tin Hormal, at fpsilanti, tpent Batardaj and Snnday at the home of hm eoiisin, Mr. R. A. Beal. Frunk Wilcoz, lormerlj of Bancroft but WbO has heen ipendlng the past few inonths in Tennessee and Lonisiana, is ■topping with hi.s sister, MrH. l'aeker, 0) .Maynard sttei't. The many iriends of Mr. and Mrs Will T. Whedon, of Norwood, Mass. will be happy to leam that a little daughter oame to bleai theli home on Moiiday, Mairh L'. Major Soule went to Lanaing Monday to eonfer w ith game wardens, ete., in relereuce to (he beal methodi ol proion in!i game. Balt li a good preservativt Major, but you have to get the gam lirst, of eonrse. l.ouis Het., of Bberbaoh & Son, vh has liecn Hpendinu' R Ir days at AnIi huid, Wis., retunied Satnrday. He re porti the thermometer at lm bekw ten one day whilo he was there, and Ich (rosen (rom M to 36 Inohea tliiek In th lakei and streains. Michigan is gOOi anough for him. Thos. Bogle and fmnily, who carne here from Washington a few monthi niñee and located "ii 8. l'nivcrnity ave., aie lit'inu atllictcd with trouliles mun kban their than. Mr. BogJa Ims i n ilifortlic paateight weeka with lnflamin;it.irv rheumatiam. Laat Batnrday evening Mr. Bogle was heating BOOM alcohol whan it exploded anil lmrncd lier HTÍDiiBly. To adl to thin the entire faniily an ïitllictccl ith the prevailinjj tlimat ttouble. Five additiona to the Presbyterian church Ia8t Sunday. The Htreot railway will enlarge ts car house on Detroit street at once. In the display windoK (rf Mra. Pond'a itOre, oor. State uid Williuin KtrcctM, i a raprweatation of a Br plaoe, made witli OOdl topt for Male tli-ro, whlch i csrtainly verj Ingenioua, and weflwortl a ifw moment'i attentlon. Miss Lura Boshnell la the "architect," and the ba displaycii a iír'"ii deal ol arUatic taste ii the arrangement Veeder B. Paine, oreditad ai rati duit ol iiii city, and who baa beei appointed by the government to malo allotmenl of Landa to the 8ac and Fox [ndiana, w:i a powr to Ann Axbo peopto, vcry few of wiiuiu ramembe the gentleman, lt seematht gentlenuu lias been In Uu west tor asveral yeara - lieth'i a roter tkwa of not, do om appean tO knOV - and in an expert ii the [ndian husiness and was appointd on liis incrits, not throogb politica] intlllellcr.


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Ann Arbor Courier