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The postal subsldy, the post office approprlation, the meat inspection, the agricultural college and several publio building bilis were passed in the senate on the 2d In the house Benate bilis were passed granting a pension of K.500 a year to the widow oí Admiral Porter and $100 a month to the wldow of Gen. Kllpatriek; for a public building at Saglnaw, Mich., and the district of Columbia appropriatton bilL The conference report on the bilí to repeal the tlmber-culture law was agreed to. The Frenchgpoliation bill was passed in the genateonthe 3d; also the copyright bill, the diplomatio appropriation measure and 160 house pension bilis In the house oonferenoe reports were agroed to on the post office appropriation, pension appropriation, Indlan appropriation and copyright bilis, and a bill was passed to provide for a commission of flve persons on the subject of the alcohollc liquor trafile. Nearly all the important measures before the house were disposed of. AT noon on the 4th the Flfty-flrst oongress came to an end. All the regular appropriation bilis and other important measures before both houses were passed and were signed by President Harrison. In the senate resoluttons were unanimously adopted thanking Vice President Morton for the impartial manner in whioh ha had presided over that body. and in the house Speaker Reed was the recipiënt of similar thanks from the republioans, the democrats refusing to vote. DOMESTIC. President Harrison on the 3d signed the bill for the erection of a new mint at Philadelphia. It was the lOOth anniversary of the day on which President Washington signed the bill establishing the mint in that city. Bettie SANDERS, an aged colored woman, and her two grandchildren died at Nashville, Tenn., from the effects of poison put in tea which they drank. The lumber firm of Henry W. Sage & Co., of Albany, N. Y. , was defrauded out of 8275,000 by Joseph B. Abbott, a trusted employé. President Rae, Master Workman Wise and others of the United Mine ■workers, were arrested at Pittsburg-h, Pa., charged with conspiracy, riot and assault for their connection with the coke strike. The body of Emma Abbott, the opera singer, was cremated in Pittsburgh, Pa. The ashes were placed in a jar and sent to New York. A negress named Dayton confessed at Denver, Col., that she murdered and robbed James Wade at Kansas City, Ma, two years ago. W. E. Lyman, a Jiuffalo (N. Y.) typefounder, said that an English and French syndicate would buy all the type foundries in the country. The diamonds (valued at 5135,000) presented by the khedive of Egypt to the daughter of Gen. öherman are to be sold. John Gotti.d, a Philadelphia furniture dealer, failed for 8825,oè. GeoRGB Hathaway was convicted in Chicago of the murder of ex-Alderman Whelan and sentenced to Ufe imprisonment. M: i:.n laborers working on the Greal Jsorthern railway extensión in Montana were frozen to death. The bodies of fivc were recovered. C The body of ViïliaIn Muilen, secretary of the Miners' federation, was found frozen in the ice in a creek at Geneva, Ind. lle was short in his accounts. CoH.vwAi.L & linos., dealers in soap and candles at Louisville, Ky., made an assignment. The assets were 180,000; liabilities, 5177,000. Statistics of the voting population of Chicago show a slipht preponderance of foreign-born voters over those o: American birth. A 8TATHMENT prepared at the census bureau in Washington shows that the total population of Louisiana is 1,118, 587. Of this number 554,712 were whites, 562,893 colored, 628 Indians, 315 Chinese and SU J apáñese. Supeiuntknpknt Sabin received a' Des Moines an elegant gold medal from the directors of the Paris exposition the award of the Iowa school exhibit which was the best in the United States department. Six men were drowned near Princeton, Ky. , by the sinking of a raft. The Kentueky Union Laimber Co. ol Louisville failed for $200,000. A bulletin from the census bureau shows that the increase during the last ten years of the white race has been 24 per cent., while that of the colore, race has been 13 per cent. In the Fifty-first congress 14,033 bill were introduced in the house and 5,129 in the senate. In the Fiftieth congTess 12,654 bilis were introduced in the house and 4,000 in the senate. The bilis tha became laws during the congress jus ended numbered 2,180. In the Fiftieth congress 1,824 were enacted. In the Fiftieth congress President Clevelanc vetoed 161 bilis and joint resolutions while in the Fifty-tirst President Harri son vetoed eleven. The total appro priations for the last congress wil probably reach 31,000,000,000. During the session three senators and twelve representatives died. J. W. Bucheb, son-in-law and confi dential manager of Ira T. Clement, one of the wealthiest business men o: Northumberland county, Pa., is a defaulter to the extent of $50,000. President Harkison signed the copy right bilí with a pen made from the quill of an American eagle. An explosión occurred in the Notting ham colliery at Plymouth, Pa., three men being fatally injured. A gold medal was presented by the government to Captain Alfred Mitchell of Buffalo, N. Y., for rescuing thirteen persons from the burning steamer Annie Young, off Lexington, Octobe 20, 1890. At Kansas City, Mo. , Kittie Lentz, 3 years old, was accidentally shot anc killed by John Phillips, aged 15 years Lawrence