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The grand jury in New York found indiutmonts uffains the d rectors of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad for causing the death of the six trainmen in the recent tunnel disaster in New York. The total number of deaths in Chicapo for Mareli was 8,249, one-third being caused by the grip. The norse Waymare, owned by S. D. Puett, of Kockville, Ind., and valued at 810,000, died of heart failure. Habvey Pkoples, aged 21, shot Miss Nellie Dyke, aged 19, in Detroit township, 111., because she refused to marry him, and then blew out his own brains. All the street-car lines in Denver were tied up by an unprecedentedly heavy fall of snow. At San Antonio, Tex., George Tezler and A. Roper were found dead in their room, having been suffocated by fumes from a burning lime kiln. Gov. Markham, of California, has signed the bill making train wreeking punishable by death. ISOTNDÏABEES set fire to the residence of Kobin Hood in Monroe county, Ind., and Hood was suffoeated. Duiiiko March 5,324 immigrants from Italy landed at New Y'ork, nearly doublé the number that landed in February. The passender steamer City of Detroit sank in Lake Brie near Limekiln crossing. All the passengers were saved. Tns total number oí business failures in the United otates and Canada for the first quartrr of t!e eurrent year, as reported to Ur&d&treet's, was 3,401, against 8,820 for the Qrst quarterof 1890. The American national bank of Kansas City, which f ailed .) ;inuai-y 19, has resumed business. Bur.Gi.Ai.s entered tbs jewolry store of Adolpli W alter a1 .!■. ■ X. .1., and aecureddiamon velry valued at 820,000. The lower ratea of duty oa sugai' have gone in1 e irioe to consumere will bi y rednced. Tui: loc! i ntters in Rocheste', X. y., ;-.tions i4epi: of Labor, and the ' i ad. 3. C '■. i:oi.' i trial at Media. Pa., for the murder of her sister, ha i I . en acq uittei The licenbo of the Capital [nsurance Company of Topeka, Kan., lias been revoked by the state commissioner. Thh public debt statement issuedon the Ist shówed the total debt to be 81,44,471,287; cash in the treasury. 441,830; deW cash in the treasury, 1,029,920. Increase during March, crease tince Juno 30, 1890, 55.137,911. Thb.SK fatal cases of trichiniasis, the result oí catino raw ham, were reported near Platteville, Wis. As a result oí a faetionnl fight among the Mormons of Indépendence, Mo., the chnrch building of the sect was wrecked. &KCBETARY Iii.Ai.NK replied to the of l'ava. the It.alian minister, announcing lite withdrawal from Washington by order of his g-overnment on account of dissatisfactiou at Rome conetrning the course of the United States relativo to the lynching at New Orleans. Mr. i ;d this government was proceedinpj with an investigation of the ,Vu Orleans affair, and that its aetion in the matter oould not be hurried bv the course indicated by Italy. The John McNabb bank, ons of the oldest and most substantial institutions of Eufaula, Ala., has made an assignment. A TELBGBAM toSecretary Blaine from Fort Scott reads: "A hundred thousand Kansas cowboys would like to spend the slimmer in Rome. Can you furnish transportation1.' ' THB United States mints during Mareh coined 8,226,329 pioces of money, valued at 87,118,170. The total of g-old coin was $8,908,000 and of silver 83,10?,■526, the balance being in nickels and ;ents. The second üoor of W. A. Hoeveler's warehouse in Pittsburg, Pa., feil, killing- John Herman and injuring others. Two men entered the house of Michael Strommger, an old farmer near Harrisbiirg, I'a.. andforcsd himtohariü . over 2,000 he had drawn from the bank to pay off the mortgage on his farm. 1' employés at New Orleans wcre locked out because they refused to work with non-union men. The rapid rising of the Missouri river cavised several blocks of lots at Klwood, Kan., to.fall into the streara. Twelve patients at Dubuque, Ja., have been treated %vith Koch's