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MORTAR-SPOTTED SKIN. Covered -with Scales. Awful Spectacle. Cured in Pive Weeks by the Curticura Remedies. About the flrst of April last I noticed some red pimples like coming out all over my body, but thought nothiug of it until some time later on, when it begau to look like spots of mortar Bpotted on, and which eame off in lay,.rs accompanled with ltchlng. I would seratch every night until I was raw, then the next nfght the scales being formed mesnwhile were scratched off again. In vain did I consult all the doctors in the county, but without atd. After (dvlng upal! hopQS of recovery, I happened to si-e au advertisement in the uewapaper about your CUTICUHA 1ÏKMKDILS. and purehased themfrom mydruggist and obtained almosi immediate relief. I began to notice that the scaly eruptions gradually dropped off and disappeared oue by one, until I had been fully curecf. I had the dlsease thirteen moutlis before I began taking the RlMÏDIEB, and in four or five weeks I was entirely cured My disease was eczema and psoriasis. 1 know of a great many wlio have taken the Remedies, and thank ine for the knowledge of thein, espeeially mothers who have balies wiili BCaly eruptlons on their heada and bodlea. I cannot ezpress my thanks to yon. My body was covered with BCales, and Í was au awful spectacle to behold. Now my skin is as clear as a baby's. ' ( ; EO. COTEY, Merrill, Wis. O-utic-ura Eesolvent The new Blood and skin Puriflerand greatest of Humor Remedies, Internally (to cleanse the blood of all fmpnrltles, and thiis remove the cause.) and cuticura, greal skin Cure, and CiTiccRA Soap. and equlsite skin beautifier, Internally (to clear the skin und BCalp and restore the huir, cure every species of agonizinr. itchlng, burnlng, scaly, aiid plmply dlseai the skiu, scalp and blood. Sold everywhere. Price, CUTICUEA, 50o. Soap, 20c.: Resolvent, $1.00. Prepnred by the Potter Drlu a.nd Chemical Corporation, Boston. VSenri for" to ('ure Skin Dlseases." 64 pagee, 5U lllostratlona and loo testimoniáis. PIUI'I.LS. black-heads, rL-d, rough, chapped, rlItlMiul oily skin cured by CUTICl SA Soap. ml CAN'T BREATHeT Che8t,Pain8,Sorene88,Weakne8s. Hacklng Cough, Asthma. Pleurlgy and Inflammation uki.ievkd in ose minute by thecviciRA Atnti-Pain PLA8TÏRS. Nothing like it ior Wenk Lungs. - GOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 1878. Ï. Baker & Co.'s Sreakfast Gocoa from whieh the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more económica!, costing ïess than one cent a citj). It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchesfer, Mass. HEADACHES F0 CURED ( solü Bï.DRucasray "O':! SAT.K IJT EBERBACH & SOJÍ, AXN ARBOR. Now wc are ready with a uew liriek Storehouse íor the storage of Household Goods, Piuuos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS A A II HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Carof-villy 2íoTred.. All kinds of heavy and light Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, Phone 82. Res. and Office 46 N. Fourth ÁTe. HAMIJ-TONS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamilton Block. Life, Fire nd Accident Policies ritten in First Class Companies. Rates Low. Loases liberally adjusted and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition f or sale on easy terms. Office Hovrs: From 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 9 to j p. m. A. W. HAMILTON. w wt _ For rwenty-five years tho eperiecco of milliocs of sufferers, olrt and younc, ,■■ i femate "-"va gratefully endorsed the iniraculuuj virtues óf' " Tiïis Phannaccnticcl Paradox of (ie Ago A vitaüsicg BtimtOaot without al , cohoL A nervo sedativa without narcctics. A blood pturifler without poisons. A liver cleanser. A vnivl-r í vegetable tissue maker, -OTOmotini? digestión, nutrition, seoretion, e ! cretion and respiration. A lifa-givinptonio, pure and simple, without the I dieastrous reactions o f the deadly compounds of rum and eleobol usually sold as bitters. Was nerer faicwn bcícre h i'is VTorld. I,fSvdi?COTer7 amonl? the medicinal fruita, root and herbs of Caüiurma i WAS A MinACXE, ""vin comblnation int0 a phenomenal lifeA TRIUMPH of the CHEMICAL ART. The only change marte in the formnla dnrinif twpnty-five yeara has been to preBent it ín two combinationa. Tip nld ortsrinal remain uschaneed but beine Btronger, more Uiative au.i better. 4 nrw form more agreeable to th5 taste and better adapted to delmttruvmrn anl rhilrtrm, but cninprisinL tho same tonic proporties, ia now uiadu and the TEULY & ONLT TEMPETENOE EITTEES KNOWN or to produce apurely vegetable bittem or medicina of any kind, whose action is at onca so saje eo certain and comprehensivo as tho CALIFORNIA YINEOAR BITTEES, or any cornponnd trhich frora iis varied aciion uFoa tha vital functions is equal lo tLo CURE OP SO MANY DISEA.SES. Thpir name is lepion- Ehenmatism. Nenraluia itarrli, Jaundice. K noy Dis.