Murphy, aged 23 years died at liridgeport, Conn., of heartfailure, caused by exqessive cigarette smoking. Stevens and Baudet, indicted lor frauds committed in taking the Minneapolis census last summer, were fined $2,000 and S1,000, respectively. Gen. Shebman's two sons applied in New York for letters of administration. on thi'ir tather'a estáte. The general left no will, and his personal estáte does nol exceed s!,500. The Xational baseball league at its convention at Xow York adopteda new brm of contract which virt"u;ill.v does way with the reserve clause aud gives ,he playera more rights. The U-vees on the Sacramento river at Washington, Cal., broke, and the outhern portion of the town and 2,000 acres of (frak) laud were flooded. Two 8TUDKXT8 at the Hebrew union college at Cineinnati, Isadore H. Fraunthal and Ernest Sallinger, committed uicide with the same revolver. Wili.iam 1'. Wei.t.s, a prominent Michigan lawyer, dropped dead in a court room at Detroit. Henry T. Wirxs & Co., fruit merchants in New York city, failed for 1100,000. A party of United States officials lave completed a raid through West ?lorida, resulting in the capture and destruction of twenty-six illicit stills and the arrest of thirty men. Thk fruit-preserving and canning esablishment of the J. O. Schimmel Preserving Co. at Philadelphia was burned, causing a loss of $130,000. Coryei.i-, a Jackson county Ind. ) farmer, attempted to take his child away from his wiie, who had left lim. Arthur Burdell. his brother-inaw, interfered, whereupon Coryell shot lim dead. In an avalanche near Alta. Utah, two men were killed and two were fatally mjured. Sixteen horses were burned in a feed stable at Des Moines, la. The first of a series of meetings to be held throughout the country by union prisoners of the war to raise money for a, memorial hall at Washington was lield in New York. Tuk National league made public its schedule of baseball games for 1891. The season opens April 23 and closes Oetober 3. Thomas Pemberton, of Little Rock, Ark., and Albert Bost, of Bost's Mills, N. C, were burned to death in a fire that destroyed the high school in Monroe, N. C. It was announced that the legislation enacted by the lastcongress would result in the opening up of over 8,000,000 acres of the public land to settlement. ■ The schooner Elsie Smith, of Portland, was wrecked off Cape Cod and eighteen lives were lost. The race question was said to be assuming a serious phase in Oklahoma territory, and fighting between black and white people was reported to be imminent. The passenger boat City of Richmond and cargo burned at New York. The loss on the boat was $125,000; fully insured. The buildings of the World's Columbian exposition in Chicago will be dedicated in Oetober, 1892, with imposing ceremonies, the exercises to extend over four days. A reunión of the founders of the republican party will be held at Tremont temple in Boston April 15 next. In a fit of jealousy Daniel McMahon killed Miss Annie Murphy near Port Huron, Mieh., and then took his own life. IIun'DReds of ranches in Yolo county, Cal., veere under water, and the loss tó property was estimated at 551,000,000. A company has Veen formeu with $300,000 capital to develop rich deposits of onyx in Pulaski and Crawford counties, Mo. Xear Ellis. Kan., the body of a sheep herder, frozen to death in the recent bhzzard, was found. The body had been nearly devoured by coyotes. The savings bank at Freeport, Pa., was robbed of L-.30,000 in money and securities. At the Ivés sale in New York Mr. J. W. Ellsworth, of Chicago, secured the famous Uutenberg liible at a cost oi 14,800. Daniel McMahos ivas given a Ufe sentence at Port Huron, Mich., for the brutal murder of Annie Murphy. Secrkxaky Proctob has authorizec the enlistment of 2,000 Indians for the army. J. M. FoBBES, of Boston, paid 811,000 for a 2-year-old brown colt at the New York horse sale. The animal was sirec by Stamboul. The first colored bar association in America was organized at Gainesville Miss. The Baltimore Methodist conference has by a vote of 145 to 39 decided not to allow women delegates to the genera] conference. John Oscab Turlington was hangec at Booneville, Mo. , for the murder o! Sheriff Cranmer, and Shakespeare Eeeves, alias Jacob Sharkey (colored), was hanged at Newcastle, Del., for an assault npon littlo Grace Clark, a white girl of 11 years. FotrB men committed suicide in St. Louis on the 6th. At a meeting of the world's fair directory in Chicago the eight-hour day for exposition labor was adopted. Mbs. Bodenbeb, aged 67, died a Hamilton, O., and John Hopple, her aged brother, was so overeóme by grie: that he feil dead across the corpse. Near Lima, O., Lyman Hyde, a farm er, and nis 23-year-old daughter, Judith, lost their lives and Emeline, a 16year-old daughter, was fatally injurec by the cars. The treasury departraent at Wash ington has reaffirmed its decisión tha Koch's lymph is dutiable at the rate o: 25 per cent. ad valorem. The courthouse at Archer City, Tex. was burned, together with nearly al the county records. The census bureau announced the population of the state of Missouri b; races as follows: Whites, '2,524,468 colored, 154,131; Indians, 168; Japan ese, 4; Chinese, 413; total, 2,679,184. The ten weeks' strike of 0,000 coa miners in the Monongahela (Fa.) val ley ended in a victory for the men their request for an iuxrease of pay beinirranted. By an explosión