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WHYl TOUB LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER Toa will hare STCK HEADACKES, PATN8 tN THE SIDE, DISPEPSIA, POOB APPETITE, feel listleas and unable to get thronch your dally work or social enjoynienta. Ufo will be a burdon. to jou. UVIB HILS Will cure yon, drivn the FOISOK out oC vonr y tm, and make yon troné and well. Iher ooit ouly 25 cent a box and may iv yo ur Ufa. Can be nad at on y Drug Store. 4VBewireof ComrrxBncrrs made In St Louis. IVORYPOLISHxU PERFUME8 THE BREATH. ASK FOR IT. ' FLEMING BROS., - Pittsburgh, Pa. CARTER'SI [ ver 1 m I PILIS. ""TW CURE 8ick ncadache and relieve all tho troubl3 incident to a bilioua Btate of the system, Buch aa Iizzinos8, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Ride, kc. While theirmoat remarkablö buccosb lias boen showa in curing 8ICK HeatÜache, yet Cartor's Little Liver PiUs ara ciiually valnablo 1q Constipation. curing aud preventiug tbiaaunoyingcomplaint.whilo they alao correct all disorders of t hos tomach,stimulatotha livor and regúlate the bowels. Eveu ií they only HËAD Ache they wonld be almostpriceleiisto those who euCfor from this diatressing complaint; bift f ortuizatoly theirgoodnessdoea notondhcro,aiidthoso TVho once try them wlll ünd these littlo pills valuabloln pomany ways that they will not bo williug tu du without t'hom. But af tor allaick hoad ACHE Is tho bane of so msny lives thiit hore la whera we malie our great boast. Oor pills care it while ethers do not. Cartcr's Littlo Liver Pilla aro vory small and yery easy to take. One or two pills makö a doae. They are Etriotly vegetable aml do not gripo or pnrgo, butby tlioir gentleaction pleaaeall who Bothom. Invialsat25cents; fivoforSl. Sold by druggiats overywhore, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New Vork. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ■HB Mm Bit H_BH jUhm pQ UB ' 9 SCROFttLA EMULSIÓN S88gSSm' fl!0Sí COLDS liUREd Wasting Lisease3 Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many hav gained one pound per day by ito use. Scott'a Emulsión is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulatln properties of the Hypophosphites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely iccreased. It ia used by Physicians all over the warld. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Iruggista. 8COTT .BOWNE.Chem!sts. N.Y. SCVCN eSVEMTEM SEVEWTV To cure Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the saie and certain remedy, SEfllTH'S 8 SI L DCAEiC ILt DtAliO Ue the SJHAIjIi Size (4Olittl Beane to the boltle). TllEY ARE THE MOST CONVENIENT. Pírico of enbor sizc. 23c. per Bottle. KI2AEra!5ftT'"""!U pankl size. E% K %H 9 1 B M M ji I? 1 rar 4 ds. (coppers or slumps). J.F.SIMTH&CQ.Mukcroor-BII.EBKANS'ST.lOUIS MO. XxTSSiwVx' v' S lEabber CShoea tmlesn wora unoomfortably Ught. generally slip off the feet. THE COLCHESTEE" EüBBEK CO. make all theïr fihoes wlth lmida of heel llnel with rubber. Th Is clinH to the hoe and prevoatc the robber from BÜpplng oLL Call for the Colcbcstíír "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SALE BY WM. ALLABY, L GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A, D.SEYLER &SON, A.XVXT ARBOB.


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