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SHILOH'S CONSUWiPTION CURE. The success of this Great Cough Cure is without a parallel in the history of medicine All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can suc cessfully stand. That it may become known the Proprietors, at an enormous expense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the Uniled States and Canada. If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use il, for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, use it promptly, and relie; is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 ets., 50 ets. and $1.00. If your Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shiloh's Porous Piaster, Price 25 ets. LADIES! We Make Some Low Prices This Week. Read and Teil Your Friends. 50 pieces Fancy Curtain Scrim 320 a yard. 50 pieces Brown Twill Crash Towel25 pieces i2)4c Outing Flannels 6c a yard. Soft white Shaker Flannel, worth i2jc, at 5c a )ard 100 pieces Best 7c Dress Prints cut to 5c ayd. 100 pieces Best 7c Dress Prints cut to 5c a yard. All ourBest 15c Satines cut to 10c a yard. 300 pieces Morie Satin and Gro-Grain ioc Ribbons cut to 5c a yard. Big Lot Plaid and Check White Muslins cut to 5c a yd. 25 dozen Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests in Pink, Blues, Cream and Blacks, worth 50c, cut to 25c each. 50 dozen Ladies' Ribbed Vests 3 for 25c. One case Gents' Spring Weight Shirts and Drawers at 50c a Suit. 15 dozen Gents' Fancy Flannel Shirts cut to 25c each. 25 dozen Ladies' Plain and Fancy 10c Hdkfs. cut to 5c each. 15 dozen Ladies' Biarritz Kid Gloves at $1.00 a pair. One lot 5-hook Foster Kid Gloves, worth $1, c;it to 50c a pair. One lot 8 -button length Mousquetaire Kid Gloves, worth $1.25 cut to 75c a pair. SILK OFFERINGS. Black Gro-grain Dress Silks, Black Surah and India Silks, all worth 75c, cut to 50c a yd. 22-inch Black Surah and India Silks, Rich Brocades, Stripes and Faille Silks, all worth $1, cut to 75c a yd. 300 yards Elegant Black Dress Silks, " Haskell's " niake, every yard guaranteed to wear, worth $1.50 and $1.75, cut to $1.25 and $1.35 a yard. LUCE CURT4INS. 75 pairs Guipure Lace Curtains, taped border, worth $1, cut to 59c a pair. 25 pairs Chenille Portieres, new colors, worth $8, now $5.50 a pair. Ladies, visit our Cloak Department and examine the New Spring Styles in Wraps, Blazers, Reefers and Jackets. Always the Cheapest. SCHAIEER & MÏLLEN Ï The Liver When out oí order, involves every organ of the body. Kemedles for some other derangement are frequently taken without the least effect, because it is the liver which is the real source of the trouble, and iiutil that is set right there can be no health, strengtb, or oomfort in any part of the system. Mercury, In some form, is a common specific forasluggish liver; but a íar saíer and more effective medicine is Ayer's Pilis. For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, constipation, Indigestión, and sick headache, tliese Pilis are unsurpassed. ■ For a long time I was a sufferer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, experienclng much diffloulty in digestión, with severe pains in the lumbar región and otlier parta of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including warm baths, with only temporary relief, about tliree months ago I be ; :mi the use of Ayer's Pilis, and my health is so much improved that I gladly testiiy to the superior merite of this medicine." - Manoel Jorge Pereira, l'orto, Portugal. "For the cure of headache, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis are the most effective medicine I ever used." - B. K. James, Dorchester, Mass. ■When I teel the need of a cathartic. I iake Ayer's Pilis, and Snd them to be more effective than any other pill I ever took."- Mrs. i.. e. Grubb, BurweUville, a. "I have foundln Ayer's i'ills, an ir.valuable remedy for censtipation, biliousness, and kindred disorders, peculiar to niiasmatic localities. Taken in smail and frequent doses, these Pilis Act We SI on the liver, restoring it.s natural powers, and aldlng it in throwing olí malarlal poisoos." - ('. F. Alston, Quitman, Texas. "wnenever I am troubled with constipation, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's Pilis s?t me right again."