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B. K. .lully is in Chicago visiting friends. Mrs. John Bun,' ís visiting lier sister in Saline. Judge Kinne held cuurt in Monroe yesterday. John F. Spafard, of Manchester, was in the city Saturday. Wallace W. Büss is now occupying his uew home on E. William 8t. Jas. E. Harkins is just getting out after three weeks siege of the grippe. Charles B. Davison is just getting out again alter his siege with the grippe. Mrs. Julia l'itkin has retumed froin a several mouths' stay in Petrolia, Ont. Mis. C. R. Remick. of E. Catharine st., is visiting her son, John Remick, iu Detroit. Mrs. Rev. R. H. Rust left on Monday for Cineinnati to be absent a couple of weeks. Miss Bertina Bliss has gone to Detroit to attend the niarriage of her friend, Miss Britton. Robert Campbell is attendiug the meeting of the Congregational Association at Dexter. Dr. Chas. Maek is entertaining his sister, Mrs. Rev. Dr. Thomas Elliott, of Portland, Oregon. Prof. Calvin Thomas was called to Lapeer last Saturday by the serious illness of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Petersou went to Detroit to-day to attend the marriage of Miss Carrie Britton. Mrs. 8. M. Simpson, of Chicago, art crltic lor the Chicago Times, is visiting her sister, Mrs. S. S. Blitz. John Goetz, Jr., his wife and son, have gone to Mt. Clemens U try the curative waters of that resort. Mrs. Moses Seabolt is expected home from Marshall to-day, where she has been for the past three weeks. Mrs. J. E. Beal was called home to Cooper this afternoon by the death of her aged grand father Mr. Eli Hart. City Attorney Kearney went to Lansing yesterday on business. He was ccompanied byRudolph Lutz. Edwin A. Gatchell, of Cleveland, has been the guest of his brother, Dr. Gatchell, during the past week. John Krause and Gottlieb Luick went to JacksOD yesterday to attend a school of insfruotion in the A. O. U. W. Mrs. Sylvanus Palmer, of Norvell, Jackson Co., is visiting her daughter Mrs. George Rhead of Jefferson st. Couuty Treasurer Brehm returned froin Lansing Monday, where he had been to attend the funeral of an uncle. Rev. Julius Klingman, of Kansas City, has been in the city during the week, called here by the death of his father. Mrs. Rev. W. II. Ryder, who is visiting her mother, Mrs. Tripp, goes to Jackson to-day to visit her sister, Mrs. Bennett. Mrs. R, M. Barker, who has been visiting relatives and friends in the city for a few days leaves for her home in Fhnt to-morrow. E. E. Hallett went to Milan Monday evening as an assistant inspector, to look after the needs of the Camp S. of V., in that place. A laimber of the young friends of Misses Kmma and Julia Gwinner, assisted them in celebrating their 19 and 17, respectively, birthday yesterday. Regent Chas. R. Whitman left Friday evening for New York, upon receipt of a telegram from Mrs. Whitman, that one of their children was suffering from a severe attack of diphtheria. Ex-Congressman Allen, Dr. Frank K. Owen, Clark Cornwell, of Ypsilanti, and J. E. Beal, of this city, left Monday to attend the national meeting of representatives of republican leagues at Cineinnati. Warren E. Walker leaves to-day for Grand Rapids to remain permauently, filling the position of adjutant. "Ed." bas hosts of well-wishers here in Ann Arbor, who willbe glad to hear that he prospera. The grippe with which Hon. J. T. Jacobs has been slightly troubled for a week or so, took a sudden turn Monday night, and he can scarcely talk above a whisper. He was unable to attend the convention of the National Republican League at Cineinnati.


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Ann Arbor Courier