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MORTAR-SPOTTEO SKIN. Covered with Scales. Awful Spectacle. Cured in Five Weeks by the Curticura Remedies. About the first of April last I notlced some red pimples Hke coming out all over niy body, hut thonght nothlng of it untll some time later ou, when it beifan to look like spots of mortar apotted on, mul wliicli carne off iu layers accompunied with itcbing. I would scratch eVery night uutil I vaa raw. tbeu tbe next t nif-'lit the sealc8 being formed jff& . iiiennwhlle were scratched off Géi&K iiKaiu. In vaiu did I consult flfB 1 all the doctors in the eounty, Wk . jfl luit without aid. After giving WÍ "S& t upall hopea of recovery, I hap550 pened to Bee an advertiaement c fJ ni t. ti ■ newapaper nbout your V" -L? CiTicuKA Kp.mkdies, andpur chased themfrom mydruggist ' Jv"fc_Pt and obtalned almost immediz,Vf ate relief. I began to notiee WL JAM thiit the sculy eruptions grad' XNSIPk uiillv dropiied off and diaap J SU peaxed oue by one, untll I had been fully en red. I had the" disease thirteeu months béfore I begau taking the REMRDlEg, and in four or five weeks I was entlrely cured My disease as eczema and psoriasis. I kuow of a great many who have taken the Kemeuiks, and thank me for the knowledge of them, especially mothers who have babes with scaly eruptions ou their heads and bodies. I caunot exprens my thanks to you. My body was covered with scalefl, and 1 was au awful spectacle to behold. Now my skiu is as clear as a babv's. ' tiEO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. Oiticvira, ISesolvent The new Blood and Skin Purifier aud greatest of Humor Remedies, internallv (to cleanse the blood of all impurlties. and thua remove the cause.) aud (.'uticura, the great Skiu Cure, and (Juticura Soap, and equisite skin beautifier, iuternally (to clear the skiu and scalp and reBtore the hair.) cure every species of agonizing. itching. burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skiu, scalp and blood. Sold everywhere. Price, Cutici'Ra, 50c: Soap,25c; Resoi.vest, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Dbuq and (.'uemival Corporation, Boston. , Send for " How to Cure Skin Uiseases." 64 pages, 50 illustratious aud 100 testimoniáis. niIil'LKS. black-heads. red. rongh. ehapped, r llfland oily skin cured by CUTICURA Soap. & TCAN'T BREATHeT 'Tö s) Chest,Pains, Sdrenrss.W'eakness. %s2 Hai-king ('ouith, Asthma, Pleurlsy W S'l''" and imiiuiuiiaiion rei.ievkh in ohk El1 MINUTE by tlll'Cl ICl'KA ATNTI-l'AIN I'i.astkks. Nothlng Hke it for Weak Lungg. GOLD M3DAL, PAIilS, 1378. S. Baker & Co.s Breakfast Gocoa from -vvhich tho excess oí oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are usod ia its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is theref oro far more económica], costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, aud admirably adapted for invalids as wcll as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. t W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. D-GAQaCHES ?os CÜKED y pvc öJStCrs.)yU SOLO Bï .Ü?MiÚA vB!iQG Wl E C ! C f f! E C CV '7Hier......S" - y 't FHERBACH & SON. AJÍN ARB0R. ÏRUCKaiidSTORAGE Now we are reiuly with i new liriek Storehouse for the storage of Household Goods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc, PIANOS AD HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy and lipht Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY. 