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Pil Süïï DEK1ANDS Thai onïy honesl i ad rellabl ■ medicines Bhodl i be placed up ui the mark'-;, n oanh i ëraphai Ically, nor n ■ i oftn, Umi all win are in need of ;i gennlne Bloutl-iwriiier should bt' suro ïiuü ask fjr Ayer's Sursaparllla. V nr lHe, nr tliat of some one ni'ar and Uear i iiutj ilepenü uu the ïis.' of this well-npprovetl remedy in pretorence to any ol illou ol similar name. ii ■ . ■ , ■ '■■ iiduras sarsapanlla (tlievurU-ty luosi rieli In curatlve properties). tUlnigia, maudrake. yellow cl .i-i;, and tlte !i iliuus. The proces ol manufacture is origami, skilfiil, scrupulously clean, and sucli :is to secure 1 1 . t very best medicinal qualiiies iL 'ach Ingreüleut. Tliis nii'ili'-iiii' is nol bolled nor lieated, and is, tlicrcfure, not a decuction; bot it is a eompiiuud extract, ubtatued by ;i method excluslvely our owu, ol the best and mnat powerful altérativen, tonlcs. and diurética knowD t pliarmacy. Fór tlu; last forty yt-ars, Ayer's Garsaparilla lias been the standard lilood-piirtfler of tlie world- no otlnT approaclihiK ' n! popular e nfldence or universal deniand, lts formula is apprnved by the leadlng pliyslclans añil driunslsts. Belnu piure and klfdily concentrated, it is Oic most economtcal of auy pi ssible lood mecltcine. Every purchaaer of Sarsnparilla should Iiislst upon liavliig ttiis prcparatlon :mk1 st'o that each bottle be.irs the wcll-known name of J. C. Ayer & Co.; Lowell, Maaö. In every quarter of the globe Ayer's Sarsaparilla ís proved to be the best remedy for all dlseases of the blood. Luwell drnnists unlte In testlfylng to tlie superior excellence of tliis medicine and t. its great popularlty in the city of its manufn Ayer's Sarsaparil la PIÏETAUKD BY DR. J. C, AYER & GO., Lowelï, Mass. Sold by DrutiKists. fl, 81x05. Worth gfi ft bottle. Real Estáte Notick. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtennw. s-, [q the matter of the estáte of Flora A. Yandawarker. minor. ' ■ Notice is hexeby given that In pursuanceof au order granted to the onderslmaed Guardian of süid Minor by. the Hon. Jiuige of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the thirtyBrst dayof March, A. D. 18D1, there wil! be sold at Public Vendue. to the higheat bidder, at the east frontdoor of the court house in the city Of Ann Arbor in the couuty of Washtenaw in sald state, on Kritlny, the iifteenth tlay of May, A. D., 1891, at ten o'clock in the forenoon df that day (subject to all encumbrancea by mortgaire or otherwlse existlng at the time of the salet all the riuht. title and Interest of said Minor in and to the Eolio wing described real estáte, to-wlt: Lots one and t WO and one rod in width of the north side of lot three, block live, sou tli ranee flve Rast, eiceptlng thlrty-two (83) square rods off of the east slde of same; all In the City of Aun Arbor, Washtenaw County. Michigan. Dated, March Sist, 189L iïi;km n kkapf. ti uardian. Estáte (ik Her-bkrt M. Frost. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw, BS. At a seesion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office In the Lts of Aun Arbor, on Thursday, the twenty-ptxth day of March, in the year oue tliousand eight hundred and nimty-one. Present, J. Wiüard Babbitt, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Herbert M . Frost, deceased. On readlnsr and filine; the petltlon, duly verlfled, of WlUiara 8. Frost l)rayiug that adminis trut ion of said est ale may be granted to Charles H. Worden or sotne other siHtable person. Thereupon it is ordered, that Monduy, the twenty-aeventh dayof April nextat ten o clock in the asaigned for the hearing of said petition and that the helrs at ïaw of said deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a Bession of said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor and show cause, lf any there be,why the prayerof thepetltioner should not be granted : And it is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of the penaency of said petitiou, and the hearing thereof , by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Aun Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and circulating in said County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [Atruecopy.] J. WILLARD BAKBITT, Judge of Probate. VM. tl. DOTV. Probate Register. ■MpH. f6000.00 a jenr U bf-hip mnrl hr Jnhn R. B RnK Godwin,Troy,N.V.,nt work for u. Ueader, HBitk you may not make aa much, but we enn riiBtonch y-mquickly hniv tot-mn lYom $5 to Êfk-JuK ■ (iy at tlie start, and more a y on go lBVy B "ii. Botb fie, all uk'1-. In any 'pan of Mr PBAmerica, you can commenco t home, pivWÊi JIL'")? 'l your time,or spare ntoments only to ■MV.llipwork. All is new. Great yty Sl'RK'fi r m. PWfF very worker. Ve stnrt yoii.'fumishinif JMF verythinp. EASII.Y, 8PEKDILY Icnrm-.l. yHpk rAIMICULAiiS l'UEE. Address nt on.