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GOLD KEDAL, PABIS, 1878. Í. Baker & Cos tSr63KT3St Cocoa from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing Ies3 than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crooers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. as HEADACHES fok 2c. CURED us Wï S M 'üLfffrs.rf ) U ( SOLÜ BYüRueESTW vB-R4GGS1__MEDICINt COTlv EBERBÁCH & SON, - ANN iBBOR. rannrny _r farco's V5 f "Box Tip" School Shoes r SiV ior Boys and Girls. 4?5p'k Heeled or Wedge Heel. v. 'As Sizea-8 tolos 1.2S ■- ÖjrrinM utoi3H 1.50 1 lto3 1-75 JöV $2.50 Calf Shoe (ViavV for Gentlemen, bVAfTg'y. _7 Cnequaled by any shoe m... F fcnr yin America at the same gfWfMgrliJfrljMP'prlce. In Congres, Butfct- " Nm" ton and Lace. Men'sand Boy 'a sisea. 1 ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT 'ofedV Congola op Goat. Button. i ■OT X Opera, or Common Sense. jfJCftSicX Tackles and Flexible. LfcirL íí?fi Warnmted the most VTT nlllK"" "iJfBtylish and Berrfreahle ÉHÉÍlil"KR00iiiBÍIOK w at .o ■JigJgüMMie in LodleeandSeiT DUB I NAME IS ON THEBOTTOM OF EVERY8H0E. kïh" deierfor Farro'. Shoeik K he áoee not !SS,r f Sf ad 2 UÏJand e 1U furuiah yoa & pair on recent of price. Sjnd postal for demiptlTc lint. O. H. FAKGO & CO., Chicago. DL DOTY & FEINER, AGE NT8, - ANN ARBOR THE GREAT FAMILY NEWSPAPER The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS - -- - READ IT! READ IT! READ IT! IT SPEAKS FOR ITSELF! The weekly issue of The Mail and Express is not a mere re-hash of the daily of the same name, the matter thrown together without regard to the order or sequeuce of things; it is a live, independent, fearless, progressive journal.withan indivíduality and a being of its (rail. It is skillfully and carefully edited with a view of making it just what it claims to beTHE MODEL HOME NEWSPAPER. CONSIDER THESE POINTS. The Weekly Mail anc Express is the only newspapet in America which gives a careful review every week of all matters of interest in the Financial, Legal, Religious and College Worlds. These are among its special ties. lts page of Foreign News is one of its most remarkable features. The Weekly Mail and Express is a Republican paper not a narrow, partisan sheet, but a strong and fearless exponent of true Republican principies. It stands among the first as an advocate of Temperance and Ballot Reform. The Weekly Mail and Express gives all the news of the day. Foreign and domestic and presenta it in the most attractive and readable shape. The Weekly Mail and Express has among its regular eontributors some of the ablest wrters of Europe and America. lts short stories for young and old. poems, sketches of travel and adventure are the best of their kind. In these and all features of a progressive newspaper it is not surpassed. The tone oí the Weekly Mail and Express is pure, elevated, wholesome and bracing. It is a paper which carefully avoids everything of the cheap and sensational order. It can al wave be trusted. SUBSCRIPTION RATES OSE COPY, ONE YEAR, - - $2.00 ONE COPY, SIX MONTHS, - - 1.00 ONE COPY, THREE MONTHS, - .50 TEN COPIES, ONE YEAR, - - 15.00 AND A FREE COPY TO THE PERSON SEND1NG THE CLUB. DAILY, PER YEAR, - - $7.00 REMITTANCES should be made by Express Money Order, Post-offlee Order, Registered Letter, or Bank Draft, payable to the order of The Mail asd Express. When thus inad.i they wiïï be ut our risk. AGENTS WANTED. We want an Agent at every Post-offlce in the United States where we have not one now engaged. LIBERAL CASH COMMISSIONS given to Agents formaking up Clubs. Special circulars to Agents stating commission sent on application. SPECIMEN COPIES FREE. Address all letters to The Weekly MAIL AND EXPRESS 23 PARK ROW, NEW YORK. grjfooïc's Cotton Root f mS& COMPOUND ■ Irf ComDosed of Cotton Uo :. Tansy and Ly sJ Pennyroyal - a receut Jlsoovery Dy an .Jold physiuian. h iwerü&fiuUi used montldy- Safe, Effectual. Pric ! by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your dn: gi :■■■ Cook' Cotton Koot Compound anci t , jyfitute, or inolose2 stamps for sealr' ■■ Address POND 1.ILY COMfA t'iiher Blook, 131 Woodward ave., Dtr SAT MILLS, ENGINES, Improved Variable Friction Feed. Send for catalogue and special prices. A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Yort, Pa. Wood's FtLosjilnocaLii.e. THE GREATEGL,IH REMEDY. Csed for 36 years - m. of Youthful fony liy Lm and the exeessea uessfullr. mi ■ftmÈÓsf "f later years. anteed ío cure all 3.UK J ;ii-n immcdiote liirms of Nervous lysZ2r strcnath andvigWeakneas, Kflta. or. Ask drug(tlg Blons, ■'■■Pi (f()r Wood's Phoaand all the eHects Photo from Life. lf,,h,tt,,;. Ons racknpe. $1; sli, $5, by mail, Wrlte for namphlet. Address The Wood Chemical Co., 131 Woodwaxd rive., Uetroll, Jllcli. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A"HT1?Q TRY DR. LEDÜC'S "PEi-lAyJllÖ RIODICAL" PILLS from Paria, France. Established in Europe 18S9, Canada in 1878. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangements. A reliable monthly medicine. They always relieve. Any druggist, 2. American Pili C'o., Proprietors, Spencer, Iowa. Robert Siephenson & Co., wbolesale agente, and all other druggrists in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to bring on the " change. 4B Snu ll!tli fortunas hnTChpfn mtl at BÊnSm woik for ui, by Anna I'apr, Auitio, L9 WyfB V". and Jno. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio. WMMjJflRg ■8e cut. uihcn aredoiQaswell. V-hy 1 jCS VaW avQHLwftC horne' wherfvpr yon are. Kren be J V'vVlr f[in"er arc ail.v earniiifr from $5 to . ( ÖBa "!'')'■ All apei. Weshow you how lmÈÊÊm NEW and wontlerful. Partlculürsfree. II . Hul Ui i fe Co., Box 88O Purlland.Mua


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