'Phone SS. Res. and Office 4C N. Fourth Ave. HAMILTON'S INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life.Fire and Accident Policies written in First Class Companles. Ratea Low. .Loases liberally adjusted and proniptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hours: From 8 a. m. to 12 m.and 2 to S p. m. A. W. HAMILTON. Tot twenty-five ycarg tho exTïorxnco of miïlïons of BufTerera, old aj:d yom , tunli ;.u-l í :;uíííg, havo gratcfuJly endorstid the mlraculoOfl virtueo of Tlus PJiannaceuiïcr.! Parate of the Ag-o A vitaüsing stimnlasit without al cóhóL A norvo sedativo without narcotica. A blood purlflcr without pcisons. A livor deanser. A purely vegetablo tissue maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, cecretion, excretion and reeplrufciorv. A life-giving tonic, puro end sim pis, without tho disastrous reactions oc the deadly compounds of ram end nlaohol 1-.3ually sold as bitters, Was nsver ïmsn fcefers ín the World. Tta iliscovery amon ifce medicinal íruita, rocí and lierbs oí Calik.rnia WAS A MXRACLE, acd their combination into a jihenomenal lifegiving tonic A TRIÜMPH of tho CHEMICAL ART. The only chango made in the formula daring twonty five year3 has been to prtsent it in two coinbiuatione. The oJd original remaïn QsrhangeA, but being Etrougcr, movo laxativo an-l better. . mw forni Juore afireeable io th? taste and better adapted to delicrrt 0 ironifn awi hiUlrvn, but comprisicg the eame tonic prnpertten, is now mado Miid the srirnrr of the ivorui is ahttUenffetl to produce the cqual of thlfl TRÜLY ONLY TFMPETIFNCE BITTEES KNOVN or to produce apurcly vegetable bitters or medicino of any kind, whose action is at eneu bo sai'e, so certaiii and comprehensive as th3 CAUFOKNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, or any compound whioh trom íta varied action uyou the vital luuctions is equal to tho CÜRB OF SO HAHY DISEASE3. Their mme i 1oti- Rhenmatism. Neuralgia, CatArrh, Jaundioe, :ey Dinnaga, .Scrolula, Skiu Dlrieasea and B0Ü8, CoLisumption, l'ilesaud all disorders arising frora indigestión, impnre blood, nervona prosüatkm, and dilapi'latpd constitution from any canee (five way to it like miat beiore tho Bun. while ita singular power over THE DZAHLV MICKORE AND O1Ï3ÏIPBESEXT BACTEB1A indicatea its fuperiorify ín all disea-ees of malarial oriyin, and rendera it the BEST YERMIFUGE KKOWN. 3ïo family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AKD NEW 8TTLE VINEGAR BITTER3 In the houee, aa expreeeed by thonsands of testimoníala. Bend for beantiful book. Address, R. II. McDONALD DRUG CO.% Scw V01W Fargtfs Shoes ramfly 5s "Box Tip" School Shoes I êtoVv for Boys and Girls. pïfeoX, Heeled or Wedge Heel. i;' ♦SVASèv Slzes-8tolOH 1.25 IL GOJTtÏoF "tol34 1-50 ÖÉ ''j lto:i 1-75 BSíBSS SH to 5VS a-00 Sa FARCO'S Hk $2.50 Calf Shoa 1 rrJClvv for Gentlemen: I1 vATc-í: v Dnequaled by any shoo ltkiZTiF ÊtTÏ%ir7.'n America at the same ■Fü''j5MUtíprift'. In Congress, ButSat-J Mfcüii" ton and Lace. Men'Band Boy 's si zes. r-cO FARCO'S fl $2.50 LAD!ES' BOOT f wÜ" X Doxgo'a or Goat, Button, n?o X. Opera, or Common Sense. f'iCfie Tackle.Hs and Flexible. Í r OU I ?33a Warranted the mort OUR NAME 18 ON THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. Ask j-our deler ior Farao's Rhoes. If he ds nuC k"p thetn send to us and tra wIU (urnlsh vou a iúr 011 recelpt ot prlce. Send ptil f ur Jescript ivo list. CJ. H. FABGO & CO., Chicago, Hl. DOTY & FEINER, A.GENT8, - ANXARVOR. U's Water Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of cxtracting lime nd uther sediments wliich acrnraulate m water backs, often