-ase, Srrofula Skiii Diwaseu.-iiid Boils. Oomumptiou, l'ilrsand all disorders arisin from iiidieslicn, impi,re blood nervoHS prostration, and dilapidated constitutioa from any canee (.'ivo way to it like mist beforo tho 6uu. wliileitssinpularpowerov.r THE EEADLY MICEOHE ASD OMNIPHESEXT BACTJEBIA indicates its snperiority in all diseases of malarial origin, and reuders it the BEST YTERMIFÜGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STTLE VINEGAK BITTEES In the house, as expreseed by thousands of tertfc monijils. Sendforbeautifulbook. AddresV B. H. McDOSAUJ DRUG CO., Nw YoW Shocs sant 0P the m ramfly ïli "Box Tip" School Shoes I feVV for Boys and Girls. t &&. Heeled or Wedge Heel. m 'iöw Slzes-8tol04 S1.25 li ÖFrinT litouü 1.60 TÍMijjY „ Ti5í Ito3 173 J -jjaüüis S54 to 5 2.00 M FARGO'S }Hk $2.50 Gaif Shoe VdS%v ior Gentlemen, lyAfg'--' Unequaled by any hoe W ""E eñír f _i'n America at the imnw MTij llllZnlir ijTlllI In lonre... Hut uil 'i i 1 T i i Mea' and Boy's Bizes. ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT W?u x Oon9o1 or Button, 0 ftSp Opera, or Common Snse. f iCft feo Tackles and Flexible, [il _ LiSrSi Wiirnuited the moe TlS „Gpfltr!3"1"1 ïrffiaES vs jTSSgM"1''nLu1'c'ea"'i"i OOR NAME IS OH THE B0TT0M OF EVERY SHOE. k"H fr for Fnro'e Shoe.. If he dtn-s .,ot ü. H. FAKQO & CO., Chicago, Ui. OOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN AHBOR. HÉè Water Mí _____ A very important invemimi which. will be hailed with cielight by everybody using a stove or range for hofr water circulation. After years of' ex-. perience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes ali the present troubles. of extracting lime and other sedments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becom. ing dangerous. 'The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Hack Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Kberbach are provided with our iniprovernem. Evervtriy cali and examine tru&. usefu) invcntion. HUTZEL & CO., PhtmberH and SteamfMtr. ANN ARBOR. - - M1CH p JU U Urr rr,1 si-r jK?j.-í"stó tbe .luatlon orem y„„.„t,at whkh vou cn e„m thaiaiïoïnT No motu for raunl, .ucc.fulf al.ove. En.ily.Bd quicklr lenmed. I d..,r. hut orkcr ha tch dl.trict or co.nty ï hYe .Ireidy l.ught and provided witli employmen! a liVft number. who are making over Í3000 a Tfareacli. II'. NEW and SU1.I I Ft.ll r,icul„rs FK feE. Addm. .1 on!., JE. C. ALLES. ït„x 4ÏO, AuL-i.-t.., .Ili.iii...' ggtoolc's Cotton. Tïoo-te &%& COMPOUND Ir f Msed "f Cott" Ror.t. Tansy and y "ri'nnyroyal- a recept disoovery by an T t. physitian. s nuxax'ulli) uaed monlldy-biLÍe, Eflectual. Prioe El, by maiL Bealed. Ladies, ask your druririt fdr Cook'a Cotton Root Compound and talte no Mibstitute or molose2 stamps for sealed DHrtiuuiars Address POND LiLy COMl'ANY, Sa 3 Füsher Biock, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mir:h. THB GREAT EVGLISII REMEDY. Ced for 35 yoarsj .c Jm ot y outhf ui fofly and the excewea ceesfullj. ftJ Of later TeaS! MrUítioí;Stchd C'lenli!Bl EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T ATYrTPQ TRY DR. LEDfC'S "PE -LJ-ÍÍ-L-L-CjO K10DICAL" PILLS from I'nris. Frunce. Established in Eiirope IWS) Cunada in 1878. For Suppresslons, Irregularitics. and Montlily Derangements. A reliablu monthly medicine. Theyaíways relieve. Anv druggist, J-J. American Pili Co., Proprietors Spencer, ïowa, Kobert 8qephenBon t Co.. Wholesale agents.and all other druggiats in Ann Arbor. These Pilis are warrauled tu. bringoii the" change.' CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE $29,000,000 Security held for the protection of the pollcj CHRISTÍAÑ MACK Represent the following first-claes rómpanles. of whieh one, the .Etna, has alone paid $05,000,000 tire losaes in aixty-five years : yEtna, of Hartford $9.192,6 Kranklin of Philadelphia 8,118,718 Gemianía, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán, American, K, V 4.065,968 London Asaurance, London 1,416,78(1 Michigan F. fe M., Detroit 287,606 N. Y. Underwritcr8, N. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1.774,505 Pho?nix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Lospes liberally'ndjusted and promptly paid. Pollcies issned at. the lowest rutes of premium. iiwti üll Vkit H SdSIld th.s paper, or obtem wtimaMi r.n advpfttsing space when in Chicago, will fmd it on f 1 a aO 10..) Randolph St„ AQIl O TUABBCC


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