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A Deadly Weapon. Carelessness ia purifying the blood leaves you at the mercy oí that insiduous enemy, "Blood Foison," whlch sooner or láter will strike its fatal blow. Hibbard'a Rheumatic Syrup has no equal as a blood remedy, and should be taken by every person in the spring. lts efficacy has been proven by thousands of testimoniáis like the following : Gextlemex : I have been a great sufferer for over ten years. My whole system became deranged from deseased blood, and I was attacked with the worst forms of kidney and liver trouble, dyspepsia, neuralgia and rheumatism. My sufferings cannot be described. The sallowness of my skin disflgured me, and the neuralgic pain was so severe that it contracted the muscles of my face, partially closing my right eye. The ablest doctors gave no relief, but I am now entirely cured by Hibbard's Hhoumatic Syrup, and wish to recommend it to all as a wonderful blood medicine. Mrs. A. D. Noble, Cor. Méchame and Masón Sts., Jackson, Mich. Prepared only by the Charles Wrigtat Medicine Co., Detroit, Mich. For sale by all druggists. If you are going through the woods which would you prefer, to have a lion eat you or a bear? - I should prefer to have the lion eat the bear. -♦- Doctors ! Of all the different schools in the country, have thousands die every year of Bright's disease of the kidneys, who could be living to-day had they used Sulphur Bitters. They are unequaled in the world for all diseases of the kidneys. - New Haven Union. Why is it unsafe to venture forth in the spring? Because the flowers have pistils, the trees shoot and the bullrush is out. Personal Liberty vs. Physieal Slavery. We are all free American citizens, enjoying our personal liberty ; but most of us are in physieal slavery, suffering from scrofula, salt rheum or some other form of impure blood. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the great blood purifier which disolves the bonds of disease, gives health and perfect physieal liberty. Why is a chicken roosting on the fence like a penny ? - Because the head is on the one side and the tail on the other.


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Ann Arbor Courier