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Theysaid the bilí would use us up And laughed at us. They Httle knew 'Twould be tlie thing the votes to bring Around to us for '92. It is asserted that Senator (?) Fridlender refuses to eat johnycake any more, 'cause there's Indian meal in it. How long will it be before the demócrata in the house will adopt Speaker Reed's rulings? After a little they will be so proud of them that they will claim them as original. See if this does not come true. The Adrián Press man will probably refuse to eat sugar hereafter, nuless he can pay seven or eight cents per pound for it. It will not do for him to absorb cheap McKinley bill sugar and spout such outrageously sour stuff as he does. No man can be a patrón, and a republican and be honest. - Adrián Press. That's nice talk for an organ of the party that referred the honest but indignant protest of the patrons against the thievery and dishonesty of the democratie senators to the fisheries committee. Charles N. Felton, forinerly a member of Congress from California, has been elected United States Senator to succeed Senator Hearst, deceased. He is a native of New York State, having been born there in 1832. He is a man of considerable ability aud will be an honor to the Golden State. The State Seuate has passed a resolution to adjourn April 30tli. What i buga-boo to cast before the people just before election ! At the present rate of legislation it will be iinpossible to adjouru beforo August or September. Xot one bill of any importancc has been passed vet. The squawbucks are not hustlers at anything but pedro. It is possible that the liberty-loving Irish citizens of the ITnited States will contribute money for Mr. Parnell to support Mrs. O'Shea in luxury as his mistress, but we doubt it. Parnell is not even man enough to marry the woman he has disgraced, but lives with her in open violation of all laws moral or legal. He ought to hide his head in shame. The democratie platform given to the public by the Lansing convention, on 011 whieb Judge Champlin is running contains the "horse tliief plank." It approves of tlieft. It approves of putting a law breaker in a seat as a law maker, and that by fraud. If Judge Champlin is re-elected, he must stand squarely there and his official decisions be gauged on that plan. The democratie party will not defend Senator Fridlender in any moral or legal wrong. - Adrián Press. Senator Fridlender ! How and by wliom was he made a senator? Not in an honorable way. Not by the people. But bjr a great legal and moral wrong upheld by the democratie party. And the people will deal with that outrageous conduct. At the coming spring election the voters will have an opportunity to pass udgment upon the proposition to raise he salary of the Attorney-General of the state from $800 to $2,500. It will be economy for the people to make this change, as it will then cause the man who holds this ofRce to do the works, instead of hiring it done at a cost of $20,000 or $30,000. The legislature of Missouri has enacted a law making it a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $100 a day for each day that a company or corporation is a memberof a trust which has in view the raising of prices. What has our legislature done? Why, don't you know? They stole two seats belonging to republican senators ! Noble legislature ! Thy name is economy and reform ! ! The Patrons of Industry in supreme eouncil assembled at Lansing last week, threw overboard all the old officers and inade a complete selection of new ones. This made "Bad Axe John," the present magnificent ( ? ) sergeant-at-arms of the state senate madclear through. He wanted to be supreme president and then be a candidate for governor on the democratie ticket. But John's political ax was a Bad Axe. Wlien the (Imversity appropriation bilí carne up before the house at Lansing a few days since the mernber from this district was not present. His absence was very conspicuous, and Mr. Lowden, of Ypsilanti, with the statement that this bill was not sectional but one in which the entire state was deeply interested, championed its cause, and it was passed after being pruned $25,000. The people of this district are indebted to Mr. Lowden for his prompt action. The New York Times is a free trade paper and keeps standing in its columns this erroneous statement : "THE TARIFF IS A TAX." In the columns of this same Times a few days since appeared this item : "It is easy to prove f rom the speeches of Sir John Macdonald and other Conservativo leaders that tho duties imposed by the Americans upon Canadian products exported to the United States come out of the pockets of the Canadian farmers. Henee we find that during the flsca] year 1899 no less than $2,243,800- that is, 20 per cent of .f11,219,043- went into tho Washington Treasurv, which would have gone into tho pockets of Canadian farmers if the Dominion enjoyed unrestricted reciprocity. If the Times can reconcile the two to the eatisfaction of an American citizen it better be about the iob quick.


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