- A. J. Kiser, Jr., Rock House, Va. " In 1858, by the advice of a friend, I began the use of Ayer's Pilla as n remedy for billousness, constipation, high fevers, and or li s. They served me better than anything I had previously tried, and I have used them in attacks of that sort ever since." - H. W. llersh, Judsonia, Ark. Ayer's Pilis, rnEI'ARED ET OR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. W. F. LODHOLZ IS OFKEIÏINi; BABGA1N& IN Grocries and Proiw PIRSMLASS GOOUS 4 SPEBIiLïï. New Teas at 25c, 30c, 40c and 70c a pound. Kettles, Porcelain lined, FREE with 1 lb. Baking Powder at 50c. China Ware FREE with 1 lb. Coffee at 25c per lb. The best goods at the Lowest prices. Always full weight and measure. All Goods fresh and warranted. Delivered to any part of the city. You will save money by trading with W. F. LODHOLZ 4 & 6 BROADWAY. 1588 fta Pífflífí' Mñí4iüjw' flan!? CAPITAL $50,000. SÏÏEPLUS $10,000. Adflitional Liatilities of Stockholflers $50,000. Report of the condition of the FARMERS & 1 ECHANICS' BANK at Aan Albor, Michigan, at the close of business, Dec. 19, 1X90. RESOURCES. jOans and discounts .$'."30.401 SO oeks, bonds, mortgages, etc 74.421 66 herdrafts. 4,159 89 )ue from banks in reserve cities 8.695 77 ine Trom other Imnks mui lmnkers.. 5.969 04 )ne from Washtenaw County 28.225 t;o ■'urniture and fixtures 3,500 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 1.807 59 nterestpald 3,110 48 Chooks and cash items 999 39 Xickels and pennies 253 93 Gold 6,763 50 llver 1,730 16 U.S. and National Bank Xotes 5,600 00 Total $375,517 70 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock paid in $ 50,000 00 urplns fund. 10,000 00 (ndivided proflts '.'.'.UT il ommerdal deposits 95505 n avings deposlra 4925 71 Due to hunks and bunkers 469 64 1 Total $375,517 70 TATH OF MICHIGAN, j OlMÏ OF WASHTENAW, 1 88I. F. H. BELSEB, Cashier, of the nbove amed Bank, do somenly swear that the above tatement is trae, to tiu1 licst. of my kno wiedde nd belief. V. II. BELSEB, Subscrlbed and sworn to beforo me, this SOth ay of December. 1890. WK. NV. WHEDON, Notary PubUo. Ccerect- Attest : Chas. I". Greene, Reuben ' Kempf, V. F. Schairor. Diroetors. r dl 111 b 1 ö a lilcbllaliiU JDdillL havinsr dled thelr certlflcate with the State Banking Departnent are now anthorlzed to do business as a Savlnes Bank, and iu pursuauce thereof have openea a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savlnffs department on all deposits of $1 and upwards, interest paid Jane lst and Dec. lat. of each year. The savings department is open Saturday nights from 7 nntil 8 o'clock. Money to loan in sums of $'2ö to $5,000 secured by unencnmbëred real estáte or approved securities. DIRECTOBS- Reuben Kempf, Chas. E. Greene, E. Duffy, Ambrose Kearney, Win. C. Stevens, IV. F. Breakey, J. E. Beal, John Burg, 1). F. Scliaircr. R. KEMPF, Pres. E. DUFFT, Vice-Pres. F. H. BI1SEK, (a liier, WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of al! the Latent De-ign?. PEICES tlie HCWEST. . . AT OSCAR O. SORG, Tïie I3ecora,tcr. 70 S. MAIN ST., AJÍN ARB0R. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears and Grapes a Specialty All kinds of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, from Elhvanger and Barry. Order early by mail. Syrups, Medicinal Wines,Raspberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandelion and other Domestic Grape Wines, prepared especially for invalids. Pure Plymouth Koek Eggs. EMIL BATTR, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY. FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SW1FT & DEUBEIS BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORN'S GOLD DUST FI.OUR. BUCKWHEAT FI.OUR, CORN MEAL, FEED. 9to., at wholesale and retail. A general stock of &ROCERIES and PROVISIÜNS Constantly on hand, which wiU be sold on as reasonable terms as at any other house in the city. Cash pald for BUTÏER, EGGS, and COUNTRY PRODUCE eenerally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. THAT IS SELLING Wall Paper CHEAPER T1IAX ANY ÖTHKR HODSE IN" TUK CITY? LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: Best papers Lai 5, 6, 7, and Sc. Besl Gilt Papers . 10, 12, 15c. Heavy Embossed Papers 18, 20,25c. We have the most Complete Stoek of Fine Deeorations in the City. Eemember we have the Best Decoratora iu our employ. Window Shanes Made 1 Hung to Order GET OUR PRICES. BOOKSEU.ER AND WALL PAPER.


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Ann Arbor Courier