rrukir.g them useless i and m great man y instances becom ! ing ilangerous. The outlay of dollars is rediu ed to dimes. No household using a range can arford to be without it. Nn more troubie by using city watt-r tor hot water circulation. Can be nsed in an stove. Ask ynur stove rlraler tor Hmzei's VVater Back Mhsotí iV lnvis ('o's. ranges for sale at C. Klierbacb re provided with our iniprovement. Kvervt'"l all a' il exánime thiü usetnl mvcHtion. HUTZEL & CO., P'wnbe.r-s tuid Uteamfittern. ANN ARBOR, - - MiCH AAAAA VÍAII! I undrrtakr to brleÜT SI Jll lllencliaiiyfairlymteiüfrenr.pcnonofeither 't f i II". "'" il mul mul vMilt, and who, til! I I I Imï'T iuBlnictioi,,will work ndulriouty, WWWW Ubowto earn Thrc, Thou,.d Dollar, i ïrarintheirown !■ alUies.whcrevertney live.I will alsofutnish the 9tuationorenilvinetit,nt wKkh yo'ucan enm thatamouut. No niouey fur me unli-s surcewful ns above. Knsilyaud quicklr lramed. I deairn but one worker Ironi euch district orconnty. I have already laught and provided with employment a Iflrfro nuniber. h.i tr makinp ovfr ÍU(KK) a eareaiïi. ItsXEW and SOM I. l-'ull narliculnr. fKKIi. Addros at once, j:. O, AI.LKX. llux Uil, AmnU, Mulne. gfoo33z's Cotton Boot WvÊÊl COMPOUND V tSP Compnsed df Cotton ilo t. Tansy and y J lennyroyal- a recent discovery by an CJold physiciiiD. ia guccGfuïlu used monuuy-i&!e, EffectuaL Price $1, by mail, sealed. Ladies, ask your dm-cist for Cook's Cotton Root Compound and tatte no ubstitute, or inclose 2 stamps for sealod pnrucuíars Addres8 POND LILY COMPANV. No. 3 ïTsher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mich. "Wood's Il5.osïsli.o3-iT3.e. THB GKEAT EVGLISH REMEDY. tTsed for 36 years - - _n. of Youthful folty by fiF"ï and the emesses cessfully. SffijJ of later years. anteed to cure all q. JK J Gtcia imtruiiaii f'innt of Nrv..u VM strmgth and vipWeakneas, Fmls-'K_. or. Ask drugelsta Blons, liaMBliMB for Wood's Pnorhea. lmDotency.jJ''"" pliodlne; takeno and all the effecmlphc"0 from substituí Ona pactase, $1; slx, $5. by mmll, Wrlte for pamphlet. Address The: Wood Chemical Cu., 131 WoodHard ive., Detroit, Mlch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A"Tl-TT?b TKY DR.LKDTJC'8 PE J-IXa.J.-'J.JllO RIODICAL" l'Il.l.s from l'aris. Füinci. Kst;illtsheiï in Kurojio ÍS8S, Canadain 1878. Kor Suppreseions, Irregnlari. tlee, and MonthJy Derangements. A reliable ïnontlily medicine. They alwaye relieve. Any dmgglst, f2. American l'ili Co., Proprletore, Spencer. Iowa. Robert Stepnenson .v Co., wnok'sale iigents, and al] other droguista in Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to brlngon the " change.' CET THE BE8T PIRE INSURANCE $29,000,000 Security held for the protection of the pollcy liolders. CHRISTIAN MACK Represente the followlngflrst-claescompanie. oí whiob one, the jïtua. has alone paid f664100,000 fire lOBses in sixty-five years : Etna, of Hartford.... $ÍUK!.0H Franklin of Philadelphia 8418,713 tiermania, N. Y 2,700.7. Gerftian, American, N. Y 4,CH5,9ü. London As8urance. Londo l,4n;,78S Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,698,676 National, Hartford l,774,I)05 Phojnix, Brooklyn 3,759.03) Losses libernllyadjnsted and promptly jiaid. Policies iesued at the lowest rates of premium, naitf inifEOf ICCD orothrs,whowish1)eHUI Eli I lOCnd this paper, orottam ::■■ mi on advertising space when n Chicago, will find it 0" i . I 45 tO49 Randolph St., I fDTÏ 9 TUftliPC theAdvortigAgencycf LUnll tt 9 nURlkVK


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