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J.a. Mcgill, M.d.,& Co.

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QRANGE BLOSSOM ■ - ======he==A POSITIVE CURE FfíR = - wgsssg ALL FEMALE DISEASES. SSS SflMF (1F THF SYMPTÍ1MS ' A tiredtlanBnid ieeljng, low spirited and depondent, ivüh no apparent OUmL UI UIL Olltll lUmU, cause. Headache, pains in the bock, paiu Bcroe the lower part of boweit Great soreneu in reKion of ovanee, Bladder diffleuity. Frequent urinutions. LeucorrhcBa, Conatipation of bowel, and with 11 thfo8}niptom a terrible nervouafeeling is eiperienoedby the patiënt. THE OKA.NCE BLOSSOM TKEA mm remove all these by a thorough procesa of absorption. Infernal remedies will never remove female weakness. There must be remedies applied right to tha parts, and then there ia permanent relief obtained. EVERV l_ADY CAN TREAX HERSEUR. O. B. Pilo Remedy. $1.00 for one month's treatment. O. B. Stomach Powders. O. B. Catarrh Cure. - psepared by - O. B. Kidney Coues. 4 PANORAMA PLACE. CHICAGO. ILL OB. S-A.XE STTJ. J. Goodyear John Moore, Eberbach & tjopsjH. J. Brown, Arm Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Courier