lyraph and satisfactorv results obtained. A STATEMENT prcparcd by the treasiry department at Washington shows that there was a net inerease of $11,14,415 in the circulation during the month of March, principally in silver tertificates. Foubteen coal mines near Ashland, Pa., operated by tlie Reading company, were closed for an indefinito period. A gikl in the Texas orphans' home at Corsicana was burned to death in a Lre eaused by a defective flue. The- Wavevly oil refinery at Pittsburgh, Pa., was totally destroyed by iire, the loss $115,"000. The Chickasaw Indians have ratified the sale of land ownod. them and the Choctaws. They will receive over 55700, 000. & Kkith's shoe factory at Brockton, Mass., was burned, causinga loss of 8200,000. Nine rioting strikers of a mob of 500 ■who attacked the Morewood cokeworks of l'Vicke & Co. at Mount Pleasant, Pa., were killed byJeputy sheriffs and from thirty . to forty others were wounded, some of them fatally. Only a few deputiea were hurt. in a colusión of two freiglit trains near ilornellsville, N. Y., Firemau Morris and Brakemen Moon and Conroy were killed. The wife of Rev. Dr. Atkins, of Denison, Tex., grieved herself to death because her son Frank ran away from home. Miss TIattiio Ford, of Lake City, Mo., was burned to death, her clothing catching fire from a stove. Joe and Pave Nieely (brothers) wera, azecuted al Somerset, I'a., for the murder of Farmer Dmberger February 27, 1880. Ir was diseovered that O. W. Porter, of Kansas City, Mo., high ranger of the Independent Order of Foresters, who had absconded, had four living wi-"s. In a street fight at Ranger, Tex.. three Mexicans were killed. ADVICES trom Monroe county, W. Va., say that the laboring people, principally farm and timber workers, were suffering for E J.v tho Ünite:) States the business failure.s during the sevea days ended on the 8d numbered ■;)::, ag'ainst 256 the pfecedrag week and "3 IC for the correspondinjf week last year. Thk direct tax claims of New Jersey, 8882,614, and of Ohio, SI. 482.025, have been paid by the treasnry department. At Bloomington, Ind., Ward Detnaree. ag'id 32, cut his siele mother's throat and own. K th died InBtantly. No cause was known. The superintendent of immigration at New Yorkordered that twenty Italian immigrants be returned. Pauperism and loathsome diseasss were given as causes lor the order. Martin' Mayhfkuy was found hanging to a tree nnar ISryant station, Tenn. A note was lelt by the lynehers, saying: "This is do ie for the proteetion of our wives and daughters. BtENBY S. CocflBAS, a prosperous business man of St. Louis, preferring deatli to continued s;ekness, sjnt a bullet throug-h his brain. Durink the month of March 43,767 im na igra; its arrived at New York, or 13,343 more than in Marín, 1389. Italy leads the list with 7, 1t was announoed from Washington that no law liad ever been passed by congress rna!dn;,r the violation of a treaty a punishable offense. Over 100 miners ii the Holmes mines at Candelaria, Nev., have died of the grip. At tha grave of his da-ughter at Savannah, Ga., Thomas Gadsden, a prominent citizen. committi'd suicide. The Columbia Iron & Steel Company and the Penns.ylvania ( Onstruetion Company of Uniontown, Pa. , made assignmenl.;, with total liabilities of $1.000,000. Detective O'5Iai.i,et, who was charged with the jury in the Mafia cases at Net? Orleans, has surrendered himself to the auttiorities. Si n:!:iMí:si)'í.T PoRTKR !ias made pubïic the result of a special count by races of the state of California, as follows: White, 1,111,558; colored, 11,438; Chinese. 