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POWDER Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. Higheat of all in leaving strength.- Latest U. S. Government Food Re-port. SCHAIRER l MILLEI! CLOAK DEPARTMENT. Spring tóete LATEST STYLES. NOW OPEN. Reefers and Blazers in Cheviots, Diagonals, Corkscrews and Stockinets. Hip Searn Jai;kets. Jer.-ev Jackets wlth Vests. Top Coat Jckets. Vest Jacket8. Blazers with Vests. In Tan Black and Blue. New Spring Wrapg in Silk and Corkscews. Thls is by fur the largest line of Jacketfl 8hown in Ann Arbor this Spring. In this lot will ne fund Jackets at $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00 and $10.00. SCHAIEER l MILLE! ! Leaders of Low Prices. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Latest Designs. PBICES tíae ILO-7"ES'T. OSCAR O. SORG, Tlxe JDecoratoz. 70 S. MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE AGENTS Uourler Office, 41 and 43 North Main St-, (Successors to C. H. Milieu.) The oldest agency In the city. Eetabllshed over a quarter of a eentury ago. Representing the following first-class companies, with over $60,000,000 Capital and Assels. Home Ins. Co., of New York. Continental Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Uirard Ins. Co., of Philadelphla. Oriënt Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of London Liverpool, London and Globe. Rates ruw as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjnsted and promptly Pald. BEAL & POND. FOR SALE CHEAP. The Baldwin iwelve acre blackberry and raspberry farm in the northwest part of the city, by Mrs. E. F. Baldwin, 5i S. Ingalls St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Price $3,000. Terms Cash. Second full erop picked in 1890. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERYJ5ROCERY, FLOÜR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, etc., for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FLOUR, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MEAL, FEED, atc, at Wholesale and retall. A general stock ol GROCERIES aai PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which wlll be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for BUTTKR, KGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE generally, üoods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. Hft Apampblet of Information andab-ZSp VRstractof the lawa,sbowing Ilow tojBf HinObtaiQ Patccts, Caveats, Traded VJxMarks, Copyriffhts, sent Jree.Qff K3til flrondwuy, dk BjNcw York. tífWr TRÜCKandSTORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Goode, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS A I HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy and light Draylng. FREIGHIT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phonc 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth A?e. BAMILTOim INSURANCE. IHliSTHfaiilOIHSMI No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire and Accident Policiea written in First Class Companies. Ilutes Low. Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Offk.-k IIoi'i'.s: Krom 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5p. m. A. W. HAMILTON. ■ M 4% ■ Mlfcan 1-prnrnedttourNEW line of work, ■ 5 Mr! rWrilli'll-v Blld orbly. ly tlo.e of III V I 1 Om I oncwn do the work. Fasy (o ln. Wc furnish oTerythinp. We etart you. No risk. Vou enn devota your pare inoments, or all your time to the work. This an éiitirely newIad,inJ brings wonderful ïiure tuevery vu ikrr. ltvpiniit-rsare earning ftvn Í25 to Í50 per week and upwaidi, and more after a íiltle experience. We can funiish tou the miiiuvmentand trm li ron t I.KK. No spneeto cxpluin hre. Full iufünaaiioD FKKK. 'TIIl'K t CO. AlGLSXA, 1U1AK. %


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Ann Arbor Courier