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The Voice Iseasily Injured- the slightest itritatlon of tlie tliroat or larynx at once affect ing its tone, flexibiiity, or power. All eflorts to siiifi or speak in public, adder such coudltions, becume not only painful bnt dangerous, and shuuld be Btrlctly avoided untll every symptom is removed. To effect a speedy cure no other medicine is equal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The best of anodynes, tliis preparation rapIdly soothes Irritatlon, strenptliens tlie dellcate organs of speech, and restores tlie voice to its tone and power. o Biuger or public speaker ahould be without it. Lydla Tuompion. the (amona actress, eertifles: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral lias leen oi rry great service to me. it Improvea and strengthens tbc volee, and Is alw.iys eflectlve tor the euro ■ i' colds "nul coughs." "Upon several occasions I have stiffered trom colds, causiug lioarseness and entlre loss of voiee. In my professlnn of an aiettoneer any affeetion ol the voice nr ttiroat is a serloua matter, bnl at eacli attaek, 1 have been relieveil liy a few doses oí Ayer's Clierry rectoral. ïhis reniedy, wiUi ordinary c:ire, bas worked sucli a Maglcal Effect that I have snflered very little Ineopvenience. I have ulso used it In my tantlly, witli excellent resulta, In roughs, colds, &c"- Wm. H. Quartly, Mlnlston, Australia. :' In the spring of 1858, ;it Pi Vü., I was prostrateil by : sevcre .-.ttnek ol typhoid pneuinonia. My phyalcians pxliausted their remedies, and ior one year 1 was uot able to even articúlate a wonl. By tl. e advice of Dr. Shaw I tricd Ayer's Clicrrj lvctoral, and to my surpiis;1 and great Joy, in less than one inonth I conld conversp easlly, in a natural tone of vnico. 1 eontlnned to improve and have become since i well man. I have often recommended the Pectoral, and have liever known it to fail." - Geoige R. Lawrence, ralpara!so, Ind. Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, PKKPAKKI) ET DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowsl!, Mass. Sold by all Druggiats. I'rlce $1 ; eix bottles, $5.


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Ann Arbor Courier