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Tea and social at the Presbyterian hureh Thursday evening at 0 o'clock. Everybody invited. Joseph Polhemus lias taken cliarge of Ihe livery business of his grandfather, Jacob Polhemus. The Ann Arbor Business Men 's Asociation will - but they won't, so what's the use of talking abont it? The C. M. B. A. of this city have ordered thirty very line badges, through their secretary, Morgan O'Brien. "Pilgrim's Progresa" was listened to liy one of the largest audiences which has assembled at the Presbyterian charch this winter. The remains of Laura SL., wife of Ed■ward Strong, of Detroit, were brought to this city Satnrday and interred in Foreet Ilill cemetery. The lOth of May there will be a memorial at the M. E. church for Dr. Alexanier Winchell at which several adtlressee will be given by members of the faeulty and citizens. M. M. Green, the liveryman, (lied at hiH home on E. Washington et., this n. in., of pneumonía. Mr. Green was one of our excellent business men and very much respected. The annual meeting of the Old Mision Beach Association, in which there 4ire several Ann Arbor people interested, is called to meet at Grand Rapids, on Thursday, April 30th, at 2 o'clock p. m. Owing to the breaking up of the {round by the spring thaw, the A. A. t Ypei. motor line are enabled to make nly seven trips daily, until settled weather makes possible to get the road t'iilloHted . There was an expression of opinión at the Presbyterian church last Sunday ■evening upon the ciuestion of holding the World's Fair open on Sunday, and the entire congregation rose en masse ..y;lillH! it. Henry P. Glover, the hustling presilent of the Ann Arbor Street Railway, and one of the chief promoters and owners of the Ypsilanti motor line, was olected mayor of Ypsilanti Monday by 110 majority on the rej)ubliean ticket. At the last meeting of the board of lirectors of the A. A. & Y. St. R'y Co., it was decided to straighten the road Bomewhat in Ypeilanti, that people lriving on the middle road between the Twin Cities will not meet the ears in entering Ypsilanti.- Times. The decaying vegetables which can generally be found to a greater or less extent in most all cellars at this season jf the year, should be cleaned out at once, and a disease breeder thus dis)OBed of. It is an unhealthy spring at the best, and too much care can not be taken. Here is a remarkable case. The other day a wagon maker who has been lumb for years, picked up a hub and poke. - Binghamton Leader. Oh, was not that felloe tired? - Adrián Press. So, it was probably a defect in the tongue. - Saline Observer. It is difticult to reach a box like that. One of the good citizens of Xorthfield ame in yesterday for his naturalization papers after voting. City Attorney Kearney meeting him on the streets inquired "Helio Pat, how are you?" "I'm well." "How did you come to town ? " "Oh," says Pat, "I walked as far as the church and come on foot the rest of the wav." Theoretically it was elaimed that the "poor inan's dinner pail," under the McKinley bill was to cost doublé what it had cost before that bill was passed ; practically, the McKinley bill has so lessened the cost of "tin plate" in the American market as to make the "poor man's dinner pail" cost less than it ever cost before. - Stockbridge Sun. That is what the republicau doctrine of a protective tariff accomplishes every . ime.


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Ann Arbor Courier