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J. A. Mcgill, M.d..& Co.

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(RANGE BLOSSOM ■ - ==4 POSITIVE CURE FOR __ - - liiliALL FEMALE DISEASES. IISSS QHUP flP TUP YUPTflU ■ tiredlanenid feelinit, low spirited and deepondent, with no apparent OUnfl L UT I il L O I m I 1 Um O i cause. Ileadache, pains in the back, pains acroe the lower part of bowels. Great Boreness in recion of ovnriee. Bladder difficulty. Frequent urinations LeucorrhcBa, Conetipation of bowels, and with all these Bjmptoms a terrible nervouK feeling is experienoed by the patiënt. THE Olí V.VGK BLOHSOM TREATMKNT removes all these by a thorough procesa of absorption. Internat remedies will never remove female weüknees. ïhere must be remedies applied right to the parta, and then there ia per manent relief obtained. EVERV I_ADY CAN TREAX HERSELF". O. B. Püe Remedy. $1.00 for one raonth's treatment. O. B. Stomach Powders. O. B. Catarrh Cuie. - peepabed by - O. B. Kidney Cones. 4 PANORAMA PLACE. CHICAGO, 1LL. oxi BAIB SYJ. .1. Goodyear John Moore, Eberbach & SonsH. J. Brown, Ann Arbor.


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Ann Arbor Courier