71,081; Japanese, 1,099; Indians, 11,355; total, 1,208.130. Mr 8. Nicei.y, the mothcr of the two boys banged at Somerset, Pa., for the murder of Farmer Umberger, has become a raving maniac. Ernest Foüiies, a colored boy who committed an assault on Kertha Phipps in Anne ArundeL county November last, was hanged at Annapolis, Md. At Wapakoneta, O., the west bank of a reservoir was nearly washed aivay and houses for miles around were flooded, causing1 a loss of over 9250, 000. Thomas Fitch, a vealthy resident of San Francisco, was swindled out of S9,000 by the brick scheme. The wholesale boot and shoe house of Smith, Ulastard & Co., of St. Joseph, Mo., has failed for 100,000. Cora Rotíekts, an actress, was taken to Bellevue hospital in New York in a demented condition caused by smoking cigurettes. The international American monetary commission which organized in Washington last January has come to an end. It was deeided that the fixing1 of a ratio between gold and süver and the adoption of a common monetary unit did not seem at present feasible. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Col. Albeht S. Foi.lansbee, who had command of the Sixth Jlassachusetts regiment when it was attacked by the lialtimore mob at the outbreak oí the war, died in Chicago, aged 67 years. Mrs. Phoebe Camtbeli., who was 102 years old October 12 last, died at Baxter, Me. Edwin Booth, the eminent tragedian, announees his retirement irom the stage after this season. Mrs. Jane Chambers Grayiion, a noted anti-slavcry worker, died at Indianapolis, Ind., aged 89 years. John M. Macdonald, a cousin of the Canadian premier, died at Pine Bluff, Ark. He was a classmate of Living1stone, the explorer. J. B. Grinnell, founder of the town of Grinnell, Ia., died after a year's illness, aged 70 years. He was a member of congress from 18(!4 to 1808. Mrs.' Giiaï died in Milwaukee at the advanced age of 99 years and 9 months. James Ludington, a pioneer of Milwaukee, Wis., and extensively interested in lumbering operations in Michigan, died at the age of 63 years. Albeut Barney and Jennie Karns, deaf mutes, were married at Marión, Ind., by Kev. W. D. Weaver, who propounded the questions with the aid of a type wri ter. Thomas Bedford, of Hendricks county, Ind., claims to be the oldest living odd fellow in the world. He is 84 years old. Mrs. Margaret Dentón, of Seymour, Ind., died at the age oï 100 years. She vas the mother of fourteen children. The Rhode Island republicans carried a sufficient number of towns at the state election to give them the necessary 55 votes on joint ballot to elect state offieers. The total vote for governor was: Burton (nationalist), 384; Davis (dem.). 22,249; Ladd (rep.), 21,895; Larry (pro.), 1,829. The next general asscmbly stands: Senate, 21 republicans, 9 deraocrats, 0 to be c'hosen; house, 34 republicans, 23 deinocrats, 19 to be chosen. At the leading clearing-houses in tba United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 4th aggregated 9806,619,981, against $870,065,869 the previous week. As compared with the corresponding week of 1890 the decrease amounted to 16.9. Joseph Cohn & Co., wholesale clothiers at Kansas City, Mo., have assigned with liabilities of S200.000. The tug Tempest went to the bottom of liake Krie near Cleveland and lloward Loomis, engineer; William Hughes, t fircman, and Harry llenhey, raftsman, were drowned. 8. Emma Hosuoub, of Indianapolis, Ind., shot herselí on being told that she would die oi pneumonía. Da. I'. BlRD, of Owensville, Ind., liad both his e; y d by the explosión of a boUlc of mcdiciiie ie was shaking up. Tiik village of Shioaton, Wis., was almost totally destroyed by fire. Fbed Bartlett, of Bowermont, N. D., avenged his sister's seduction by fatally shooting three men and then killed himselí. Hininems property valued at $150,000 was destroyed by five at Memphis, Tenn. Frank and William Fitswater, prominent in business and soeial circles at Batavia, O. , have been discovered to be forgersto an amount exceeding$l:,000. Geokqe Justice, a Choctaw, the last Indian in southern Indiana, died at Jeffersonville, Ind., affed i() years. SHOW feil all over northern Alabama on the öth. It was the April snow in that vicinity in over forty years. A frasie bviilding in Rochester, Pa., was destroyed by fire, and four persons of an