-, K- WrJik.!slM tO., 1-UliTLAMí, MAINt. NOTICE. A Arbor city, Michigan, . k of hik Washtenaw Mutual Firb [nsurance Company, Marob 28, 1801. To the e i-mem borg of the Old Washtenaw Mutual Kiiv tnau ranee Company who were nol bransferred to the New Washtenaw Mutual Fire tnau ranee ( oxnpany, Jan, lst, L890, re, the undersigned former Directora of the said old Washtenau Mutual Pire Insurance Company, desire to state tha1 the affaire of aaid Insur anee company were tiiis day olosed up; nul fu 11 y and Bnally adjusted; and said company [orever dissolved. And thai a surplus o! six hundred and eighty-two dollars and aixteen cents trom the fasi assesstnent In said company was thls day transferred to the credit of the New Washtenaw Mutual Khv Insurance Company En aocord with a preamble and reso Int ion nnanimouely adopted by the members of the said m and New Waahtonaw Mutual v re Insurance Coxnpanjes pres emi at the annual meeting oí the said New Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company ïu-id lo the Court House in the ri; of Ann Arbor.Mich., Jan.14,1891. Whlch resolutlon theii and the re adopted, provided and direoted, that the said New Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company Bhould aud dld bind itself by lts offleera and directora to paj over on demand, at their offioe In the city of Ann Arbor, the pro rata Bhare of such surplus wlu'u transferred to any meniber or xnentbera of eaid Old Washtenaw Mutual Fire lnBurance Company who did not join the said Nqw Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Com pany. bul who rontributed to snid surplus by paymeni of theirlast assessment in the sala old Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company. And we do further state that the pro rata snare of suoh assessment to be returned by said New Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company to all such persons who contrilmtcd to said surplus and did not join siid New Washtenaw Mutual Fire Iiisumiioe ('oispuny ís on e-ten th of the whole umount of such assesa muiit as each onc of suoh persons imid. HENKY 1. PtAïTj EDWIN A. NORDMAN, JOHN F. SPAFARD, EMORY E. LKLAND, WM. K. CHILD8, Kx-Board of Directora. NOTICE. Ann Aküiii; City. Michioan, Office of tuk Washtk.naw MüTüal Fikk IN-STRAM E CuMl'ANV, March 28, 1S91. We (he undersigned directora of the New Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance company desire to state that uAer6OL, we have this day recelved from tho directora of the former Washteuaw Mutual Pire Insuranoe Company thesumof six hundred and eighty-two 10-100 dollars, a surplus f rom the last assessment in the said former Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company, tlu1 sanio being in aecordance with g resolutlon ünanimously adopted at the last annual meeting ot the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company held in the Court House in the city of Aun Arbor, .lanuary llth, 1891. And in further accord with sala resolutlon then adopted we desire to state that we are now prepared to pay over on (iemand at th offloe oi tliis company tlie pro rata share of sueh Burplus to any person or persons who contrlbuted thereto by payment of thelr last assessment in the said' former Washtenaw Mutual Kire Insurance company. sueh person or persons not having been transferred or reInsured in the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company. nd w e further state that the said pro rata Bhare of such assessment to he so returned to all such membersof the saiil former Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company who contrlbuted thereto by payment of thelr assessment and did not join the present Washtenaw Mutual Fire Insurance Company Is onetenth of such assessment 80 pald by them ; the . balance of such surplus by us recelved to be and remaln the property of the present Washtenaw Mut -al Fire Insurance ompany. JOHN F. sPAKAlib, WM. E. STOCKINU. EMORY E. 1.K1.AM). ANDREW ï. Hl'GllKS, WM. CAMPBELL, WM. K. (III l.hs. Board of Dlrectors. Estáte ok Julia M. Pobteb. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Couuty of Washtenaw. SS. At b Bession of the l'robate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holdeü at the l'robate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Thursday, the Becond day of April in the yearone thousiiinl elghi bundredand nlnety-one. ri-escnt, J. W'illard Haltitt. Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Julia M.Forter deceased. Bdward l'. Allen, executor of the last wlll and testament (f said i ceased,com a Into court and represents that tic is now propared t" renderhia Bnal account as sueh executOT. Thereupon it is ordered, that 'J'uesday, the fifth day of May next, at ten o'cloek in the forenoon bê assigned íor examining and allowing such account, and that the devise,. s. legatees and heirs at law of said deceased, and all other persons interested in Bald estáte, are r.-quired to appear at a session of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor. in said County. and show cause, if any there be, why the Baid account should not be allowed: And it Is further ordered, that said executor glve notlce to the persons iuterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof, by causlog a copy of this order to be puhllshed in the Ann Arbor Courier, a new spaper prlnted and clroulatlng in said County. tbree successlve weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A true eopy.] J. WILLARD BABKITT, Jude of Probate. Wr. (i. DOTV, Probate Register. KOTICE TO CRKDITOR8. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, ss. Kotice is hereby given, that by au order of the Probate Court for the County oí Waöhtenaw, made on the ninth day of February, A. D. 1891, si. months from that date were allowed for creditors to present thelr claims agalnst the estáte of Betsey F. Qllei, late of said county, deceased, and that all creditors of Bnid deceased are required to present their claims to said Probate Court, at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, for examination and allowance, on or before the lOth day of August uext. and that such claims will be heard betore said coirt,on Saturday, the ninth day of May, and on Mouday the lOth day of August next, at ten o'cloek In the foreuoon of eaeh of said da vs. Dated. Ann Arbor, Feb. 9th. A. D. 1891. J. WILLARD HAKB1TT, Judge of Probate.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier