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- Away f rom the Bargain Counter. - "You say you truly love me," bejjan the R-irl: "how much, sir?" But Alfred T. Cassimere was too happy for ratiornl eonversation. "A dpllar eight 'ir. piense. Shall I wrap it up?"- . ..ïith, Gray & Co. 's Monthly. - Manager of Crematorium. - "Madam, we havo both the Frenen and Milanese system, whieh wpuld you prefer for the late lamented?" Widow - "Oh, tho French. J!y ponr husband always hated Itaiian cocking. " - Pharmaceutical Era. - "Hanna." said the landlady to her new servant, "when there's any bad neus, always let the boarders know it before dinner: such little thing-s make a great differem-e in the eating in the course of the vcar." Women with palé, colorless faces, who feel weak and discouraged, will receive both mental and bodily vigor by using Carter's Iron Pilis, which are made for the blood, nerves and complexion. JyUPfílcs Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the system effectually, dispels colds, headaches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever produced, pleasing to the taste and acceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50c and SI bottles by all leading druggi8ts. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will procure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO CAL, LOUISVILLE, Kï. NEW WRK, N.Y. L} Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine [Jl EVER MADE. I '■ ftwlll drive the Humorfrom yourlll I ■. Vk.8y8tem an(i makc yur Bkinlll 111% A, fclean and smooth. Th oh. III I # % Lpimple and BlotohegJ n u J) ';■ Vjwbich mar your bcautyrn Ei] p j ? "jaro causea bvimpureM UI Ov '3c , ío %eblood, ana can bc In I % V V o VÍ Ltime, ii you are II ■ n The Dose iVV-V V0 Si Jspoonful. Iti8the-f. e. s % ■ Kt lbost and cheaje8tv 's ". VII1 medicino. ïrv ft, anük0 '.% I I you will lie eatisfled. %. &,A! I i Get it of your Prugglst. % C4m IÍ you are sufferlnK from Klrt- II ney IMsease, and wish to live t ik oíd age, use SULPHl'K BITTEHS. III They never fail to cure. II Senil 3 S-oent stamps to A. P. Oniway & Co., Bostuu. Masa., for best medical work published? TTnnoct Wnrt f " t0 " " 'r"': XlUUcSl W OlK ! made by earnest men and winnen, lic fvrnÏ9h the capitall If yon mean business, drop ut a card and pet Boxne facts that wil] open yoitr eyes ' A lepltimate line of soods, and bontst men wantea to introduce them In town and eountry. Don't Wait! Address at once, P O Box 649, Cincinnati, O. AAAAA V VI.AK1 Iiimlrrtnketohrirflr V JSI lencl.n,i)InrljM,l,ll!.,,l,,ronofeilhCT (l IImi, whoeun raad umi write.and wha, YVW Wl,,u, in i„ Thrw TkonHMl Hollar t Yeariiitlicirowii localllfes, hT.v.rlti.y livo.I w ill nisofumiih the rituatlon oreiiiil.inn-iit.n! w hfob you eau 'urn ttiatiunount. No mon.-y mttUDleu -ii, 'iiilas abovc. Kasilymi-i qufckly leanted. I fieciri Imt onfl iTorkar Irom eacb dlBtrlct nrconntv. I huve already iniiKtit nu.l proWded uitli emplojlnmt m largo numbfr, ivhn re makin(r over IfüMIKt ;i maraai li. lis X i:V mul SOI.II. Full articulan l'ltr.I'.. Aililrrwal once, K. O, Al.l,i:. Itux 4ï(l, luUta, Ualne,


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