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Major P. N. Cook

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Tbe eecond nomiuee on the República lickei for re?ent of tho Universlty is a (food representativa of the sturdj cbaraotor deVeloped In the pioneer homes of Michigan. He was bom in the township of Antrnn, ShiawasRee eounty, Auiiust 1, 1S+). ais '■ father waa the flrst whi;.e settler in the toivnship and wheu he w.'nt there in 1835 tliere were not more tuan 25 white families in ibe county. Younit Cook psfied hls boyhoud on the farm whicri hls father was hewinj nut of the wildernesB, workini; pretty steadlly on the farm in eummer and atteodlsg district ■ ichool ín the loff 6chool houit6 ín winter. Iü 1857 he enteied the Lodi Acadamy wliich he Ktti'iideil fummers, teaching winters and ItuJyinsf durins; vacatlon until he w;is prupaied to enter the eophomoro claRS In Mlehiiran Universky. Afier entering the Univur. íity be wae offered char?e of tbe firsi ileuartmcni of the Lima Center tended triiM, which be iiccepteil for the pe'iod of eilrKiiont'is. J1U studiefc at the Universitv wve íiinin iriterrupteri uy tho breaklng out of the -ar of the rebelllon. He enlisto. I in In an Ann Arbor company, which was not acceptei] hy the Kovernnien'. Then hi brotber enliste.1 In the Kif'.h infantry atn] the subject of tb 18 ' Bketch returned to Antrim to take ('are of ' the farm anil of his pirpiiis. Up'iri the I turu oí Ui brother iu 1Ü03 he eulioLsJ ia tlie Tenth Michigan cavalry, whieh was speedily en:ií;ui] in aciive service. Mr. Cook was rapnlly promotefl to lieutcnant and captain. and (iuully tu major, aml In tbe battle oí Blue Si iniL's Tenn., in 1ÜB4, he was ia comniiinil of h battallotl. lie reniaioed in the service antii eonie niontbe after Lce's urreoder, belng lirst Id coinmund oí several thousand dismounted troops in Tunueesee. Vi ben these were disbandad or ordered back to their coinmanda lie rojoi ned hia reiiraeiit. He was aftcrivurd ael(fned todutvou a courmartlalaod mi sconenily ou a military com D118BIOU in Wiishiniíton. Alter hls return froni the armyhe aerain assumeil cbaree jí hls futher's farra for n lime, then took ilie law course at Mielnirau Lniverafty, and opened an ollice in Corunna. He luis aluce eriven atteotton cbiefly to real estele, luw and olher matters relaling to real eMate. 11; bad perfected titlee aud purchased several thouaand neres of liujtier lands, partly for Jiiinself ar.d [jartly for otliers. He now owns and ranies on 6eTeral farms in Shiawaesee county and a wluter stock farm of 100 acres in Corunna. Maj. Cüuk has alwaj-8 taken an Interest In public ullairs and bas held sorno local , iimont' Ihem rnombürship for evcra years of the Corunna scboo! board. liis early faiiiiliaiity wlth Uuivarsity alTiirs, liis lui.' il iriiiiilntr and hls busluess eypop'enee cmbined wilt make him a very YillWble uiembei' uf tliii board ui reeat.


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Ann Arbor Courier