Italian family perished in the llames. The steamer Uecklu reached New York with 500 Seandinavian immigrants bound for Chi B Si.xtkkx horsea perished in a fire in a livery stable in New York. A HKEAK in a levee in Mississippi flooded portions of the counties of Issaqueena, Sharkey and South Washington, doiug gt-eat damage. A fire at Lowell, Mass., started by careless boys, caused a loss of 0100,000. TbBBB men named Shoup, Wood and Peterson, were arrested at Minier, 111.. on a charge of eounterfeiting niekels. Italian quarry laborers near Kingston, N. Y., af ter adopting denunciatory resolntiona concernías? the New Orleans lynchin"-, hoisted an American fU.g and tlien ri.Ulu d it with bullets. The qnarry . . w uers diseiiarged the f opeigners. Tosasket, chief of the Colvills In dians in Washing-ton, is dead. 1 ! i always been a warm friend oí whites. Gex. Ar.r.KüT Pike, grand conimander of the Scottish Rite of Tree M;tsonry and ehief of the Roy al Order of Scotland for this country, dicd in Washington, aged 72 years. Judgk David Taylob, associate justice of the supretne court of Wisconsin, died suddenly at his home in Jladison. FOREIGN, All steamship lines earrying iramigrants from Germany to America have agreed to raise the price of steerage passage S2.50. The Mexican congress convened in the City of Mexico. For the first time in the history of the republic the budget showcd no deficit. Thibiï more bodies have been recovered from the steamer Utopia, wrecked in Gibraltar bay, m;ilcing the total 4'22. Dispatches from Chili report several bloody battles between the Balmaceda government and the insurgents. The latter had gained control of all the northern provinces of the country, and had taken the cities of Iquique and Tarapaca after the most desperate fighting. Both towns were entirely destroyed, and thousands of women, children and defensaless men were shot down by the successful soldiery. Pbutcb Bismabck celebrated his 76th birthday at Friedrichsruhe. Thousands of people gathered at his house and cheered him. The North Germán Lloyd and the Hamburg-Auierican steamship companies have decided to use American coal instead of English. It was reported in London that a prominent Italian had warned Americans against the danger of touring in Italy this year in view of the excitement and feeling caused in that country by the New Orleans affair and Baron Fava's reeall. It was announeed from Rome that the Marquis di Rudini, the Italian premier, had transmitted to the Marquis Imperiali, charge d'afï airs at Washington, his rcply to Secretary Blaine's letter on the subject of Baron Fava's withdrawal. The reply was a concession to the position taken by Mr. Blaine. The Italian government says that it does not ask that the New Orleans rioters be summariiy punished without the usuul form of legal proseeution and conviction, but that it wants assuranees that justice will be done in accordance with the usual i'orrns of law. In the election at Sligo, in Ireland, the Parnellites admitted they were beaten, the nationalists claiming a majority of 1.000. Thomas C. Baring, hend of the great firm of LoAdon bunkers, die cl in Rome frora the effecta of a surgical operation. M. Coi.ijrii.i.oT. vice governor of Congo and fcitanley's right-lnmd man, is dead, The Central American republics of Mexico and San Salvador have indicated their intention to erect buildings of their own at the world's fair. Ten persons were killed and others injured by an explosión in a coal mine at Staffordshire, Eng. For the first quarter of 181)1 exports from Hamburg to America have increased SI, 000,000 over the same period in 1890. The amount of silver exported last year f rom Mexico was SS,000,O00, and the amount coined $28, 000, 000. English newspapers, in commenting on Australia's action in declaring that colony a commonwealth, said that it was the first step toward a declaration of independence.


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