of gn,s in a co;il mine at Shamokin. Pa., John Lleweliyn, lii son Frank and son-in-law V. J. Smith ■wore killed. In the United States the business failures during the seven days endec on the 6th numbered 265, against 29 the preceding week and 260 the corresponding week last year. Neak Mount Sterling, Ky., WUliam FergTison, :i farmer, and fi. C. Watts his son-in-l:nv. died from drinking coffee poisoned by some one unknown. The department of state at 'ash ngton has been officially notified ,hat an international congress of geography will be held at Berne from August 10 to 15 next. It was stated that the total number of sheep in the country was 43,431,130, against 44,330,072 in 1890, and consequently the wool clip would be 5,000,000 pounds less than last year, when it was '70,000,000 pounds. The two little children of George rVhite were burned to death in their lome at New Limerick, Me., during the absence of their parents. Eva Bloch, a young Polish girl, ïanged herslf in a room in the Union depot at I'ittsburgh, Pa. A note was ound in her purse saying that she committed suicide because she did not stay n her native land. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thk Nationalist society of Rhodo [sland met at Providence and nominated a full state ticket with Franklin E. Burton, of Providence, for governor. Mykr Strauss, of Cleveland, O., celebrated his lOOth birthday on the 4th. Ex-CONGRES8MAN JONATHAN SCOYU.LE, of BufEalo, died in New York. The Australian ballot bill was signed by the governor of Nebraska and it is now a law. George M. Chii.cott, ex-United States senator from Colorado, died suddenly in a boarding house in St. Louis. Joskpii IIii.i,, who led the Georgia delegation that withdrew from congress on the breaking out of the war, died at his home in Morgan county, Ga., aged 77 yenrs. United States Senator Gordon, of Georgia, has joined the Farmers' Alliance. "Old Chip," a Chippewa Indian, died at his home near South Bend, Ind., aged 105 y e ars. The South Dakota legislature adjoumed sine die on the Gth. FOREIGN. Near Mrsliank, Russia, two express trains eame into collision, demolishing the carriages of both, and fifty persons were killed outright and a large number were seriously injured. Leonard Jkrome, the well-known New York turfman and broker, died in Brighton, Eng., aged 60 years. News from Madagascar says that Ramiasatra, governor of the province of Belanond, resenting a petition from the populace to the government to defend them from cruelties massacred 278 persons, including men, women and children, belonging to the leading families. The elections for members of the dominion parliament in Canada resulted in the success of the government or conservative party, lts mnjority in the house of commons, however, would be greatly reduced and would probably not exceed 15. In the last house it was 51. It has just become known that Helena Markoviz and a female accomplice who tried to kill King Milan in 1882 were strangled in prison. Returns from the Canadian provinces showed that the c mservati ves carried the dominion by a majority of 21. Two hun'DREd Africans were killed by Germán soldicrs near Zanzíbar. LATER NEWS Haxxah Williams, aged 70, and her son David, aged 32, were found dead in their house at Philadelphia. They were misers, worth 75,000, and had starved themselves to death. Five members of the family of Chris Weinberg, of Ida county, Ia., have died of trichinosis. A passenger train on the Santa Fe road vías dcrailed near Havana, 111., and destroyed by fire. Nine persons were injured and James Sadler, the fireinan, was killed. A fire at Wellstown, O., destroyed ten business houses. A CTCLONB which struck the región of Newport, Attala county, Miss., made a clean sweep of houses, barns and trees, and two colored persons - a woman and a boy - were killed. The verified population of the United States in 18'JO is shown to be 62,622,250. A Mkxioan woman and het fivê children were drowned at Solomonville, A. T., while endeavoring to cross the Gila river on a r;ift. Steameks landed 1,072 immigrants in New York on the 7th. The worst blizzard of the season prevailed in lowa. Minnesota and Nebraska on the 8th, and railroad travel was suspended on many linos. A nkoko named Willban was given 500 la.shes on the bare back near Williamston. S. C, for an attempt to assault a whiti' woman. Tuk Legislatura) of North Dakota and North Carolina adjourned sine die. HBS. Sahah ükliyNap, of Darden, Tenn., killed her two little daughters and then took her own life. No cause was known for the crime. Quite a severe earthquake shock was feit in Tacoma, Seattle and several other places in the state of Washington. The census office announced the popnlation of Texas by races as follows: Whites, 1,741,190; colored, 492,837; Indians, 7tiñ; Chinese, 727; Japanese, 8; total, 2,'2;.5:. The Cumberland river was doinp considerable damage at Nashville, Tenn., and vicinity, and 500 people had been driven from their homes. In a fit of jealousy John Uirsshere, a hotel keeper at üatesville, Ind., shot his wife seriously, killed his little daughter and then took his own life. Mbs. Annik Jones, of Cleveland, O., celebrated her lOOth birthday on the 7th. The drumhead of the steamer Auckeye State exploded when opposite Patriot, Ind., and James Jones, Ash Wheelock and Sam Hamilton wei-e fatally scalded.


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